(2017年10月13日)美國周四(當地時間 10月12日)宣布,將退出聯合國教科文組織,稱該組織存在「反以色列傾向」。以色列在表達支持之後,周四稍晚也宣布即將退出教科文組織。法新社報道指,退出之際,正值教科文組織下屆秘書長競選已經開始。
美國國務院周四在書面聲明說,已通知聯合國教科文組織秘書長伊琳娜·博科娃(Irina Bokova)退出的決定,按照章程,退出將於2018年12月31日生效,而美國將繼續以永久觀察員身分,為世界遺產保護、文教、新聞自由與科學工作繼續貢獻美國的觀點。
事實上,因處理耶路撒冷與希伯倫關係的分歧,美國與教科文組織始終保持距離。教科文組織2011年接受巴勒斯坦成為成員國加劇了這一分歧,美國此後不再繳納每年約年約7000萬美元、約占組織年度預算22%的經費,2013年美國因此失去在教科文組織的投票權。今年7 月,聯合國教科文組織宣布被以色列占領並讓巴以雙方激烈爭奪的約旦河西岸古城希伯倫是巴勒斯坦的世界文化遺產,美國提出將重新考慮與教科文的關係,在9月聯合國大會期間,即已傳出國務卿蒂勒森向部分國家表達美國打算退出的意向。
法新社報道指, 這並不是美國首次退出聯合國教科文組織,1984年,前總統里根主政時美國就曾宣布退出,到2002年,時任總統小布希又宣布重返,直到2003年重新加入。報道援引專家分析認為,鑒於美國在巴以問題上的立場,不難理解退出的決定,由於教科文組織相對與其他聯合國組織地位較輕,而對巴以問題處理走得更遠,因而成為目標。
目前共有5名候選人競逐。分別來自中國、法國、埃及、卡達與黎巴嫩,其中中國現任教科文組織教育助理秘書長唐虔與法國候選人阿祖萊(Audrey Azoulay)競爭激烈。周四晚間58個執行委員國家預定將推選出進入最后角逐的2名候選人。
U.S. withdraws from UNESCO, the U.N.’s cultural organization, citing anti-Israel bias
The United States plans to withdraw from UNESCO, citing financial reasons, as well as what it said was anti-Israel bias at the U.N.’s educational, science and cultural organization.
UNESCO was notified Thursday morning of the U.S. intention to withdraw at the end of 2018. The State Department said the United States would like to remain involved as a nonmember observer state.
The withdrawal means the U.S. will halt the arrears it has run-up since it stopped funding the organization in 2011 to protest the admission of the Palestinian Authority as a full member. By the end of this calendar year, the unpaid U.S. bill will amount to $550 million. With no sign that U.S. concerns would be addressed, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson decided to pull out.
State Department officials said they hope the withdrawal will help push UNESCO to make changes that would satisfy Washington so the U.S. can resume full membership. Though it will not be able to participate in voting, as an observer the U.S. will remain part of discussions on culture, education, science and communication.
「It sends a strong message that we need to see fundamental reform in the organization, and it raises everyone’s awareness about continued anti-Israel bias,」 said one official, speaking on condition of anonymity under department ground rules.
The United States helped found the United Nations Educational, Scientific Cultural Organization, but has been at odds with the organization in recent years. State Department officials cited a 2012 decision not to expel Syria from its human rights committee after the civil war in that country began, and repeated resolutions that refer to Israel as an occupying power.
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., said the last straw was when UNESCO designated the old city of Hebron in the West Bank, with its Tomb of the Patriarchs, a Palestinian World Heritage site.
Calling UNESCO’s politicization a 「chronic embarrassment,」 Haley added, 「Just as we said in 1984 when President Reagan withdrew from UNESCO, U.S. taxpayers should no longer be on the hook to pay for policies that are hostile to our values and make a mockery of justice and common sense.」
Haley said the United States will evaluate all U.N. agencies 「through the same lens.」
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the decision to leave UNESCO 「brave」 and 「moral.」 He said he had instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare for Israel’s withdrawal as well.
「UNESCO has become a theater of the absurd because, instead of preserving history, it distorts it,」 he said in a statement.
The U.S. withdrawal marks yet another decision by the Trump administration to distance itself from some parts of the international community.
Irina Bokova, director-general of UNESCO, expressed 「profound regret」 after the State Department announced its decision on Thursday.
「At the time when the fight against violent extremism calls for renewed investment in education, in dialogue among cultures to prevent hatred, it is deeply regrettable that the United States should withdraw from the United Nations leading these issues,」 she said in a statement.
「This is a loss to UNESCO,」 she added. 「This is a loss to the United Nation family. This is a loss for multilateralism.」
The withdrawal decision comes as UNESCO members are voting on a replacement for Bokova. Qatar’s Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari is leading France’s Audrey Azoulay and Egyptian hopeful Moushira Khattab in the first voting rounds. Israeli officials and American Jewish groups have expressed concerns about Kawari for what they have said is a record of fostering anti-Semitism.
UNESCO was established after World War II to help promote global cooperation around the flow of ideas, culture and information. UNESCO’s mission includes programs to improve access to education, preserve cultural heritage, improve gender equality and promote scientific advances and freedom of expression.
It is perhaps best known for the World Heritage program, which helps maintain major cultural sites around the globe.
After the 1984 withdrawal, for what was described as pro-Soviet Union bias, the U.S. rejoined in 2002 as part of an effort by the George W. Bush administration to emphasize a message of international cooperation. 「America will participate fully in its mission to advance human rights, tolerance and learning,」 Bush said at the time.
Tensions have returned in recent years. Israel recalled its ambassador to the Paris-based organization last year after some governments supported a resolution that denounced Israel’s policies on religious sites in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Bokova said the partnership between the United States and UNESCO 「has never been so meaningful,」 despite the withholding of U.S. funding.
「Together, we have worked to protect humanity’s shared cultural heritage in the face of terrorist attacks and to prevent violent extremism through education and media literacy,」 she said.
She added: 「The American poet, diplomat and Librarian of Congress, Archibald MacLeish penned the lines that open UNESCO’s 1945 Constitution: 『Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.』 This vision has never been more relevant.」