新冠肺炎疫情背景下,中國的經濟形勢是國際社會普遍關心的問題。華南美國商會會長 哈利·赛亚丁在接受深圳衛視&直新聞客戶端記者采訪時表示,他們商會最近對新冠疫情帶來的困難及企業采取的相應措施進行調查,調查結果顯示,雖然大部分受訪企業認爲新冠肺炎疫情對年收入會帶來負面影響,但是75%的受訪企業仍然對中國經濟前景充滿信心,並表示不會改變其再投資計劃。
1. 如果浏覽過我們的網站,你就會發現我們每年都會做很多研究。我們試圖找出成員所面臨的困難、關切或挑戰,並嘗試與其他官方組織或單位進行協調,幫助成員緩解或解決問題。早些時候,我確信我們對貿易問題進行了深入的研究。事實上我們每年都對貿易問題進行非常全面的研究。詢問我們的企業,“你在華南的業務情況如何?”因此對于我們來說,今年的這份研究報告是一個特殊的調查,讓我們能夠了解各個公司處理新冠肺炎病毒爆發的方方面面,以及他們的困難可能是什麽。
2. 在設置調查問題之前,我們與一些公司進行了交談,了解它們目前面對的主要問題可能是什麽。然後根據2025年左右的預測,給不同的公司打電話。我們設計問題的原則是,確保這些問題的覆蓋面是影響多個公司的,不只是一家公司。
3. 我們的問卷主要關注每個公司在做什麽,以保證員工的安全。但在現時特殊情況下,如果繼續經營,可能會面臨一些困難。我們嘗試與其它公司互通信息,互相幫助。其中,我們關注的很重要的一點是,目前公司的員工不必到崗工作的情況。多數企業都非常關注員工在家工作的問題。例如,我們商會,繼續讓員工在家工作的同時,履行職責,主動接觸成員,努力了解他們需要什麽。我們的企業一直在做的另一件事是,集中精力確保職員提高防疫的意識。另外,我們還重點關注了公司對投資計劃的擔憂。我們知道,參與調查的公司在華南地區都做得很好,在擴大投資和運營的計劃上。我們驚訝地發現,只有大約2%的企業進行了修改,將推遲投資。75%的企業沒有改變投資計劃,25%的企業會保持開放的心態,看看未來是否需要改變計劃。這些都是我們需要了解的非常重要的信息。根據調查結果,我們進行溝通,因爲很多時候成員的判斷標准是競爭對手在做什麽,其它行業在做什麽,他們的客戶在做什麽。我們做這份調查問卷的最終目的是起到一個教育作用。
4. 目前必須承認的一件事是,全球許多公司都關閉了很長一段時間,與此同時,還需要向員工支付工資、福利等。值得注意的是,當我們的成員支付他們的員工時,他們也繳納了與工資和福利相關的稅,而員工其實是沒有貢獻的。我們希望中國政府考慮其中一項,減少雇主須繳交的稅款。當然,這是一個公平的要求。
5. 根據調查和對話,我看到,包括廣東省商務廳在內的許多地方政府與我們商會攜手合作,解決公司的問題,特別是在重啓運營方面。廣州糧農組織與我們密切合作,確保我們公司能夠及時了解到信息,這樣公司就知道政府的最新規定是什麽。政府,尤其是廣東政府,都非常迅速地解決問題,幫助企業打開局面。中國政府采取行動的效率很高。我們非常高興地看到,我們認識的所有人都認真地與政府合作,那是因爲我們之間建立了信任。這就是爲什麽只有少量公司做出了“關閉邊境以減少病毒的影響或病毒的傳播”的選擇。人們相信中國政府正在做正確的事情。不過,在財政方面,我們仍然希望政府至少在雇員薪金方面提供一些減稅,讓我們彌補一些損失。
6. 我由衷祝賀所有參與其中的所有人,包括政府和公司,在這個非常艱難的時刻,他們攜手努力,解決問題。我對現在發生的一切都很滿意。我也很高興政府幫助我們把工人帶回來,以便在很短的時間內使我們的工廠達到最大産能。所以我們很高興,我們充滿感激。
1. If you look at our website,you will see that we do quite a few study in the course of every year. And of course a major issue will arrive. So we try to find out what are the difficulties or concerns or challenges are facing our members,and try to find the work with coordinate with other authorities and other sources in order to help alleviate some of the problem or address the concern. Earlier I that sure we get the to studies that alone to in depth studies on the trade issues that we every year we do a very comprehensive study on the your business situation in south China, so this is just another exercise for us to understand the whole companies are dealing with the coronavirus outbreak and what access rate they're having what their difficulties might be.
2. Before we put the questions together,we talk to a number of companies to try to see what the main issues might be. And then based on the feedback from 2025 or so were phone calls to different companies. We develop the question is to make,because before we address an area,we need to make sure that it's an area that affects many people,not just one single company.
3. A primary focus was to see what each company is doing, in order to keep the employees safe, but continue to operate in the time that things were very difficult. And then try to share that information with other companies to make sure that those who have successfully done something can help the other people learn what to do. One of the things in the area,so we looked at was what are companies doing in getting the employees to work without having to. When the holiday was extended,there was not the ability to go to the office. Most of our members really focused on the issue that I was having an employee work from home. Our chamber,for example,we continue to have our employees work from home. And at the same time,perform their duties,reach out to the members and try to understand what they need. The other thing that our members have been doing is basically focus to make sure that there is increase awareness and increase availability of sanitation items within the workplace. We also focused on the companies concern about the reinvestment plans. We know that prior to the study of companies have always been growing have done very well in the south China. They have a very solid reinvest plan in order to grow and expand existing operations. We wondered how those plans for investors have been impacted. We were actually surprised to find that just about 2% have already were made alterations,will postpone the investment. While 75% have no change for investment and 25% don't know the same with existing plans,but they keep in the mind open to see if they need to change the plans in the future. These are so many areas that are very important for us to know. And we communicate that because a lot of times are members make decisions based on what the competitors are doing, what the other industry is doing, what their customers are doing. And our intent is to try to educate people.
4. The reality is that a lot of all over companies were close for an extended period of time. And in the meantime, they paid employees salary and benefits,and etc. One of the things that happened is that while our members of paid their employees,they also paid the tax fortune related to the salaries and benefits, but they didn't get the benefit from the employees. One of the consideration that we hope the government will do is at least ruby of inverse or cut the amount of taxes that employers would have to pay on that point to an employee salaries,where they got no benefits from that. That is one of the top choices of having some benefits in response from the government,of course that would be a fair request.
5. I think one of the realities is that the companies we talk to and the fact that when I look at,for example,Guangdong department of commerce,many of the local governments,work hand in hand with our chamber to resolve our company's issues,especially in the restarting of the operation. Guangzhou FAO works with us very closely to make sure that we release information on time to our company. So that they know what government regulations is going on. The government especially Guangdong,every one of them was very quickly to resolve issues to help companies get open. The government has been very efficient about taking action. We are very happy to see that all the people that we know carefully cooperative with the government and there's a trust that's been established between government and the company. And that's why on question of the shutting borders are taking actions to reduce the impact of the virus or the spread of virus. People have confidence that the government is doing all the right things. However,the financial area,we still hope that the government will at least provide some tax cut on the employee salaries, in order for us to make up some of the losses.
6. There were honestly I wanna to congratulate the everyone involved the government or companies who have worked hand in hand to reduce the the。 The transmission rate and to successfully come to the very difficult times together. I'm very happy with everything that's going on. And I'm also very pleased with the government's help in bringing in the workers back in order to bring our factories up to maximum capacity in very short time. So we're very happy and we thank you for that.