17th October Thursday Night Hike:NTU Campus
NTU Campus Hike: For walking enthusiasts and nature lovers! Come join us to take a morning brisk walk to NTU campus!
Event planner:Singapore Hiking
領隊: 無所謂
Leader of the Group:Mr.Wu SuoWei
Protector of the team in the back: Mr.ZhiZhuo
出發時間:10月17號 晚上7:30,過時不候!
Set-off time: 7:30pm 17th October, No waiting for latecomers!
出發地點: 先驅地鐵站(綠線Ew28)B出口,下扶梯後的BUS站處;
Starting Point: Pioneer (EW28), Exit B, travel down the escalator and gather at the bus stop.
結束地點:先驅地鐵站; Ending point: Pioneer MRT;
Hike Route:
1. Pioneer MRT station Pioneer Road North NTU entrance beside PIE Exit
2. Chinese Heritage Centre – A good place to inculcate a deeper understanding of Singapore’s heritage and culture (currently renovating)
3. The Hive – The Learning Hub situated in the South, was the first building in NTU and Singapore which adopt full scale innovative air-conditioning system
4. The School of Arts, Design and Media building –Highlights of this building include a turfed roof which blends with the ground contour
5. The highest point at the Canteen A section of the Loop
6. The blue jogging track – It is an attractive scenic spot
距離:11公裏 Distance: 11 km
徒步時間:2小時 Walking Time: 2hours
難度:中等 Intensity: Moderate
適合人群:12-60歲 Suitable for people aged 12 to 60
Leader’s address:
NTU is not only one of the top 50 universities in the world, it is also one of the most beautiful university campuses in the world! The campus path is lined with row of palm trees on both sides. There are various shrubs along the road, the flora and fauna flourishing there presents a lovely scene! We can’t stop time from flying off but we can recall those good memories about our youth by revisiting the school.
1. 自備所需的飲用水,幹糧,雨具,照明及防蚊噴霧劑等。
2. 行進途中請注意安全,緊跟隊伍不要擅自離隊;請聽從領隊和護尾的指揮,以免發生意外;隊友之間請團結友愛,互相照應。
3. 已有夜徒燈的朋友請務必攜帶.
4. 到達徒步現場必須主動找領隊簽到,否則領隊沒有點到名,將視爲缺席此次活動。
5. 替別人或給多人報名者,也需要按照報名表格要求寫清楚所有參加者的信息,以方便後台統計。
Gentle reminders:
1.Bring along drinking water, snacks, an umbrella or a raincoat, and mosquito repellent if necessary.
2.If you have the night walking light issued by Singapore Hiking, bring that along too, for an evening hike.
3. Upon arrival, report to the leader / his assistant to mark attendance.
4. During the hike, listen to the leader’s instructions, stay safe, walk with the team, and keep a lookout for each other.
5. When signing up for a hike, please fill in all the basic info required in the registration form. This is to allow the admin to compile data in the future.
6. Participants who have filled in all the basic info required when signing up for a hike will be insured for accident during the hike. The insurance coverage is purchased by a partner organisation. You can join the hike with peace of mind! Once again, please fill in all the info required. Thank you.
如何入微信群 How to join Wechat Group:
掃描下面的二維碼,添加好友,備注“徒步” Scan QR code below, add friend, send greeting “Hiking”
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