未成年人司法保護 judicial protection work of minors
The number of crimes committed by minors has rebounded in the last two years, and the number of crimes against minors is also increasing, according to a white paper released by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Monday.最高人民檢察院發布的白皮書顯示,近兩年,未成年人犯罪數量有所回升、侵害未成年人犯罪數量呈上升態勢。
The white book reviewed judicial protection work of minors from 2014 to 2019.白皮書全面梳理總結了2014至2019年全國檢察機關未成年人司法保護工作。
Minor這個詞用法很多,可以用作動詞、名詞和形容詞。在法律上,minor指未滿18歲的人,即“未成年人”。在學校裏,minor可以指“輔修(課程)”或者“輔修生”,與major(專業)相對,比如,I’m minoring in computer science./Computer science is my minor.(我輔修計算機科學。)用作形容詞的時候,minor也是與major相對的,表示“次要的、輕微的、小的”,比如,She played a number of minor roles in films.(她在電影裏扮演過一些小角色。)
英語中關于“青少年犯罪”有一個固定的說法juvenile delinquency/juvenile offending,juvenile指“未成年、青少年”,也可以形容某人“孩子氣的、幼稚的”。Delinquency這個詞指“違法行爲”,尤指青少年的違法行爲,實施違法行爲的青少年就可以稱爲delinquent。
白皮書通過對近年來涉未成年人刑事案件情況進行分析指出,當前未成年人犯罪總體形勢趨穩向好,未成年人涉嫌嚴重暴力犯罪(serious violent crimes)和毒品犯罪(drug crimes)、校園欺淩(school bullying)和暴力犯罪、14至16周歲未成年人犯罪( crimes committed by minors between the ages of 14 to 16 )數量逐步減少,未成年人重新犯罪率整體平穩。但未成年人犯罪數量有所回升,未成年人聚衆鬥毆(brawl)、尋釁滋事(affray)、強奸(rape)犯罪人數上升;同時,性侵害(sexual abuse)、暴力傷害未成年人(violence against minors),成年人拉攏、誘迫未成年人參與黑惡犯罪(adults inducing minors to participate in gang crimes)等問題相對突出。
From 2014 to 2019, procuratorial organs investigated and arrested 284,569 juvenile suspects, of which nearly 88,953 were dismissed after investigations.2014年至2019年,全國檢察機關共受理審查逮捕未成年犯罪嫌疑人284569人,經審查,不批准逮捕88953人。
據介紹,最高檢工作規劃已明確要探索建立包括臨界預防、保護處分、家庭教育在內的罪錯未成年人分級處遇制度(a hierarchical intervention system for delinquent minors)。
日前,最高檢、公安部等9部門會簽下發了《關于建立侵害未成年人案件強制報告制度的意見(試行)》。《意見》規定了性侵(sexual assault)、虐待(abuse)、欺淩(bullying)、遺棄(abandonment)、拐賣(trafficking)等九類應當報告的情形,報告責任主體向公安機關報案或舉報的,應按照主管行政機關要求報告備案。
武漢集中核酸檢測 mass nucleic acid testing
Lu Zuxun, a public health professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, said from May 14 to June 1, the city conducted nucleic acid tests on 9,899,828 residents and reported 300 asymptomatic cases who show no clear symptoms despite carrying the virus. No confirmed COVID-19 cases were found in the process, and all the 1,174 people in close contact have tested negative for the infection, according to Lu.華中科技大學同濟醫學院公共衛生學院教授盧祖洵介紹,5月14日0時至6月1日24時,武漢市集中核酸檢測9899828人,沒有發現確診病例,檢出無症狀感染者300名,追蹤密切接觸者1174名,其核酸檢測結果均爲陰性。
“The physical lockdown on the city was lifted on April 8, and after the testing campaign was finished, the psychological lockdown on Wuhan people, who have made great sacrifices fighting the epidemic, has also been lifted,” he said.4月8日,武漢實現了物理意義上的解封,集中核酸檢測排查後,“封城”期間作出巨大犧牲的武漢人民實現了心理上的解封。
The mass testing has helped reassure people in Wuhan and other regions in the country and will accelerate the city’s efforts to restore its social and economic development.通過這次篩查,換來了全國人民的放心、武漢人民的安心,必將推動城市經濟社會發展盡快步入正軌。
By adding 40 medical institutions and disease control centers to conduct the tests, the city had 63 institutions analyze the test samples, which significantly increased the city’s testing capacity.武漢動員了40家醫療機構和疾控中心共同參與,這樣全市檢測機構增加到63家,大大提升了核酸日檢測能力。
These institutions also mobilized staff and equipment from around the country, with staff members increasing from 419 to 1,451 and testing equipment increasing from 215 pieces to 701.武漢市各檢測機構在全國範圍內調集人員、增添設備,檢測工作人員從419人增加到1451人,設備從215台套增加到701台套。
Batch testing, which mixes no more than five samples in a single test, was employed to improve efficiency.混檢單次不超過5個樣本合並檢測,這樣在短時間內提升了檢測效率。
武漢市通過這三個途徑,將日檢測能力從30萬人份快速突破100萬人份(daily testing capability increased from 300,000 to more than 1 million)。
國家自主貢獻 nationally determined contributions
China will fully implement its commitment to nationally determined contributions (NDCs) on climate change under the Paris climate agreement despite the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.生態環境部表示,我國將克服新冠肺炎疫情影響,堅決完成《巴黎氣候協定》中承諾的氣候變化國家自主貢獻目標。
國家自主貢獻(nationally determined contributions)指根據《聯合國氣候變化框架公約(the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)》締約方會議相關決定,提出的中國應對氣候變化的強化行動和措施(enhanced actions and measures on climate change)。
By 2020 it will lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40% to 45% from the 2005 level, increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to about 15% and increase the forested area by 40 million hectares and the forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters compared to the 2005 levels.到2020年單位國內生産總值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,非化石能源占一次能源消費比重達到15%左右,森林面積比2005年增加4000萬公頃,森林蓄積量比2005年增加13億立方米。
To achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030 and making best efforts to peak early;二氧化碳排放2030年左右達到峰值並爭取盡早達峰;
To lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60% to 65% from the 2005 level;單位國內生産總值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降60%-65%;
To increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20%;非化石能源占一次能源消費比重達到20%左右;
To increase the forest stock volume by around 4.5 billion cubic meters on the 2005 level.森林蓄積量比2005年增加45億立方米左右。
China’s carbon emission reduction will not change with the occurrence of the epidemic and China would “100%” fulfil its NDC commitment.中國的碳減排行動不會因爲疫情而改變,會百分百履行國家自主貢獻承諾。
Air quality in the country continued to improve, with 337 cities at and above the prefecture-level recording good air quality on an average of 82 percent days last year.2019年,我國空氣質量持續改善,全國337個地級及以上城市優良天數平均達到82%。
Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP fell 4.1 percent in 2019 from the previous year, meeting the country’s annual target.2019年單位國內生産總值二氧化碳排放同比下降4.1%,完成年度預期目標。
航班熔斷機制 “circuit breaker” mechanism for airlines
The Civil Aviation Administration of China, along with multiple departments including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will introduce a “reward” and “circuit breaker” mechanism for airlines based on passenger nucleic acid test results upon arrival in order to contain the number of imported cases of COVID-19.民航局與國家衛健委以及外交部等多部門將推出以落地後乘客核酸檢測結果爲依據的航班獎勵和熔斷機制,以控制新冠肺炎輸入病例。
As an incentive, carriers will be allowed to increase the number of international flights to two per week on one route if the number of passengers who have a positive nucleic acid test on their flights stands at zero for three consecutive weeks, according to the administration.獎勵措施是指航空公司同一航線航班,入境後核酸檢測結果爲陽性的旅客人數連續3周爲零的,可在航線經營許可規定的航班量範圍內增加每周1班,達到每周2班。
The airline must suspend the operation of the route for one week if the number of passengers who test positive for the coronavirus reaches five. If the number exceeds 10, the airline will suspend the flights for four weeks, it said.航空公司同一航線航班,入境後核酸檢測結果爲陽性的旅客人數達到5個的,暫停該公司該航線運行1周;達到10個的,暫停該公司該航線運行4周。
國際客運航班調整後,預計目前保持通航的23個國家44個航空公司每周最多增加航班44班。按照3月26日以來每周實際執行率75%測算,每周航班實際增加50班(add 50 international flights);預計每周航空口岸入境人數約33000人,平均每日入境人數(the average number of daily inbound passengers)約4700人。
國內每家航空公司經營至任一國家的航線只能保留1條,每條航線每周運營班次不得超過1班(domestic carriers can fly just one flight a week on one route to any country);外國每家航空公司經營至我國的航線只能保留1條(operate only one inbound route),每周運營班次不得超過1班。
Overseas airlines that currently cannot operate flights to China will be permitted once-per-week flights into one of 37 port cities of their choosing starting on Monday.自2020年6月8日起,此前不能經營至我國航線的外國航空公司可以從37個中國口岸城市中選擇1個具備接收能力的城市,每周運營1班國際客運航線航班。
中新“快捷通道” China-Singapore fast lane
Starting Monday, people from Singapore and six Chinese municipalities and provinces can make essential business or official trips without having to go through the required 14-day quarantine period.從6月8日起,新加坡和中國6個省市的人員可以進行必要的商務和公務往來,無需完成此前要求的14天隔離。
中新“快捷通道( China-Singapore fast lane)”是指:雙方有需要的商務和公務人員(business and official travelers)可通過對方負責接待的企業和政府機構提出申請(applications submitted by the companies or government departments to receive them in the destination country),經主管部門審批同意後,有關人員可按規定申請簽證,經離境前健康監測和入境後檢疫檢測合格,可以縮短入境後的隔離時間,其後按閉環原則全程接受有效管理(their whole stay in the destination country will be effectively managed, forming a closed loop to ensure safety)。
The first phase of the China-Singapore fast lane will be implemented between Singapore and six Chinese provinces (municipalities) including Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong. The two sides will gradually expand the implementation scope and discuss the gradual resumption of commercial flights between the two countries, depending on the circumstances.中新“快捷通道”第一階段在中國上海、天津、重慶、江蘇、浙江、廣東等6省(市)同新加坡之間實施,雙方將視情逐步擴大通道適用範圍,並探討逐步恢複兩國間商業航班。
The “fast track” arrangement between China and the ROK was applicable to ten Chinese provinces and cities at the beginning. ROK travelers can apply for visa after applications submitted by their companies are approved. After passing through health-screening and quarantine procedures, they will be quarantined for a shorter period of time in China, and their whole stay in China will be effectively managed, forming a closed loop to ensure safety.中方首批有十個省市適用“快捷通道”辦法,有需要的韓方企業需要提出申請並經審批同意。此後,相關韓方人員可以按規定申請來華簽證,經過健康監測、檢疫檢測合格,可以縮短入境後的隔離時間,其後總體按閉環原則全程接受有效管理。
Chinese travelers to the ROK who wish to use the “fast track” need to apply for exemption from quarantine when applying for visa from the ROK embassy or consulates in China. If they meet the conditions for approval of the ROK side and test negative for the coronavirus before departing for and after arriving in the ROK, they will be exempted from quarantine and accept flexible epidemic prevention management of the ROK side.希望適用“快捷通道”的中方人員須向韓國駐華使領館申辦簽證同時申請免除隔離,如符合韓方審批條件且出境前、入境後檢疫檢測合格,可以免除隔離,接受韓方動態防疫管理。
At present, the fast lane between China and the ROK has been implemented smoothly and yielding good results. The implementation of the fast lane between China and Singapore is on the way, and I believe it will achieve the desired goals. We are also ready to continue to explore similar arrangements with other countries. While doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, we are also committed to resuming necessary people-to-people exchanges, providing support for the resumption of work and production as well as deeper cooperation in both countries, and contributing to the economic and social recovery and development of the region and the world at large.目前,中韓“快捷通道”順利實施,效果良好。中新“快捷通道”實施在即,相信也會達到預期效果。我們也願繼續同各國探討類似安排,在做好疫情防控的同時致力于恢複必要人員往來,爲各自國家複工複産、深化彼此合作提供支持,爲地區和世界經濟社會的恢複和發展提供助力。
重點人群 key population groups
China will continue to make nucleic acid testing compulsory among all key groups and available for those who ask to be tested, according to the guideline.意見明確,我國核酸檢測將對重點人群“應檢盡檢”,其他人群“願檢盡檢”。
close contact with COVID-19 cases密切接觸者
inbound travelers境外入境人員
patients in fever clinics發熱門診患者
new inpatients and their caregivers新住院患者及陪護人員
staff working at medical institutions醫療機構工作人員
quarantine and inspection staff at ports and borders口岸檢疫和邊防檢查人員
staff working at prisons and detention houses監所工作人員
nursing home workers社會福利養老機構工作人員
意見明確提出,提升檢測能力(boost testing capacity),盡力擴大檢測範圍(expand the scope of testing)。意見還提出各地要加強公衆監測預警,定期進行人群抽樣檢測(conduct spot-checks),掌握當地疫情發展變化,爲動態調整常態化防控措施提供依據。
意見特別強調,各地要加強三級醫院、傳染病專科醫院(infectious disease hospitals)、縣(區)級及以上疾控機構(disease control and prevention institutions at county-level or above)、海關及有條件的縣醫院實驗室建設,使其具備開展新冠病毒檢測能力(enable them to conduct nucleic acid testing)。
留學預警 alert for overseas study
Major Australian universities plan to resume classes in July, yet the COVID-19 pandemic has not been properly contained globally and there are still risks concerning international travel and opening schools, the ministry said.澳大利亞主要高校計劃于7月前後陸續開學。全球新冠肺炎疫情擴散蔓延勢頭沒有得到有效控制,國際旅行和開放校園存在風險。
There have been also incidents of discrimination against Asians in Australia, it said.疫情期間,澳大利亞發生多起針對亞裔的歧視性事件。
The ministry suggested that students and scholars should take a more prudent approach toward studying in the country, it added.教育部提醒廣大留學人員謹慎選擇赴澳或返澳學習。
Prudent這個詞經常表示“謹慎的,小心的”或者“穩重的,精明的”等意思,比如在《政府工作報告》中常見的“穩健的貨幣政策”就是prudent monetary policy,投資市場中“謹慎的投資者”是prudent investor,職場前輩給後輩的“中肯建議”是prudent advice。
The ministry warned Chinese people not to travel to Australia, as the country has seen a significant increase in racial discrimination and violence against Chinese and other Asian people due to the pandemic.近期,由于受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,澳大利亞國內對華人和亞裔的種族歧視言行和暴力行爲現象明顯上升。文化和旅遊部提醒中國遊客切勿前往澳大利亞旅遊。
For a while, there have been many discrimination cases against China, Chinese and even Asians in Australia, which were also reported by Australian media.過去一段時間來,澳國內針對中國、華人乃至亞裔的歧視現象層出不窮,澳媒體上有大量報道。
For example, some Australian politicians and media called the novel coronavirus “China virus” and viciously altered some elements on China’s national flag and emblem. Many Chinese in Australia were insulted or even attacked. Some Chinese and Asian families’ properties were vandalized. Chinese and Asians encountered unjust treatment at workplace.比如,一些澳政客和媒體將新冠病毒稱爲“中國病毒”,惡毒篡改中國國旗、國徽圖案;很多在澳華人華僑遭受言語侮辱甚至圍攻傷害;一些華人和亞裔家庭財産遭到破壞,華人和亞裔在日常工作中遭受不公正待遇。
In Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and other Australian cities there has been racist graffiti against Chinese. According to statistics collected by Australian Human Rights Commission, in the first quarter this year, hundreds of Asians filed complaints for racial discrimination, accounting for 25 percent of the total.悉尼、墨爾本、布裏斯班、珀斯等多個澳城市出現帶有對華種族歧視意涵的塗鴉或文字。根據澳大利亞人權委員會統計,今年第一季度已有數百名亞裔投訴遭受種族歧視,種族歧視投訴占比高達25%。
Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that within one week in April, three racist attacks targeting Chinese families took place in Australia. From January to April, the state of New South Wales received 241 complaints for racial discrimination, while the number is 22 from March to the beginning of May in the state of Queensland.據澳大利亞廣播公司報道,4月一周內就發生3起針對華人家庭的種族主義襲擊。新南威爾士州今年1到4月收到241起種族歧視投訴,昆士蘭州警方3月到5月初收到22起種族歧視報案。
The Chinese government has been responsible in reminding Chinese citizens to make proper travel plans and protect themselves from harm. We also advise the Australian side to pay attention to the problems and take concrete measures to protect the security, rights and interests of Chinese nationals in Australia.中國政府一向本著負責任的態度,提醒中國公民妥善安排出行計劃,做好自身安全防護。我們也奉勸澳大利亞方面正視問題,采取切實措施維護和保障在澳中國公民的安全和權益。
強降雨 torrential downpours
More than 20 people were killed or remain missing after torrential downpours unleashed floods in South China. The rain-triggered floods had affected some 2.63 million people in 11 provincial-level regions as of 2 pm Tuesday, the Ministry of Emergency Management said. The heavy rain forced the relocation of about 228,000 people, destroyed over 1,300 houses and brought direct economic losses of over 4 billion yuan (about $566 million), the ministry said.強降雨引發的華南地區洪水已經導致20多人死亡或失蹤。應急管理部表示,截至6月9日14時,降雨導致的洪澇災害已造成11省(區、市)近263萬人次受災,22.8萬人次緊急轉移安置;1300余間房屋倒塌;直接經濟損失超過40億元。
在英文報道中,講到“降雨”時通常會出現rain、drizzle、downpour、shower等詞彙。其中,rain是“雨”的總稱,我們通過在這個詞的前面添加不同的形容詞來表示不同程度的降雨,比如:heavy rain(大雨)、light rain(小雨)、中雨(moderate rain)、暴雨(torrential rain)、大暴雨(downpour)、特大暴雨(heavy downpour)。
In Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region in South China, six people were killed and one is missing after days of downpours.廣西壯族自治區連日降雨導致6人死亡,1人失蹤。
Over 1 million people have been affected by the floods, including 147,900 who were relocated to safe areas, the regional flood control and drought relief headquarters said Tuesday.當地防汛抗旱總指揮部表示,受災人數超過100萬,有14萬7900人被轉移到安全地帶。
In central Hunan province, seven people had been killed and one remained missing as of Tuesday.截至6月9日,湖南中部已有7人死亡,1人失蹤。
Authorities said 321,000 people were affected in 21 counties and cities of Hunan, and 11,000 residents were relocated and received assistance.當地政府表示,湖南共有21個縣市的32.1萬人受災,1.1萬人被轉移救助。
In Guizhou province in Southwest China, intense rain has left eight people missing or dead, the local emergency response department said, adding that 2,800 people were relocated.貴州應急管理部門表示,強降雨已導致當地8人死亡或失蹤,2800人被轉移安置。
The rain and flooding also damaged 10,700 hectares of crops and damaged more than 2,800 houses in the mountainous province, according to the department.降雨及洪水破壞農田1.07萬公頃,損毀房屋2800多間。
In south China’s Guangdong province, over 20,000 people were relocated following heavy rains, the local emergency management department said Tuesday, adding that hundreds of tents, as well as clothes, bottled water and food, have been delivered to the hard-hit cities of Zhaoqing and Qingyuan.廣東省應急管理部門表示,受強降雨影響,當地已有超過2萬人被轉移安置,數百頂帳篷、衣物、瓶裝水以及食物等物資已運抵受災最嚴重的肇慶和清遠。
From Wednesday night to Thursday night, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in some parts of Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guangxi and Heilongjiang, the National Meteorological Center (NMC) said.中央氣象台表示,6月10日晚至6月11日晚,湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、福建、重慶、貴州、廣西及黑龍江部分地區將有大雨或暴雨。
藍色預警(blue alert)
黃色預警(yellow alert)
橙色預警(orange alert)
紅色預警(red alert)
國歌條例 National Anthem Ordinance
he National Anthem Ordinance provides for the playing and singing, protection and promotion of the national anthem to preserve the dignity of the country, enhance the sense of national identity among citizens and promote patriotism.《國歌條例》爲奏唱、保護及推廣國歌訂定條文,以維護國家的尊嚴,增強公民的國家觀念,弘揚愛國精神。
The offences stipulated in the Ordinance only concern the misuse of the national anthem, or public and intentional acts with an intent to insult the national anthem.《國歌條例》所訂明的罪行只涉及不當使用國歌,或公開、故意、意圖侮辱國歌的行爲。
在法律用語中,ordinance多指地方性法規(a law, usually one made by a city or regional government);regulation則多指行政機關或公司等組織機構制定的規章或者規定,比如,safety regulations,corporate regulations等。
In accordance with Article 18 of the Basic Law, the national laws listed in Annex III to the Basic Law shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the HKSAR.根據香港《基本法》第十八條的規定,凡列于香港基本法附件三的全國性法律,由香港特別行政區在當地公布或立法實施。
Like the national flag and the national emblem, the national anthem is the symbol and sign of the nation. As an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China, the HKSAR is duty-bound to preserve the dignity of the national anthem through legislation.國歌與國旗、國徽一樣,是國家的象征和標志。香港特別行政區作爲國家不可分離的部分,立法維護國歌的尊嚴,是特區應有之義。
I hope that members of the public will respect the national anthem of their own volition, hence the promotion of the national anthem is of paramount importance. To let our next generation understand the history and spirit of the national anthem and to observe the etiquette for the playing and singing of the national anthem, the Education Bureau will update its learning and teaching resources and issue directions to schools through circulars to support schools in teaching students.
本土疫情 domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases
Experts said it is extremely unlikely for seafood like salmon to be the carrier of the novel coronavirus, which was found on cutting boards for imported salmon at Beijing’s Xinfadi wholesale market.北京新發地批發市場切三文魚的案板中檢測到了新冠病毒,專家表示,像三文魚之類的海鮮不太可能成爲新冠病毒的載體。
Fish in their natural habitat cannot catch coronavirus, however, they can be contaminated by workers during capture or transportation.魚類在其自然棲息地不會帶新冠病毒,不過在捕撈或運輸過程中可能被工作人員汙染。
Our seafood products are typically stored and transported in cold containers, thus it is possible for the virus to be preserved for a long time and increase the likelihood of infecting people.很多海産品都是冷凍儲存,在這樣的環境下,病毒能夠存活很長時間,傳染人的幾率也更大。
The first may be the influx of meat and seafood to the market from all over the country and around the world. Some of it may have been contaminated by infected workers during processing and transportation, then the virus jumped from produce to people.第一種可能,批發市場裏被新冠病毒汙染的海産品或肉類是源頭。批發市場很多海産品、肉類等都是外地輸入的,包括海外進口。新冠病毒感染者在處理和運輸這些産品時可能會造成汙染,從而導致經手處理的員工感染病毒。
The second possibility is person-to-person transmission. “The infected person who brought the virus into the market might be asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms, and the hustle and bustle of the market led to the cluster of new infections,” he said.第二種可能是人傳人。他可能是一個從其他疫源地過來的人,被感染之後沒有症狀或症狀很輕,此後對新發地批發市場造成了汙染,導致了疫情的集聚。
Based on preliminary analysis of the two early cases, the coronavirus strain in the latest outbreak is different from the ones found in China, and early data suggest it is a mutated variety from Europe.根據對兩個病例樣本的初步分析,此次發病的病毒毒株不像是國內流行的類型,初步數據顯示,可能是從歐洲方向來的變異類型。
However, people should take this finding with a grain of salt as more testing is being conducted to confirm the origin of virus.不過,人們對這個結論也不可輕信,確認病毒來源還需進行更多檢測。
All personnel in the Xinfadi market and nearby residents will receive nucleic acid tests and be put under medical observation. Those who have had close contact with workers at the market since May 30 should take the initiative to report to their employers and communities, and go through testing.新發地市場所有工作人員及周邊居民都將接受核酸檢測及醫學觀察。5月30日以來與該市場工作人員有過接觸的人員應主動向單位和社區報備,並接受核酸檢測。
From 3 am on Saturday, the market has been shut down for probes into its contamination and infection risk, as well as cleaning and disinfection.6月13日淩晨3時起,新發地市場閉市進行病毒感染風險調查以及消殺。
Eleven residential areas nearby are now closed to nonresidents, and several primary schools and kindergartens near the market are suspended.周邊11個居民小區封閉管理,小學和幼兒園停課。
Five suspended trade fairs have been disinfected and 252 agricultural product markets that are in operation are urged to conduct disinfection on a daily basis.五個休市的交易市場進行消殺,另外252個還在營業的農産品交易市場要求每天進行消毒。
All hospitals were required to perform nucleic acid and antibody tests, a CT scan and a routine blood test on patients with a fever.要求所有醫院對發熱病人進行核算檢測、抗體檢測、CT以及血常規檢查。
抗疫特別國債 special government bonds for covid-19 control
The Ministry of Finance will issue two batches of fixed-rate special bonds, including 50 billion yuan of five-year bonds and 50 billion yuan of seven-year bonds. Both will be listed and traded on June 23, 2020.在這兩期特別國債中,一期爲5年期固定利率附息債,二期爲7年期固定利率附息債。兩期國債競爭性招標面值總額均爲500億元,6月23日起上市交易。
國債(government bonds/treasury bonds)是由國家發行的債券(government debt securities issued by the central government),是中央政府爲籌集財政資金而發行的一種政府債券,是中央政府向投資者出具的、承諾在一定時期支付利息(pay periodic interest)和到期償還本金(pay a par amount equal to the principal at maturity)的債權債務憑證,由于國債的發行主體是國家,所以它具有最高的信用度,被公認爲是最安全的投資工具。
我國的國債由財政部代表中央政府發行,除因爲一些特殊項目而發行的特別國債外,常見的普通國債一般分爲憑證式國債(certificated treasury bonds)和記賬式國債(book-entry treasury bonds)。
The deficit-to-GDP ratio this year is projected at more than 3.6 percent, with a deficit increase of one trillion yuan over last year. On top of this, one trillion yuan of government bonds for covid-19 control will also be issued. These are extraordinary measures for an unusual time.今年赤字率擬按3.6%以上安排,財政赤字規模比去年增加1萬億元,同時發行1萬億元抗疫特別國債。這是特殊時期的特殊舉措。
The aforementioned two trillion yuan will be transferred in full to local governments; a special transfer payment mechanism will be set up to ensure that funds go straight to prefecture and county governments and directly benefit businesses and people. These funds should be primarily used to ensure employment, meet basic living needs, and protect market entities. This includes giving support to cut taxes and fees, reduce rents and interest on loans, and increase consumption and investment. It is important to stress that government funds are public in nature and that no such funds are allowed to be withheld or diverted for non-designated uses.上述2萬億元全部轉給地方,建立特殊轉移支付機制,資金直達市縣基層、直接惠企利民,主要用于保就業、保基本民生、保市場主體,包括支持減稅降費、減租降息、擴大消費和投資等,強化公共財政屬性,決不允許截留挪用。
財政部副部長許宏才日前公開表示,抗疫特別國債主要用于有一定的資産收益保障的公共衛生等基礎設施建設和抗疫的相關支出(infrastructure construction related to COVID-19 control),包括支持小微企業發展(support the development of small and micro enterprises)、財政貼息、減免租金補貼(provide fiscal and rent subsidies)等。
應急響應級別 the emergency response level
在6月16日晚間召開的北京市新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情防控工作新聞發布會上,北京市人民政府副秘書長陳蓓表示,經北京新冠肺炎疫情防控工作領導小組研究,按程序報批後,確定自6月16日起北京市突發公共衛生應急響應級別由三級調至二級(upgraded the emergency response to COVID-19 from level III to II)。
北京市應急響應級別由三級調至二級後,將堅持“九嚴格”措施,包括嚴格社區封閉式管理(closed-off management)和健康監測(health monitoring);嚴格公共交通體溫檢測和公共場所測溫驗碼等措施;嚴格進出京管控等。
People entering the city from overseas will be put under medical observation at designated places, and undergo nucleic acid tests.境外入京人員全部集中觀察和核酸檢測。
Those from the medium- and high-risk neighborhoods and relevant people from the Xinfadi farm produce market, where most of the new confirmed cases are related, are not allowed to leave Beijing.中高風險街鄉、新發地市場相關人員禁止離京。
Classes are moved online for primary and middle school students, and class resumption of college students will be suspended.恢複中小學各年級線上教學,高校學生停止返校。
The capital city demands certain team sports such as basketball, football and volleyball, to come to a halt.停止開放籃球、排球、足球等團體性及對抗性運動項目。
Venues of cultural entertainment, swimming pools and gyms will remain closed.關閉文化娛樂場所和地下空間體育健身場所、遊泳館等。
Interprovincial group tours will be suspended.停止開放境內跨省區團隊旅遊業務。
Beijing will strictly enforce epidemic prevention measures in farmers’ markets, restaurants, and canteens, and strengthen monitoring. Employees in those places must wear masks and gloves.將對農貿市場、餐館、食堂等采取嚴格的防控舉措,加強監控。上述場所工作人員須佩戴口罩和手套。
The Chinese capital reported 106 domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases from June 11 to 15. Beijing has listed 27 neighborhoods as medium-risk zones, and one high-risk neighborhood.6月11日至15日,北京市已報告106例本土傳播病例,27個社區被列爲中風險地區,1個社區爲高風險地區。
出行管控 travel restrictions
Beijing will carry out strict travel restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 and people at high risk are forbidden to leave the city, Pan Xuhong, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, said at a news conference on Thursday morning.北京市公安局副局長潘緒宏6月18日上午表示,爲防止疫情風險擴散,北京市將采取嚴格的出行限制措施。
The first category includes confirmed COVID-19 patients, suspected cases, close contacts, asymptomatic carriers and people with fever.一是全市確診病例、疑似病例、密切接觸者、無症狀感染者和有發熱症狀人員。
The second covers those who have visited Xinfadi wholesale farm-produce market or had close contact with relevant staff since May 30.二是5月30日以來進出新發地批發市場和與市場工作人員有過密切接觸的人員。
The third includes people living in medium- and high-risk areas.三是中高風險地區人員。
Other personnel should avoid unessential travels outside Beijing, Pan said, adding that a negative nucleic-acid test certificate issued within the past seven days is a must for those who really need to leave the city.全市其他人員原則上堅持“非必要不出京”,確需離京的,須持7日內核酸檢測陰性證明。
同時,民航、鐵路部門對全市確診病例(confirmed cases)、疑似病例(suspected cases)、密切接觸者(close contacts)、無症狀感染者(asymptomatic carriers),以及5月30日以來進出新發地批發市場和與市場工作人員有過密切接觸的人員,實行購票限制(impose restrictions on the purchase of tickets)。
The civil aviation and railway sectors will check temperatures and the negative nucleic acid test reports of outbound passengers before boarding.民航、鐵路部門對出京人員登機、登車前進行體溫檢測,查驗核酸檢測陰性證明。
All interprovincal bus lines operated by Beijing’s carriers will be suspended starting from June 19.6月19日起,北京市所有省際客運站運營的省際客運班線全部停運。
日環食 annular solar eclipse
今年6月21日是夏至(summer solstice),當日下午,一場十年一遇的“金邊日環食”也震撼登場。
People in quite a few places in China witnessed on Sunday the most anticipated celestial event of the year, an annular solar eclipse.The entire eclipse lasted about three and a half hours, but its duration as it passed over individual locations was equal to around 90 seconds.6月21日,我國多地民衆觀賞到了最受期待的年度天文盛景“日環食”。整個“日環食”持續近三個半小時,不過在單個地點的持續時間約90秒。
日環食(annular solar eclipse)是日食(solar eclipse)的一種,發生時太陽的中心部分黑暗,邊緣仍然明亮,形成光環。這是因爲月球在太陽和地球之間,但是距離地球較遠,不能完全遮住太陽而形成的(not close to the Earth enough to completely obscure the sun)。隨著月球位置的移動,我們能觀測到的日食還有日全食(total solar eclipse)和日偏食(partial solar eclipse)。
Solar源于希臘語,指“of,relating to,or proceeding from the sun”(和太陽有關的或從太陽發出的),其相關的表達如:solar calendar(陽曆),solar heating system(太陽能加熱系統)等。
作名詞時,常用的搭配是in eclipse,如Fred was in eclipse, exiled to a small post in the south.(弗雷德失勢了,被打發到南方去擔任一個小差使。)作動詞時常見be eclipsed by搭配,如:She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.(在聰明的妹妹面前,她變得黯然失色。)
The annular eclipse crossed a path that started at sunrise in Africa and eventually moved across to China before ending at sunset over the Pacific Ocean.
In China, it was visible in central areas of the Tibet autonomous region and Sichuan province, northern areas of Guizhou province, central areas of Hunan province, southwestern regions of Jiangxi province, southern Fujian province and central areas of Taiwan.我國境內觀測到日環食的地區有西藏、四川、貴州北部、湖南中部、江西西南部、福建南部、以及台灣中部地區。
北鬥衛星導航系統 Beidou Navigation Satellite System
The launch marked the completion of the in-orbit construction of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) , the country’s largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, along with the United States’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Union’s Galileo.此次發射標志著北鬥全球衛星導航系統在軌部署完成,北鬥系統是我國最大的空間導航系統,也是四個全球導航系統之一,其他三個分別爲美國全球定位系統、俄羅斯格洛納斯以及歐盟伽利略。
北鬥衛星導航系統(Beidou Navigation Satellite System)是中國著眼于國家安全和經濟社會發展需要,自主建設、獨立運行的衛星導航系統(independently constructed and operated by China),是爲全球用戶提供全天候、全天時、高精度的定位(all-time, all-weather and high-accuracy positioning)、導航和授時服務(navigation and timing services)的國家重要空間基礎設施。
中國高度重視北鬥系統建設發展,自 20 世紀 80 年代開始探索適合國情的衛星導航系統發展道路,形成了“三步走”發展戰略:2000 年年底,建成北鬥一號系統,向中國提供服務;2012 年年底,建成北鬥二號系統,向亞太地區提供服務(provide services in the Asia-Pacific region);計劃 2020 年前後,建成北鬥三號系統,向全球提供服務(provide global services)。2035 年前,將以北鬥系統爲核心,建設完善更加泛在、更加融合、更加智能的國家綜合定位導航授時(positioning navigation and timing,PNT)體系。
1994年,北鬥衛星導航系統啓動建設。20多年間,我國在西昌衛星發射中心共組織了44次北鬥發射任務,利用長征三號甲系列運載火箭,先後將4顆北鬥一號試驗衛星(experimental satellites)、55顆北鬥二號和北鬥三號組網衛星(third-generation satellites)送入預定軌道,任務成功率100%。
By now, 59 satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been launched from Xichang on Long March 3Bs, some having since been put into retirement.
There are 30 third-generation Beidou satellites in three types of orbit — 24 in medium-Earth orbits, three in inclined geosynchronous satellite orbits and three in geostationary orbits.目前,在軌北鬥三號衛星共有30顆,包括24顆中圓地球軌道衛星、3顆傾斜地球同步軌道衛星和3顆地球靜止軌道衛星。
家暴人員婚姻登記查詢系統 inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration
An inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration – the first of its kind in China – will be put into use in Yiwu, Zhejiang province, starting July 1, allowing people to check if their would-be partners have a criminal record related to beating or abusing family members.7月1日起,我國首個涉家庭暴力人員婚姻登記查詢系統將在浙江省義烏市開通,人們可以通過該系統查詢未來的另一半是否有毆打或虐待家庭成員的記錄。
2017年起至今因實施家庭暴力行爲被判處刑罰的人員(those who have been convicted over family violence)並實時更新;
2017年起至今因實施家庭暴力行爲被人民法院裁定受人身安全保護令限制的人員(those who have been subjected to restraining orders over family violence)並實時更新;
2017年起至今因實施家庭暴力行爲被公安機關處以行政拘留處罰的人員(those who have been sentenced to detention over domestic violence)並實時更新。
根據查詢人申請,查詢人提供本人身份證、結婚對象身份證信息(personal information about their fiances)、申請書、真實性和保密性責任書(statements that applicants are accountable for the authenticity of the materials and the confidentiality of the results)等材料,向婚姻登記處提交申請,經審核後方可查詢對方是否有家庭暴力相關記錄。
All application materials will be strictly reviewed by the marriage registration office before the application is approved.婚姻登記機構對申請材料進行嚴格審核後予以批准。
Users can only search the database twice a year, to look at the records of at most two people.查詢注冊簿一年內不超過2次,查詢人數一年內不超過2人。
Those who disseminate or use the information in the database for any purposes other than their own matrimonial decisions will “bear legal consequences”.查詢結果只作爲對其結婚對象是否曾有家暴行爲真僞情況的參考,除此以外的傳播和使用行爲需承擔相應法律後果。
商合杭高鐵 the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway
With a designed speed of 350 kph, the route connects the city of Shangqiu in central China’s Henan province, and Hefei and Hangzhou, the capital cities of east China’s Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. The northern section of the railway, from Shangqiu to Hefei, went into operation in December 2019, according to China State Railway Group.該線路設計時速350公裏,連接河南省商丘、安徽省省會合肥,以及浙江省省會杭州。據國鐵集團介紹,該線路北段,即商丘至合肥段,于去年12月正式開通運營。
商合杭高鐵(the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway)一路銜接鄭徐、合蚌、合福、合甯、甯安、甯杭和去年12月初剛通車的鄭阜等7條既有高鐵(existing high-speed railway),合安、湖杭、滬蘇湖等3條在建高鐵(high-speed railways under construction)和京港高鐵阜九段、阜淮、亳蚌、淮蚌、合新、巢馬、甯宣、宣績等8條規劃高速鐵路和城際鐵路(planned high-speed railways and inter-city railways),連接商丘、阜陽、合肥、蕪湖和杭州五個鐵路樞紐(railway hubs),是我國高速鐵路、客運專線建設中銜接關系最爲複雜的項目。通過商合杭高鐵,旅客可以融入更爲廣闊的全國高鐵網(high-speed railway network),更快到達更多目的地。
The opening of the new route will further optimize the railway network in the country’s central and eastern regions and greatly ease the mounting pressure on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line to provide a more convenient travel experience for passengers along the route, the company said.
The line is also expected to spur the rise of the central region and boost the integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta, it added.該線路也將對促進中部地區崛起,推動長三角區域一體化發展,具有重要意義。
義務教育 compulsory education
近日,教育部等十部門聯合印發了《關于進一步加強控辍保學工作 健全義務教育有保障長效機制的若幹意見》。
The completion rate of nine-year compulsory education is expected to reach 95 percent by the end of 2020, the guideline said, calling for ongoing efforts to make sure children from impoverished families have access to compulsory education.意見提出,貧困家庭義務教育階段適齡兒童少年不失學辍學,確保2020年全國九年義務教育鞏固率達到95%。
Compulsory這個詞我們都很熟悉,表示“強制的,義務的,必須做的”意思,除了表示“義務教育(compulsory education)”以外,學校裏設置的“必修課”是compulsory courses,再比如,It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.(所有騎摩托車的人都必須戴頭盔。)
意見強調,確保建檔立卡貧困家庭辍學學生今年秋季學期全部應返盡返(make sure all dropouts from impoverished families return to school in the fall)。堅決防止因疫情造成新的辍學(prevent any new dropouts due to the COVID-19 pandemic)。
Education, public security, human resources and social security authorities should share information about any students who start working before age 16, and authorities should punish employers that hire those students, the guideline said.教育部門會同公安、人力資源社會保障部門建立協作勸返機制,及時相互通報16歲以下學生外出打工信息,嚴厲打擊使用童工違法犯罪行爲。
Authorities should use various means, including persuasion, financial aid and even administrative and legal punishment of parents to encourage dropout students to return to school and prevent new dropouts, it added.各地要利用規勸、經濟援助,甚至對父母采取行政及法律處罰等多種方式做好辍學適齡兒童少年的勸返複學工作,防止造成新的辍學。
這裏的dropout是名詞,表示“辍學”,其動詞形式爲drop out,常見的搭配爲drop out of school。Drop常見的短語搭配還有drop in/by(順便拜訪),比如:Drop in/by any time—we’re always home.(隨時來都可以,我們都在家。)如果要表明順便拜訪的對象則多用drop in on someone表示,比如:I hate to drop in on people when they aren’t expecting me.(我不喜歡貿然造訪別人家。)
The number of dropout students in China has nose-dived from 600,000 in early 2019 to 6,781 on June 14, thanks to the nation’s poverty alleviation efforts, the guideline said.
There were only 97 students from families registered as impoverished who were not attending primary and middle schools by June, down from 200,000 in early 2019, it said.截至6月,我國建檔立卡貧困家庭辍學學生已由2019年初的20萬減少至97人。