8月9日國慶節中午12點,頂著大太陽,我們全家到濱海堤壩近距離欣賞空軍特技表演。黑騎士(Black Knights)飛行隊用的是F16戰鬥機,一共有六名飛行員。平時他們都在空軍服役,只有在航空展或者慶典活動前幾個月才組隊訓練。飛行隊在25分鍾內,進行了22種特技飛行。神乎奇技!!! 我這軍事盲就這樣被征服,回家後上網找資料,把各種特技的名字鬥膽用中文翻譯了一遍後,並試著對網上找到的黑騎士圖片進行很外行的解說。
圖九:濱海堤壩(Marina Barrage)當天觀看飛行特技表演之盛況。
Opening: Delta Fly By 六機:三角隊形通過,拉升至高空翻筋鬥
The show begins with the six Black Knights flying past the show centre in a Delta formation, before pulling up for a loop.
#1: Opening Curtain 六機:高空扭滾,扇形俯沖開幕
At the top of the loop, the Black Knights twist out and fan downwards for the opening curtain.
#2: Classic Hit > Opposed Cuban 雙機:對飛-古巴八字
The solo pilots Black Knights 5 and 6 approach head-on from either side, before narrowly manoeuvring away and missing each other. Both aircraft will then pull up and execute two aileron rolls before pulling back down towards each other, to complete the Opposed Cuban.
#3: Aileron Roll Hit 雙機:橫滾對飛
The solos then approach from opposing sides and once again fly head on. They will then simultaneously execute an aileron roll away from each other as they converge at show centre.
#4: Lab Loop 四機:菱形編隊筋鬥
The Diamond-4 – Black Knights 1 to 4 – will fly adjacent to each other and pull up into a loop. At the top of the loop, the Black Knights will transition into a tight Ruby formation.
#5: High Speed Pass 單機:高速通過
As the name implies – a high-speed fly by executed by Black Knight 6 demonstrates the aircraft’s immense power.
#6: Chevron > Twisted Loop > Spear 六機:人字隊形拉升–扭滾–镖形
In a Chevron formation, the Black Knights pull up into the vertical for a loop. They will then transition into a spear formation as they exit the loop and fly past the crowd.
#7: Spear > Barrel Roll > Swan 六機:镖形-桶滾-天鵝隊形
From the Spear formation, the Black Knights commence a barrel roll to the right, during which they will transition into a Swan formation.
#8: Hexa Stack > Loop > Delta 六機:兩排拉升–筋鬥-三角隊形
Flying in two rows of three aircraft, the Black Knights once again pull up into a loop and transit at the top of the loop into a Delta formation.
#9: Sapphire Fly By > Gull Split 六機:藍寶石隊形側飛–雙翼分飛
The Black Knights will fly by once again in front of the crowd – this time in a tighter, almost gapless Sapphire formation. As they fly to the right of the show, Black Knights 5 and 6 pull up and roll away from the formation executing the gull split.
#10: Criss-Cross 四機:十字交叉
Black Knights 1 to 4 fly head-on to the crowd. They then turn towards each other and converge at a central point before splitting upwards and outwards in four different directions.
#11: Needle cross 雙機:繡針交叉
The two solos approach head on to the crowd in a line abreast formation. They subsequently perform a derry turn into each to converge at a central point.
#12: Low & Slow > Muscle Climb 雙機:超低速飛行–高速垂直拉升
The solos then reposition to showcase the slow speed manoeuvrability of the F-16 by flying next to each other at the slowest possible speed. At the show centre, they will select afterburners in sync to perform an aggressive climb out vertically.
#13: Way of the Dragon 四機:龍行在天(梯隊排列,逐機拉升,螺旋飛離)
The Diamond-4, flying in an echelon formation, will pull up in sequence and roll away from the crowd, drawing a helical pattern with the smoke trails.
#14: Vertical Spiral 雙機:一機垂直翻滾上行,一機繞煙螺旋尾隨
Black Knight 5 approaches head-on to the crowd. He then pulls straight up into the vertical and commences to roll his aircraft to create a spiralling effect with his smoke trail. Following closely behind, Black Knight 6 pulls up and pierces the spiral with his smoke trail.
#15: Twinkle Roll 四機:菱形360度同步滾
Four Black Knights execute a synchronised 360-roll in a Diamond formation.
#16: Mirror Pass 雙機:鏡像疊飛
The solos fly past in a mirrored stack, one inverted on top of the other.
#17: Double Heart 四機:雙層心形
Black Knights 1 to 4, flying in a Diamond formation, pull up and split to create two hearts with their smoke trails.
#18: Inverted Helix 雙機:一機倒飛前行,一機繞煙螺旋
Black Knight 5 flies inverted from left to right while Black Knight 6 spirals around his smoke trail.
#19: Knife Edge 刀鋒(單機:側飛)
Black Knight 5 rolls his aircraft 90 degrees on its side displaying the paint scheme and national flag on top of the aircraft to the crowd as he flies from the right to the left.
#20: Quad Roll 單機:360度四次翻滾
Black Knight 6 commences to execute four 360 degrees rolls to his aircraft as he flies past the crowd from right to left.
#21: Double Inverted Wrap 四機:雙機倒飛,雙機交叉螺旋繞滾
Two Black Knights fly inverted in close formation past the crowd whilst another two spiral around them in a criss-cross pattern, maintaining positions diametrically opposite each other. This forms a double helix.
#22: Dedication Pass 六機:菱形敬禮(四機菱形側飛,雙機螺旋繞滾)
Four Black Knights fly across the crowd in a Diamond formation while the solos spiral around their smoke trail.
Closing: Finale Burst 六機:壓軸扇形
All six Black Knights pull-up in a Delta formation and break away in an evenly spaced fan-burst. Black Knights pull-up in a Delta formation and break away in an evenly spaced fan-burst.