這家名叫crestar的幼教中心接收4到7歲的孩子們。以通過藝術來開發智慧與創造力爲主打教育理念。號稱change Your children’s grades for good with DAS.
這個DAS是他們自己的系統,developmental assessment system,開發評估系統。
培訓機構認爲除了更好的考試分數等級,其他三項也很重要。identifying early learning difficulties,maxinmising learning potential,以及sustained improvements.
提前辨識難點,identifying early learning difficulties,在學習數學,漢語和藝術的過程中,小朋友如果應付不過來課程的話容易造成恐懼學習。在DAS系統下,我們的老師可以較早發現孩子們學習的難點,進而展開補習輔導以帶領學生有效獲取知識。Be it Maths,Chinese language or Arts, childrens who cannot cope may.develop a phobia towards learning. With DAS,our teachers can detect learning。difficulties early and take remedial measures to guide students on a responsive learning path.
最大化發掘學習潛力,maximising learning potential.每個學生都有各自不同的學習態度與能力,一刀切的通用教育並不奏效。DAS有助于針對于學生個人的理解需求,而且可以爲不同組的學生定制化輔導課程,以達到更好的學習效果。Because every child has different learning attitude and capabilities, one-size-fits-all teaching will not work. DAS facilitates the understanding of individual needs and allows for customisation of coaching programmes for different groups of students,.to bring out the best in them.
持續穩定的進步,sustained improvements.定制化教學使孩子們在其舒適區接受知識,從而避免産生厭學,退學的狀況。這種積極的學習狀態有利于獲得更好的考試成績,而且養成愛學習的積極狀態才能持續進步。Customised coaching allows children to learn with their comfort zones and prevents burn-out or drop-out. It leads to better academic performance and nurtures a love for learning with sustained positive results.
Turn Your children into consistent achievers
使用這個系統,可以讓您的孩子在學校出類拔萃,難以超越。(be able to excel )
with DAS, your children will be able to excel in school and beyond.
這個評估系統可以讓我們的老師了解您孩子的認知水平,從而采用循序漸進(pace and pattern)的教學策略以最大化發掘孩子的學習潛力。DAS provides our teachers with an understanding of your children’s learning ability, pace and pattern so that they can adopt a coaching strategy that will maximise your children’s learning potential.
學習中心的口號就是,different approaches are needed to cater to the learning needs to different students .不同的教學方式適用于不同的學生求知需求。
DAS是一個可以幫助教師生成高效培教學策略的綜合性監管工具。 A comprehensive monitoring tool.that helps tailor effective coaching strategy.
由crestar學習中心自主研發的DAS系統可以辨識出您的孩子在學習進程上的優勢與弱項,並且可以基于連續11周的觀察與督導記錄分析出孩子的學習類型。Developed by crestar learning centre, DAS identifies strength and weakness in your children’s academic progression as well as their learning pattern based on consistent ovservation and monitoring over 11weeks.
findings generated using the DAS allow our teachers to tailor their teaching, to ensure that your children receive appropriate guadiance and coaching to achieve the desired results.
crestar’s Maths Jumpers, Chinese Bridge and ArtMazing programmes are all guided by the DAS-approach.
數學跳繩的設計適用于4-7歲的孩子。For ages 4 to 7
designed to get children ahead in school, fun and。engaging lessons taught by MOE-qualified teachers.
漢語橋課程適合4歲及以上的孩子。For ages 4 and above 由教育局卸任專家設計的領先模塊,以愛灌注于漢語學習的教學法獨一無二。premium curriculum designed by ex-MOE specialist.Unique teaching methodology to inclucate a love for learning Chinese.
爲教育培養孩子成爲獨具特長的小藝術家而設計,通過紮實藝術基本功的綜合課程塑造孩子自己的藝術作品集。designed to teach children real skills to develop them into young artists.Comprehensive programmes from basic art skills to building an arts portfolio.
How can you ensure that your children learn effectively, without stress and fear? How can you motivate them to learn voluntarily? How can you ensure that they become consistent achievers?
The answer lies in Crestar’s DAS .
在crestar,我們了解每一個孩子的學習差異。這正是我們設計DAS的初衷,一個令我們的教師們識別出您孩子的學習需求的成績管理專利系統。At crestar, we understand every child learns diffierently,that’s Why we created the DAS – a proprietary performance monitoring system that enables our teachers to identify your children’s learning needs.
DAS系統強調每一個孩子獨一無二的優點以及學習困境 使用DAS系統的分析報告,我們的老師可以開發有效的教學策略以促進您孩子的進步。DAS highlights each child’s inique strengths and learning difficulties. Using a DAS-generated report, our teachers can develop effective coaching strategies to accelerate your children’s progress.
豐富您孩子的學習並通過全方位的課程進一步開發Enrich your children’s learning and development with a wide suite of programmes.
算盤課abacus算盤求證課An abacus curriculum with proven results
算盤是一個可以激發您孩子喜歡學習數學的一門有趣課程。crestar的算盤課以台灣算盤專家驗證通過的教學板塊爲特色,教程適用于多個年齡階段的孩子。Abacus is a fun motivate your.children to love and learn maths! crestar Abacus features a tested cirriculum developed by abacus experts from Taiwan.Programmes are available for children of various ages.
與國際標准對接Meeting International Standards,Crestar是由新加坡國際國際算盤與算數能力考試中心批准的培訓中心 Crestar is an approved IAMA(International Abacus & metal arithmetic)examination centre in Singapore. 這意味著我們的教師與教程都與國際最高標准接軌。This means that our teachers and cirriculum meet the highest International Standards.
我們的學生在參加IAMA的地區賽時,可以通過國際競爭對手檢驗自己的技能。our students participate in regional competition organised by the IAMA, allowing them to benchmark their skills against international peers.
培養藝術新星,grooming budding artists.我們的藝術課程之子旨在于開發創造力表達,合作技能,以及藝術成長。專業課程適用于任何年齡階段。Our art courses aim to develop creative expression,collaborative skills and artistic growth. specialist programmes are designed for every age group.
發展能進行高級創造力表達的藝術技能基本功,develop fundamental art techniques for higher creative expression.我們的初級畢加索課程爲學生展示多種繪畫媒介,擴展他們的創造表達力。課程重點在技巧與創造力上面,幫助您的孩子夯實基本功的同時掌握更複雜的表達技藝。Our Junior Picasso programme exposes students to various drawing media, expanding their creative expression. The programme focusses on technique and creativity,helping your children develop skills for more sophisticated expressions and setting a solid foundation to build on.
教學法激發獨立思考與創造性思維,pedagogic approach that stimulates independent,creative thinkin. 迷人藝術課程爲孩子們在藝術學習中提供了一場有意義的學習與發現之旅。在一個以孩子爲中心的學習環境裏,孩子們在老師的協作指導下學習理解各種概念。ArtMazing provides children with a meaningful journey of learning and discovery in Art. In a children-centred learning environment, children learn to conjure concepts with the guidance of our teacher-collaborators.
小組項目則是爲了促進創意的交流,以及培養團隊協作的感知能力而設計。Group projects are designed to promote the exchange of creative ideas and to nurture consciousness for team collaboration.
舞蹈課程dance。專業編排的舞蹈課程。A professionally-recognised dance curriculum.Crestar的舞蹈課程始編于英國皇家舞蹈學院在亞洲地區的主考官FlorrieSinclair女士.多年來,我們的音樂舞蹈國際專家課題組不斷地優化課程,目前該教學模塊已被享譽國際的RAD,CSTD,BDA以及ISTD評爲認證課程。crestar’s dance curriculum was first designed by Ms florrie Sinclair,a royal academy of dance Examiner for the Asia region. Over the years,our international team professionals have continued to enhance our.curriculum, recognised by renowed dance societies such as RAD, CSTD,BDA and ISTD.
孩子從我們的bebe芭蕾課程畢業後將接受內部考評,並收獲由crestar舞蹈學校頒發的畢業證書。children graduating from our bebe ballet programme undergo an。internal assessment and are。awarded certificates of。achievement by crestar school of dance.
多種舞蹈課適合所有年齡段的小朋友,統一大班課。diverse dance choice for all。ages,under one roof.
我們所有的培訓中心提供廣泛的舞蹈課程,包括芭蕾舞,爵士舞,當代舞,嘻哈,摩登歌舞,民族舞,韻律操以及肚皮舞。在crestar,您的孩子可以在同一個教室,享受體驗到多種多樣的舞蹈課。All Our centres offer a wide range of dance programmes, including ballet,jazz,contemporary dance,hip hop,modern theatre,Chinese dance, rhythmic gymnastics and belly dance. At crestar, your.children can enjoy multiple dance experiences at one convenient location.
音樂課music,專業的鋼琴與小提琴教學professional instruction for piano and violin。從小提琴課上學到優雅,在鋼琴課裏得到美妙才智,或者兩樣都掌握。讓您的孩子在專業認證音樂教師的指導下,從crestar開啓音樂之旅。learn to Play the violin with grace,the piano with delicate brilliance,or master both instruments. Let your children begin their musical journey at Crestar,under the tutelage of experienced and professionally-qualified music teachers.
靈活的上課形式flexibility in lesson format. 在一對一私人課與6-8人小班課之間,任選其一。我們的小班課程令您的孩子可以有足夠的空間享受並提高音樂技能。Choose between private one-on-one lessons or small group class of 6-8 students. Our small class sizes allows your children to enjoy and develop their musical abilities at their own pace.
預約試聽課,請直接打電話詢問。To book a trail class, call us today。