這兩天新加坡又站到風口浪尖了!先是《環球時報》說新加坡妄提南海仲裁,後有新加坡大使親自致公開信表示俺們沒有是你們冤枉俺。然後是《環球時報》主編胡錫進在回複給新加坡大使的公開信中開門見山說“你回避重點!你就是有!而且您的國家在南海問題上做過頭了!” 最新進展是中國外交部發言人在例常記者會上對此作出反應……吃瓜群衆表示簡直是圍觀不過來的節奏啊!
然後9月21日,《環球時報》發布了這樣一篇報道,標題是——《不結盟運動首腦會閉幕 新加坡不顧反對妄提南海仲裁》,並被各大新聞媒體廣泛轉載和傳播,在中國互聯網上激起了肥腸熱烈的討論啊,新加坡被中國網民是一頓臭罵。
尊敬的 胡主編:
1 《環球時報》中文版于2016年9月21日刊登的“不結盟運動首腦會新加坡妄提南海仲裁”一文中,有關新加坡在不結盟運動峰會上言行的內容是不符事實和毫無依據的。
2 首先,關于提議更改不結盟運動峰會最終文件中的東南亞段落一事,這不是臨時決案或任何單一東盟國家主張的。這是東盟一致和共同的立場,也是東盟十國,根據第49屆東盟外長會議聯合公報,所達成的共識。2016年7月,老撾以東盟現任主席國的身份向前任不結盟運動峰會輪值主席國伊朗提交正式信函,闡明東盟的共同立場。2016年7月29日,伊朗將東盟提交的更新訊息轉發給各不結盟運動成員國。
3 其次,峰會主席拒絕了東盟遵照不結盟運動的慣例,在不受非區域成員或外方幹涉的情況下,更新其所在區域段落內容的要求。如果這項重要原則得不到尊重,那麽今後任何非區域成員或外方將可隨意把其看法強加予各區域的事務。這不符合不結盟運動及各成員國的利益。東南亞相關段落,包括涉及南海的內容,自1992年起就已納入不結盟運動峰會的最終文件,並以東盟共識爲基礎,定期進行更新。
4 其三,與《環球時報》捏造的說詞相反,新加坡代表團從未在此不結盟運動峰會上提及南海或仲裁結果。新加坡始終秉承著原則性立場,發言支持東盟的共同立場以及捍衛不結盟運動的原則和慣例。新加坡相信,若不結盟運動的原則被動搖,將不利于不結盟運動的團結、公正性和未來。
5 下列的事實也可清楚地反駁了文章不實的指控:
ii. 針對不結盟運動主席國拒絕東盟提出的更新方案的不當決定,作爲東盟主席國的老撾,代表東盟全體十國向該主席國提出了抗議。對于不結盟運動這項長久的原則遭到破壞,不少其他國家也表示了反對。
iii. 第17屆不結盟運動峰會結束時,作爲東盟主席國,老撾向委內瑞拉外交部長致信,明確指出東盟對于不結盟運動最終文件中涉及東南亞部分的未被更新的段落,集體持保留意見。東盟主席國要求把東盟的更新提案,附在不結盟運動的最終文件, 作爲一個附錄。隨此函附上東盟主席國老撾的信函複件。
6 我們對于一家主流媒體竟然刊登這篇罔顧事實、充斥著胡編亂造和無稽之談的不負責任文章感到失望。以維護專業、客觀和公正,我謹要求《環球時報》全文刊登此函的中英文版本,讓讀者可以了解事實,避免讓新中兩國之間的親密友誼在無意中受到影響。
1. 環球:“新加坡執意要求塞入南海仲裁案背書內容”。
2. 環球:“新加坡公然挑戰委內瑞拉作爲主席國的裁決”
3. 胡錫進:羅家良“大概沒有參加那次會議,不是親曆者”,而環球時報記者則是“根據參加了會議的知情人士介紹情況寫成此文的,信息源嚴肅、可靠,記者的采訪紮實,認真,文章寫的就是真實情況。
4. 羅家良:“作爲東盟主席國,老撾向委內瑞拉外交部長致信”
Mr Hu Xijin
Global Times
Dear Editor-in-Chief Hu,
1 The Global Times (Chinese) article dated 21 September 2016 regarding the 17th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit attributed actions and words to Singapore which are false and unfounded.
2 Firstly, the proposal to update the Southeast Asia paragraphs in the NAM Final Document was not done at the last minute nor by any single ASEAN country. There was a common and united ASEAN position. It was a consensus position of all ten ASEAN members, based on agreed language from the Joint Communique of the 49th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting. As the current ASEAN Chair, Laos conveyed the group’s common position through a formal letter to the former-NAM Chair Iran in July 2016. Subsequently, Iran circulated ASEAN’s updates to all NAM Members on 29 July 2016.
3 Secondly, the NAM Chair refused ASEAN’s request to abide by the established practice in NAM for regional groupings to update the paragraphs of their respective regions in the NAM Final Document, without interference from non-regional NAM countries or external parties. If this important principle is not respected, any non-regional NAM member or external element could in future impose their views on any regional issue. This is not in the interests of the NAM and its members. The paragraphs on Southeast Asia, including those referring to the South China Sea, have been part of the NAM Final Document since 1992, and regularly updated based on the common position of the ASEAN countries.
4 Thirdly, contrary to the claim fabricated by the Global Times, the Singapore delegation did not raise the South China Sea or the tribunal ruling at the NAM Summit. Singapore adopted a principled position throughout and intervened to support the common position of ASEAN and defend NAM principles and established practices. Singapore believes that it is detrimental to the unity, impartiality and future of the NAM to allow NAM principles to be undermined.
5 The following additional facts clearly refute the allegations in the article:
i. Only a very small number of NAM Members outside Southeast Asia raised objections to ASEAN’s updates at the NAM Senior Officials’ Meeting at Margarita Island. However, substantive discussions were regrettably blocked.
ii. As Chairman of ASEAN, Laos protested on behalf of all ten ASEAN countries to the NAM Chair on its improper decision to reject ASEAN’s updates. Several other countries also objected to the breach of this well-established NAM principle.
iii. At the end of the 17th NAM Summit, Laos as Chair of ASEAN wrote to the Venezuelan Foreign Minister to put on record ASEAN’s collective reservation to a paragraph in the Southeast Asia section of the NAM Final Document that was not updated. The ASEAN Chair further requested that ASEAN’s proposed language be annexed to the NAM Final Document. A copy of the letter from Laos as Chair of ASEAN is attached.
6 We are disappointed that an established newspaper published this irresponsible report replete with fabrications and unfounded allegations with no regard for the facts. I request that in the interest of professionalism, objectivity and transparency,Global Times publishes this letter in full in Chinese and English, so that your readers may be accurately informed, and the close friendship between our two countries will not be inadvertently affected.
Singapore’s Ambassador
to the People’s Republic of China
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity
18 September 2016
Isla Margarita, Venezuela
H.E. Delcy Rodriguez Gomez
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the People’s Power for Foreign Affairs
of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
I would like to extend my friendly greeting to Your Excellency, and on behalf of 10 ASEAN member States attending the XVII NAM Ministerial Meeting, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippine, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, have the honour to reiterate that the question of South China Sea is a matter of vital interest for peace stability, security and cooperation in South East Asia. From the very beginning, ASEAN with a high respect to Venezuela Chair of XVII NAM Summit and with the strong aspiration to contribute to the success of this XVII NAM Summit, has been requesting extensive discussion and consultation with interested NAM members to reach an agreement on the issue.
Unfortunately our cooperative spirit and our constructive efforts have not been reciprocated. ASEAN, with a very deep regret and with the high respect to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as the Chair of the XVII NAM Summit and to all distinguished NAM members, has to reiterate that ASEAN is not in a position to accept the paragraph relating to the South China Sea numbered 449 as reflected in the draft NAM Final Outcome Document received by member countries in the morning of 18 September 2016, as it does not reflect the current developments in the region. We would like to request the NAM Chair to put on record our reservation and incorporate in the NAM Final Outcome Document our reservation in the form of an Annex as follows:
“The Heads of State or Government reiterated the call to solve all sovereignty and territorial disputes in the South China Sea by peaceful means, without resorting to force and/or the threat to use force, in accordance with the universally recognized principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Charter of the United Nations. In this context, they urged all parties to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in its entiretyto build, maintain and enhance mutual trust and confidence, to exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities, and to work expeditiously for the early adoption of an effective Code of Conduct, which would help to promote international peace and stability in the region, with a view to creating a positive climate for the eventual resolution of all contentious issues, as mentioned in paragraph 2 of the Joint Commmunique of the 49th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Vientiane, Laos dated 24 July 2016. They expressed their hope that all parties concerned would refrain from any actions that may undermine peace, stability, trust and confidence in the region. The Heads of State or Government shared serious concerns over recent and ongoing developments in the South China Sea and took note of the concerns expressed by some ministers/leaders on the land reclamations and escalation of activities in the area, including the increased presence of military assets and the possibility of further militarization of outposts in the South China Sea, which have eroded trust and confidence, increased tensions and may undermine peace, security and stability in the region. They emphasized the importance of non-militarisation and self-restraint in the conduct of all activities, including land reclamation that could further complicate the situation and escalate tensions in the South China Sea. They reaffirmed the importance of and their shared commitment to maintaining peace, security, stability, the freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea, as provided for by the universally recognized principles of international law. To this end, they welcomed the adoption of the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in July 2011 in Bali and the Joint Statement of the 15th ASEAN-China Summit on 10thAnniversary of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in November 2012 in Phnom Penh. The Heads of State or Government also welcomed the Joint Statement by the Foreign Ministers of ASEAN Member States and China on the Full and Effective Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea on 25 July 2016 in Vientiane. They further welcomed the positive contribution of the consultations at ASEAN-China dialogues, and the regular exchange of views at relevant ASEAN-led fora, and encouraged their continuance. The Heads of State or Government welcomed the progress made on some of the Early Harvest Measures, which includes adopting a 24-hour MFA-to-MFA hotline for maritime emergencies. They noted the ASEAN-China 25th Anniversary Commemorative Summit on 7 September 2016 in Vientiane, the 17th Joint Working Group on the implementation of the DOC on 8 June 2016 and the 12th Senior Official’s Meeting on the implementation of the DOC on 9 June2016 in Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam.”
Therefore, ASEAN expresses its reservation on paragraph 449 of the XVII NAM Final Outcome Document, and with your permission, kindly requests that its reservation and this letter be put on record and included as annex of the Final Outcome Document.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Kham-Inh Khitchadeth
Director General
SOM and Ministerial Leader of the Lao delegation