本網訊 “無論距離多麽遙遠,都是有靈魂的盛會”俄羅斯知名女詩人比索·娜塔莉(Bisso Natalie)對2022第八屆中國詩歌春晚的盛贊或許代表了俄羅斯、希臘、科索沃等近30個國家詩人的心聲。
瑞士著名詩人盧西拉·特拉帕佐(Lucilla Trapazzo)稱贊說,中國詩歌春晚是一種全球性的對話,是一種交響樂的奏鳴。在這種交響樂中,語言和聲音相互碰撞,編織出一個有旋律的、和聲美妙的網絡,簡言之,就是世界之聲。對我來說,這個獎項代表了世界的團結精神。希望日後可以有新的、同樣的會議、對話、講述其他文化故事的未知語言、新的熱情的活動舉行。”
科索沃詩人法赫丁·謝胡(Fahredin Shehu)說:“中國詩歌春晚是一個集文學、藝術于一身的優秀的品牌,很高興可以獲得獎項。”
教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地中國詩歌研究中心朗誦藝術團團長、中國詩歌春晚藝術顧問汪葆明說,中國唐代詩人王勃寫道:“海內存知己,天涯若比鄰。” 俄羅斯當代知名女詩人比索·娜塔莉寫道:“無論距離多麽遙遠,都是有靈魂的盛會。”可見,世界詩人詩心相通。我們希望未來中國詩歌春晚藝術上更上層樓。
據悉, 2022第八屆中國詩歌春晚是全球首台以冰雪詩歌爲主題獻禮冬奧會的大型“雲”詩會。中國詩歌春晚北京、上海、廣州、深圳、紐約、東京、歐洲、倫敦、新加坡等近百個會場,近50個國家1000萬人次觀看,贏得詩歌、詩詞、辭賦、朗誦以及社會各界人士廣泛贊譽。1月25日,晚會節目拆條播發,再度引發千萬人次流量。目前,回放浏覽量仍在持續增長。
安娜·史翠嘉(Ana Stjelja)【塞爾維亞】
Honored to be among the selected poets from around the world to be represented and awarded at the just finished 8th. Chinese Spring Festival that was held in Beijing (8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala). This is just a fraction of the ceremony that was magnificent. It is fascinating how much poetry and poets are loved and appreciated in China.
Congratulations to all dear poets around the world who were part of this celebration, and as an introduction to the Chinese New Year – Year of the Tiger .
伊娃·彼得羅普魯·利諾伊(Eva Petropoulou Lianoy)【希臘】
Ευχαριστώ πολύ τον αγαπητό φίλο και ποιητή
Τον αδερφό μου, James Tian, για αυτό το θαυμάσιο δωρο.
Είναι μεγάλη η τιμή να βρίσκομαι ανάμεσα στους 8 νικητές του 8ου φεστιβάλ Spring Festival.
Είναι μεγάλη η χαρά να γνωρίζω, ότι το έργο μου εδώ και 20 χρόνια ως συγγραφέας παιδικής λογοτεχνιας και 15 χρόνια ως ποιήτρια, τυγχάνει μεγάλη αναγνώριση στην Κίνα. Μεγάλο το έργο και θαυμαστό, του ποιητή και μετάφραστη James.
Χτίζει γέφυρες πολιτισμού.
Χαιρετίζω το πάθος του, την αγάπη του για την ποίηση.
Ευχαριστώ θερμά τους διοργανωτές αυτού του υπέροχου φεστιβάλ.
Ευχομαι αγάπη, Ειρήνη και αρμονία.
Μπράβο σε όλους τους ποιητές
尤其感謝我的兄弟James Tian(田宇),感謝送給我這個美妙的禮物。很榮幸能成爲第八屆詩歌春晚的獲獎者之一。
Οι νικητές του 8ου Ποιητικού Φεστιβάλ της Κίνας, Spring Festival Gala 2022
斯馬拉格迪·米特羅普洛(Smaragdi Mitropoulou)【希臘】
The Chinese Spring Poetry Award Ceremony, 8th edition 2022 took place today!
I am feeling honored and blessed to be among the International awardees.
Congratulations to all fellow poets!! A big THANK YOU from the heart to my dear brother
田宇 and the festival who builds bridges and unites us all through poetry.
比索·娜塔莉(Bisso Natalie)【俄羅斯】
我向中國文學界致意,感謝評委會和藝術節的組織者!特別感謝這個享有盛譽的兄弟,尊敬的、親愛的James Tian(田宇),他是一位作家、詩人、出版家,也是一名翻譯,致力于促進國內外作家的交流,同時也高舉信仰和熱愛詩歌的旗幟。
通過觀察、參與和思考當今世界的新情況,我們非常高興地看到,在新的千年裏,年輕人也是如此,熱愛詩歌和文學,了解這個世界的意義。James Tian是詩歌向大衆傳播的傑出進步引擎之一,也是世界各地詩人之間的紐帶。他對其他語言詩歌的生動翻譯是非常具有價值的,相信在中國也會成爲人們最愛的詩人之一。把我們的詩歌結合在一起,我們都被賦予了靈魂,這是多麽美妙啊。成爲2022年第八屆中國詩歌春晚的獲獎者,是莫大的榮譽!再次感謝!
克桑西·洪德魯·希爾(Xanthi Hondrou-Hill) 【希臘】
8th Spring Poetry Festival China
Among the first 30 poets in the world
Published today at a grand award ceremony, attended by more than 8 million people, in China for China’s best poets and internationally distinguished for their work during 2021!
Out of the 30 names from the world’s poets, mine is also! It’s a great pleasure and honor to be among the best of the best, to be scattered among thousands of others who have sent their work, to have published my poems and to be loved so much by the world, that to me they’re complete strangers, so that I am among the 30 best in the world!
Congratulations to all who have been awarded! Both in China and worldwide!
A heartfelt thank you to the committee of the 8th China Poetry Festival, the organizers, and especially my dear friend and brother poet, translator and editor James Tian for the work he does in record time for the poets from abroad o! His labor is unprecedented and unimaginable! His love for poetry gets me!
衷心感謝2022第八屆中國詩歌春晚組委會、組織者,尤其是我親愛的朋友、詩人兄弟、翻譯家、編輯James Tian(田宇),他爲海外詩人們所做的工作,創下了曆史記錄!他的勞動史無前例,難以想象!他對詩歌的熱愛讓我欽佩!
盧西拉·特拉帕佐(Lucilla Trapazzo)【瑞士】
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.
It is with joy and gratitude that tonight, receiving this award, Ibring you the greetings of my countries: Switzerland and Italy. Italy is the land where art, hospitality and the warmth of the sun smile on every face. Switzerland, the land that adopted me as an adult, whit its majestic mountains, is the mirror of inner peace and silence.
Thank to all of you for being here to share in this occasion. I am honored and excited to have my poetry recognized by 8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival! For a poet, usually many solitary hours are spent writing and re-writing our verses: deep feelings and also sorrows must come from within onto the surface in order to be expressed in words and become a poem, and it means so much to me that the work that I am so passionate about also resonates with you.
This accomplishment is not something that I did alone; there is someone else who deserves to share in this award. I would like to thank my esteemed poet and friend James Tian Yu, for his precious translation and for tirelessly bridging cultures and worlds.
Writing is a solitary act, but poetry, is always an outstretched hand, a movement towards the other and the planet. When the “singular self” meets poetry, it is declined in the plural, the “me” turns into a “we” – “Poetry is an act of peace”, said Neruda.
Every event in which poets meet, beauty and resilience return, new seeds are planted, new hopes, even now that we live in the singular, due to the pandemic restrictions. Events like this 8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival help to create connections, nodes and communication; a sort of global conversation, a symphony of voices in which words and sounds encounter one another, weaving a net of rhythms, harmonies and dissonances, in short the voice of the World. Let me say that this is a beautiful signal of hope to overcome any distance and difference, be it cultural, social, ideological, political and even environmental.
Ladies and gentlemen, for me this award stands for the united spiritof the world. I greet you from afar, but together in communion. With the wish for new and long days of meetings, of dialogues, of unknown languages that tell the stories of other cultures, of new enthusiasm.
Last, but not least, I want to dedicate this prize to all my fellow poets around the world. Remember – poetry can make a difference and can unite us in different ways.
As for me, I will continue my efforts as a poet and as a human being to take a stance, literary, socially, and humanitarian, through my words and I look forward to being part of the big family of poetry for many years to come.
Thank you, 謝謝, and good night.
Lucilla Trapazzo, Switzerland/Italy
獲得這個成就不是我一個人完成的;還有其他人值得分享這個獎項。我要感謝我尊敬的詩人和朋友James Tian(田宇),感謝他完美的翻譯,感謝他不懈地溝通各種文化和世界。
葉蓮娜·格裏戈裏耶夫娜·阿納涅娃(Елена Григорьевна Ананьева)【烏克蘭】
И снова удивительные НОВОСТИ из Китая, но вначале из Одессы, Здрасьте!)) Благодарю друзей и рада, что мы всегда на связи. Два дня ехала и ночь – много написала и по академии скоро будут конкретные предложения.
Я пока ограничена в интернете, в РС – код и тд)), зато есть столько НОВОСТЕЙ и ссылок, рада поделиться и представить, поздравить всех авторов, с которыми рядом.
Это великолепно, реальный культурологический обмен в действии!
薩布麗娜·德·卡尼奧(Sabrina De Canio)【意大利】
Among the winners of the 8th edition of the International Spring 2022 Poetry Festival of the Beijing federation, I can only feel great joy, thank the jury and congratulate all the poets awarded with me. Thanks to James Tian and the committee, translator of my poems into Chinese, poet himself and superb builder of bridges between peoples. Thank you!
名列第八屆北京會場-2022年詩歌春晚的獲獎者中,我感到非常高興,感謝評委會,並向所有獲獎的詩人表示祝賀。同時感謝James Tian(田宇)和組委會,田宇是我詩歌的中文翻譯,也是詩人,詩歌春晚與他也是人們文化交流之間橋梁的傑出建設者。非常感謝。
米歇拉·薩納雷拉(Michela Zanarella)【意大利】
I am so honored to be one of the winners of the 8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival, 2022. Being appreciated by a prestigious jury is a source of pride and satisfaction, I am deeply grateful. when poetry reaches far borders and embraces different cultures then it means that something extraordinary has happened
Greetings from Italy.
法赫丁·謝胡(Fahredin Shehu)【科索沃】
The Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala is an excellent brand integrating literature and art. I’m glad to win the award. Wish the Festival Gala better and better later the future.
Fahredin Shehu shpallet fitues në Festivalin e Pranverës Kineze të Poezisë
Poeti Fahredin Shehu, shpallet fitues në Festivalin e 8-të të Pranverës Kineze të Poezisë 2022
Poeti kosovar shpallet fitues i festivalit të poezisë në Kinë
Fahredin Shehu shpallet fitues në Festivalin e 8-të të Pranverës Kineze të Poezisë 2022
伊登·索裏亞諾·特立尼達(Eden Soriano Trinidad)【菲律賓】
A wonderful evening of poetry fest to all and sweetest Congratulations to the 2022 8th Chinese Spring Poetry Festival Gala.
I am Eden Soriano Trinidad from the pearl of the orient seas the Philippines.
I take pride to grace this Poetry festival and wish that all poets around the world will continue to touch lives through our Pearls of Wisdom.
I am extremely grateful and honored for my poem to be translated in the language of the
most number of readers, the Chinese language and it only became possible because of this amazing diligent, hardworking poet, author, translator, artist H.E. Tian Yu, the State of Birland Representative in Shandong.
My huge congratulations to the Chairman Qu Jinxing and President of Chinese Spring Poetry Festival Gala Yu Hongying for this successful Poetry Festival.
From the innermost core of my heart, I Thank the members of the jury for selecting my poem to be among the winning poems tonight.
Blessings to all and warmest hugs.
我非常感謝並榮幸地將我的詩翻譯成漢語並被大多數讀者欣賞,之所以使這一切成爲可能,是因爲這位令人驚歎的勤奮的詩人、作家、翻譯家、藝術家H.E.田宇(James Tian),伯蘭國駐中國大使。
瑪麗亞·埃裏科(Maria Errico)【意大利】
For l’8°Festival di Primavera della Poesia Cinese,2022
Profondamente emozionata e onorata…non avrei mai immaginato tanta grazia di visibilità per i miei componimenti poetici in una grande Nazione portatrice di Civiltà Millenaria come la CHINA!
Questo dono lo devo a un GRANDIOSO POETA, TRADUTTORE, EDITORE, JAMES TIAN. Egli, con la Sua incommensurabile opera di DIVULGATORE, sta creando PONTI DI FRATELLANZA POETICA NEL MONDO, una nuova TORRE DI BABELE all’ incontrario, felice punto di contatto per la comunicazione internazionale.
當然,我也把這份禮物歸功于一位偉大的詩人、翻譯家、編輯,James Tian(田宇)。他以其不知疲倦的工作作爲一切,正在世界上創造詩意的兄弟情誼的橋梁、彙點、國際交流的快樂聯絡點。
潘胡裏·辛哈(Pankhuri Sinha)【印度】
Honoured to be a part of this festival! My greetings to the Chinese literary world , and thankyou to James Tian and Poetry Spring Festival, for establishing a fraternity of world poetry so beautifully!
很榮幸能參加這個詩歌春晚!我向中國文壇致意,感謝James Tian(田宇)和詩歌春晚,感謝你們建立了一個如此美麗的世界詩歌聯誼會!
奧爾加·列瓦德娜娅(Ольга Левадная)【俄羅斯】
Dear friends! Poets of Russia welcome the winners of the 8th Spring Festival of Chinese Poetry 2022 (Beijing Federation)!
We want to wish the poets of the world to do what they want to do, go where they want to go, love the one they love, strive for the dreams they want to. Do not leave wonderful hopes, hold a wonderful future in your hands, enjoy your wonderful age and delight readers with your wonderful creativity. We wish everyone a fruitful day and a fruitful life.
Great Chinese poetry is the living breath of the poetic community of the world!
卡羅琳·洛朗·特朗克(Caroline Laurent Turunc)【土耳其】
My name is Caroline Laurent Turunç, I am a Turk of Arab origin.
Literature is the greatest element that can destroy all borders.
In addition to science and technology, the endless wealth of specialization and compromise, the speed of evolution of knowledge and literature, is one of the common denominators of human life, where people can get to know themselves and talk to each other no matter what.
No matter how different their occupation, life purpose, geographical and cultural location and personal situation. Literature has presented its historical stages in every aspect of individuals’ lives.
Nothing better than literature teaches us to see the richness of human heritage in ethnic and cultural differences and to evaluate these differences as manifestations of humanity’s multifaceted creativity.
The fraternal bond that literature establishes between people overcomes all time barriers by enabling them to enter into dialogue and realize a common origin and common purpose. Literature is the most important element that enables us to see the future, takes us to the past and illuminates our future. Based on this, I say long live world literature, long live unlimited world, long live world brotherhood.
James Tian, who fell in love with literature, is the best example of this brotherhood.
I am very happy to receive this wonderful award at the 8th China Spring Poetry Festival in 2022, I congratulate Mr. James Tian for his wonderful work for all international poets, and express my sincere thanks on behalf of both myself and the poets. I am so happy. His perseverance in translations into Chinese is the greatest treasure of Chinese literature in publishing, and of course the passion and love he gives to this work impresses me, nurturing the friendship and harmony between us. The value he gives to literature is admirable in itself.
莉迪亞·基亞雷利(Lidia Chiarelli)【意大利】
From Italy I send my Congratulations to the Winners of the 8th,Chinese Poetry Spring Festival.
We’re grateful to James Tian, organizer of this wonderful event that unites Oriental and Western culture. Best Wishes for a successful event!
我們非常感謝James Tian(田宇),他是這個將東西方文化結合在一起的精彩活動的重要組成者。祝詩歌春晚越來越成功!
The 8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala 2022 ( Beijing Federation) International Poets Award
星野真輝(Maki Starfield)【日本】
I’m delighted to be chosen for this award.I’m grateful to the organizer for giving me a chance.I appreciate the support of my poet friends and family.
洛弗林·P·埃約(Lovelyn P. Eyo)【尼日利亞】
Wow! I feel extremely delighted and honoured being one of the winners of the 8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival, 2022. A big hug of thanks to the Esteemed organizing Committe, and the amazing Poet, translator and builder of bridges, James Tian for the advancement of literature and humanity. Thank you China, thank you for the prestigious award. Sending you all love from Nigeria
哇!作爲2022年第八屆中國詩歌春晚的獲獎者之一,我感到非常高興和榮幸。感謝尊敬的組委會,以及傑出的詩人、翻譯家和文化橋梁建設者James Tian(田宇),感謝他對文學和人類進步的貢獻。感謝中國,感謝這個久負盛名的獎項。從尼日利亞給你們的致敬。
克勞迪娅·皮奇諾(Claudia Piccinno)【意大利】
Very glad to get this great award from the committee of Chinese Poetry Spring Festival,thank you China.
安特耶·斯特恩(Antje Stehn)【德國】
I’m Antje Stehn from Germany and it’s a great honour and pleasure to be among the winners of the 8th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival, Gala 2022. A big thank you to the committee and a very special thank to the highly gifted young poet James Tian who put together a big international group of poets. With dedication and hard work James Tian translated us all into Chinese and published the poems from all over the world in so many chinese medias and magazines . Building up comunication bridges, and artistic collaborations between China and the rest of the world through poetry . That is very important . In their poems poets speaks about deep feelings, happiness and fears ,they create and share ideas, information, views, etc. which is so important to reach a common understanding among the people of the world. Communications is fundamental to our existence and for the survival of humanity .The Pandemic showed one more time that our world is interconnected and that we live in a global village. In which we all want to live in peace.
Communication is also the key to the Directing function of management and government. On higher level you call it diplomacy. The task of our global village is to resolve together the next impending threat to humanity which is the climate desaster. We can just find solutions through comunication, through words, not through weapons and wars . All countries in the world should transform all their deathly weapons into words , we all should comunicate with each other and live in peace in our global village. Poetry is a humble beginning.
Thank you very much to the organizers of the Chinese Poetry Spring Festival and to our great friend James Tian.
Antje Stehn
我是來自德國的安特耶·斯特恩,很榮幸能成爲2022第八屆中國詩歌春晚的獲獎者之一,並且非常感謝中國詩歌春晚組委會,特別要感謝天才青年詩人James Tian(田宇),他創建了一個龐大的國際詩人團體。憑著獻身精神和辛勤工作,他將我們的作品翻譯成中文,並在衆多中國媒體和雜志上發表。通過詩歌在中國和世界其他地方建立溝通橋梁和藝術合作。這非常重要。詩人們在詩中講述了深沉的情感、幸福和恐懼,他們創造並分享思想、信息、觀點等,這對世界人民達成共識非常重要。通訊對我們的生存和人類的生存至關重要。這場大流行再次表明,我們的世界是相互聯系的,我們生活在一個地球村。我們都希望生活在和平之中。
尼爾斯·哈夫(Niels Hav)【丹麥】
THANKS A LOT. It is with pleasure that I receive the announcement of being among the winners of the 8th, Chinese Poetry Spring Festival. Thank you! Big hug and thanks to poet and translator James Tian, who so talentedly builds inspiring virtual bridges between our continents. We have a common dream of a life of harmony, love and friendship. A world where the common goods are distributed equally among all. It is too early to give up, it is still possible to realize this dream. Let’s do it! My warm greetings and wishes for The Spring Festival! Blessings to all. – Niels Hav
非常感謝。我很高興收到第八屆中國詩歌春晚獲獎通知。非常感謝。熱烈擁抱並感謝詩人兼翻譯家田宇(James Tian),他如此聰明地在我們兩大洲之間架起了鼓舞人心的橋梁。我們有一個共同的夢想,那就是和諧、愛和友誼的生活。一個共同利益在所有人之間平等分配的世界。現在就失去信心還爲時過早,但仍然有可能實現這個夢想。來吧!向你致以熱烈的問候和新年的祝福!祝福所有人。——尼爾斯·哈夫
歐洲( 德國、奧地利、荷蘭、布拉格、捷克、德國、比利時)、東京、紐約、布拉格、倫敦、伯明翰、曼徹斯特、普利茅斯、布萊頓、威爾士卡迪夫、洛杉矶、加拿大、墨爾本、菲律賓、新加坡等會場。