7月25日晚,全新的新加坡政府內閣分兩個地點宣誓就職,李顯龍將繼續出任政府總理,內閣名單也在早先宣布。 新內閣中,出任政治職務者爲37人,平均年齡52歲。在16個政府部門中,有7位部長進行了調整,但多數是平行位移。另外,有六名第一次當選的議員也被受委政治職務,尤其是直接出任總理公署部長的馬林百列集選區當選議員陳詩龍醫生。 新內閣名單在內閣宣誓就職儀式後,李顯龍總理向全國發表講話,表示感謝選民對人民行動黨團隊的信任,“將全力以赴,負責任地行使委托權,幫助國人解決生活上的困難,同時努力尋求新的機遇,讓我國經濟盡快複蘇。” 李顯龍總理表示,新一屆政府是目前他能所召集的“最強陣容”,新政府將繼續全力對抗冠病疫情,保障人民的健康和安全,同時,也將保障就業作爲當務之急,政府認爲“最好的策略是把資源放在建立新的優勢和能力上,開拓新的領域,創造新的就業機會,借此幫助那些面臨困境的企業和工友轉戰新興領域。工友也會獲得協助接受培訓,以勝任這些新的工作。” 李總理還談到,除了繼續應對的經濟危機,政府也要爲瞬息萬變的未來做好長期規劃,繼續鞏固和加強國家基礎,並建設一個公正、平等和包容的社會,讓新加坡在危機過後能更加穩定強韌。 同時,新政府也要繼續把新加坡建設成一個“公正、平等和包容的社會,讓國人不分種族、言語和宗教,不論家世背景,都能享有同等的機會,取得成功和實現自己的理想。” 在談到反對黨時,李顯龍總理認爲選民希望人民行動黨繼續執政,但也希望在國會裏有更多元化的聲音,針對政策和計劃展開更激烈的辯論。本屆國會將有12位反對黨議員,是近年來最多的。同時,也會有指定的反對黨領袖。“希望能夠看到一個忠誠而負責任的反對黨,不僅是對政策提出疑問和批評,而是能夠進一步提出具體、可行的替代方案。這才有助于國人理解新加坡所面對的各種抉擇和其中的利弊得失。同時,也讓政府能夠制定更加完善的政策,造福人民。” 最後,李顯龍總理也表示“即便擁有不同的理念,我們始終都是新加坡人,都是一家人。新一屆內閣已經展開工作,政府將分秒必爭,致力讓新加坡早日走出陰霾,和全民一起爲更美好的明天而奮鬥。” 新加坡眼評論:新加坡新一屆政府目前的首要目標,依然是對抗疫情和保障就業。這兩項任務都是非常艱巨而複雜的。尤其是保障就業方面,新加坡政府之前已經撥出了大筆款項幫助失業人士,但是仍不能解決實際問題,因此,政府也慢慢由“授之以魚”轉向“授之以漁”,將更多精力投入爲國人創造更多新的工作領域和工作機會上。我們相信,在新一屆政府的領導下,新加坡一定能乘風破浪繼續前進。 附:李顯龍總理講話中英文全文2020 07 27 李顯龍在新內閣就職儀式後的講話
Speech in English by PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Swearing-in Ceremony on 27 July 2020
Singaporeans have just gone through a crucial General Election, held in the midst of a tremendous crisis. We have been through six difficult months, dealing with COVID-19, and the economic downturn precipitated by the virus. I called this election to give the government a fresh mandate and a full term, to deal with the difficult months and years that still lie ahead.
Singaporeans understood what was at stake. They considered carefully what the candidates and parties had to offer. And on Polling Day, voters turned out in full strength. They gave the PAP a clear mandate to form the government.
My team and I are humbled that Singaporeans have entrusted us with this heavy responsibility. We will use our mandate to act on your behalf, vigorously and unremittingly, to deal with the challenges ahead, and lead Singapore out of the crisis.
The work of our new Cabinet and government has already begun. The elections are behind us. Whatever our political persuasions, never forget that we are first and foremost Singaporeans. Let us all unite and focus our energies on the major challenges ahead.
Big Challenges Ahead
On the public health front, COVID-19 remains a serious problem. The global situation has taken a further turn for the worse, with both new infections and deaths continuing to climb. Even cities that initially brought the virus under control, like Hong Kong and Seoul, have suffered repeat outbreaks, after they eased safe distancing measures and reopened their economies. It shows just how difficult it will be for Singapore to keep ourselves free from the virus. And this is why, as we gradually restore economic activity, re-open our borders, and resume our lives, we are also building up our capacities to test and contact trace, so that we can identify and stamp out new outbreaks quickly. But each one of us still needs to play our own part, stay vigilant, practise safe distancing and minimise social interactions. That is how we can protect the health and the lives of our loved ones, especially our elderly.
At the same time, we have to get our economy going again. This is an enormous task. In the second quarter, our GDP shrank a record 12.6% year on year. The four Budgets this year have staved off the worst of the damage. But we have kept companies afloat, and minimised retrenchments so far. But economic conditions will continue to be difficult, and we must expect to lose many more jobs. We will do our best to save as many as we can, and help workers who still lose their jobs to find new work. The National Jobs Council is urgently working with the unions, business associations and government agencies on this vital task.
We will also help businesses that have been shut down by COVID-19 to start up again. In particular, the construction sector has been badly affected by the outbreak in the migrant worker dormitories. We have almost completed testing all the migrant workers in the dorms, and clearing the dorms of COVID-19. And we are exerting maximum effort to establish safe living and working conditions, so that the workers can get back to work as soon as possible, while keeping the virus in check. But it is a very complicated task, and despite our best efforts, will take a few weeks more to complete. In the meantime, the government will lighten the burden of levies and fees on their employers, and help them get back on their feet. This is only fair to the employers. Many of them are small sub-contractors. They are bearing a disproportionate share of the burden of keeping all of us safe from COVID-19.
Then there are sectors that have been hard hit by the closure of international borders, like tourism and aviation. Their recoveries will be slow. They rely heavily on the international market, without a large domestic market to buffer them. But we are determined to help these sectors pull through, as they are linked to many other parts of our economy. That is why the government put aside close to $2 billion in the Budgets to support them.
We must also be prepared that some industries will not return to what they were before. Then the government will face difficult choices, and so will the businesses themselves. We cannot afford to prop up failing industries indefinitely, or trap workers in jobs that are no longer viable. The better, long-term solution is to invest our resources to develop new capabilities, grow new industries and create new jobs. Then we can help firms in declining industries to reinvent themselves or pivot to other fields of business. We will also help workers in these industries reskill for the new jobs created. We were already doing this even before COVID-19, through SkillsFuture. But now the urgency is greater, and we must redouble our efforts.
Looking towards the future
Beyond the ongoing crisis, the government must also keep our eyes firmly on the future. One day, the pandemic will be over, and the economic crisis will pass. When that day comes, we have to be ready for the post-COVID-19 world. Our aim is not just to survive the storm, but also to set the long-term direction for our country. We must keep on improving Singapore, year after year, generation after generation.
Thus, we must press on with transforming our economy and upgrading our skills, working with our tripartite partners. This will help Singaporeans make the most of new opportunities, cope with new uncertainties, and improve their lives.
And beyond economic prosperity, we must also fulfil the broader ambitions Singaporeans have for our country. We aspire to be a fair and just society, with opportunities for all. We wish to fashion an inclusive community, where we look out for one another, reach out to those who need help, and show every Singaporean that they have a stake in our future. We want to make this a home where Singaporeans always believe that their children will have better lives than themselves, and the human spirit can flourish. This is the nation we are building together.
To achieve these hopes and dreams, our political system must continue to work well for Singapore. The election has shown a strong desire amongst Singaporeans for greater diversity of views in politics. Voters want the PAP to form the government, but they also want more robust debate of policies and plans. This trend is here to stay. We have to give expression to it, and evolve our political system to accommodate it, while maintaining our cohesion and sense of national purpose.
This new Parliament will have a total of 12 Opposition MPs, the largest number in recent history. Ten are constituency MPs from the Workers’ Party, and two are NCMPs from the Progress Singapore Party. We will formally designate a Leader of the Opposition, and provide him with staff support and resources to perform his role.
I look forward to more vigorous but constructive debates in Parliament. I hope our colleagues across the aisle will step up to play their role of a responsible and loyal opposition. Their duty is not merely to raise criticisms and ask questions of the government, necessary as these functions are. But also, more importantly, to put forward serious policy alternatives to be scrutinised and debated. This way, we can help voters better understand the issues, choices and trade-offs. And in the process, improve policies and plans, and deliver better outcomes for Singapore.
Assembling a strong team for Singapore
Good politics depends not only on sound institutions, but also on high quality political leadership. More than other countries, Singapore needs leaders who are capable and committed, men and women who have the courage of their convictions, who command the respect of Singaporeans and who can mobilise the population to achieve great things together.
In this election, you have voted for me and my PAP team. With your mandate, I have formed the strongest Cabinet I could, to take Singapore through this crisis and beyond. The Cabinet I have formed is a multiracial team, reflective of our multiracial society. 7 out of 20 full ministers are non-Chinese. We have been sworn in before the President, with the Chief Justice in attendance, who both belong to minority communities. There can be no more vivid demonstration of how our meritocratic system works, and the lengths we have gone to, to ensure equal treatment and opportunities for every citizen, regardless of race, language or religion.
My Cabinet also includes Ministers and office holders from successive generations. The more senior ones have seen Singapore through past crises, and can offer valuable guidance and views to help overcome the challenges we now face. The younger Ministers are increasingly taking the lead, setting the agenda and engaging Singaporeans, for example through the SG Together movement and the Emerging Stronger Conversations. They have also been leading our COVID-19 response, and gained confidence dealing with the complex challenges of the pandemic. The new office holders will bring with them fresh ideas and perspectives, and work hard to master the issues. It is a team that Singaporeans can be confident in, and one that will walk with you every step of this journey.
Madam President, I have spent my entire adult life in public service. I will continue to devote myself to my country and people, drawing strength and purpose from the support of Singaporeans, young and old. My aim is to see through this crisis, and hand over Singapore, intact and in working order, into good hands who can take the country further forward. I ask Singaporeans to extend to the younger Ministers the same support that you have given me all these years.
But leadership renewal is a never-ending task. We continue to need more good people from every generation to step forward, stand for election, and serve our country. Singapore must have leaders who can take the rough and tumble of politics, and who will commit all their energies to work and fight for what they believe in. Only with an exceptional leadership team, working closely with Singaporeans, can we continue to stand out in the world.
We have achieved what few countries have in our 55 years since independence. A peaceful, multiracial society. Vastly better lives for all. Emerging stronger, and resolving to do better, after every crisis that has hit us. Let us now come together as one Singapore. Keep improving our lives, securing our future and building a nation we can all be proud to call home. Thank you.
昨天疫情回顧7月27日,新加坡新增確診469例(累計50838例),含境外輸入15起、社區病例2起、客工宿舍病例452起。境外輸入15例,爲4月1日以來最高7月27日,衛生部通報15起境外輸入病例,爲4月1日以來最高。由于執行嚴格邊境控制,只准許極少數持有長期證的外國人入境,從4月10日至6月29日基本維持無境外輸入病例,只有零星幾天各出現一兩起(4月17日、26日、5月10日、6月14日)。從6月30日起,開始陸續允許一些持有長期證(包括家屬證、EP、SP、WP、海員證等)的外國人入境。7月27日通報的15人皆從印度或菲律賓入境,其中14人無症狀,入境之後在執行14天“居家通知”(SHN)隔離期間,因接受檢測而確診。情況如下:編注:“居家通知SHN”至少有三類:一類是從相對安全地區回國的新加坡公民和永久居民,在自己的住所隔離;一類是從其他地區回國的新加坡公民和永久居民,在指定地點隔離;一類是外國人,也是在指定地點隔離。上述15人皆從菲律賓和印度入境,都需要在指定地點隔離。社區新增2例,皆爲無症狀7月27日,衛生部通報本地社區新增病例2起,皆爲無症狀,都是大型集體客工宿舍職工,是當局對客工宿舍職工進行積極檢測所探測出的病例。這2起社區病例的情況如下:1. 30歲印度籍男子(第50474例):無症狀,7月26日確診,是ASPRI-Westlite Papan客工宿舍職工,屬于該宿舍感染群。2. 29歲新加坡籍男子(第50893例):無症狀,7月26日確診,是CDPL大士客工宿舍職工,屬于該宿舍感染群。根據衛生部信息,7月27日之前7天的社區日均新增5例,再前7天的日均新增是10例,有所下降;同期,日均新增不明感染源病例5例減至3例。客工宿舍新增452例住在大型集體宿舍和工廠改建宿舍的客工(WP)新增確診452例,大多爲無症狀或輕微症狀病例。截至7月27日,客工宿舍一共有47985病例,感染率爲14.86%現存病例與醫療資源情況7月27日,新加坡病愈出院171人,累計病愈45692人,爲總病例之90%;病逝累計爲27人;現存病例5119人,比前天增298人。現存病例包括:非ICU病房有179人,比前天增6人;4940人仍在方艙/社區護理設施或社區康複設施,比前天增292人。無人在加護病房(ICU)。1個新增感染群7月27日,新加坡通報1個新增感染群,是位于雙溪加株2街(Sungei Kadut Street 2)6號的客工宿舍,新確診1人與先前確診的4個病例證實相互有關聯,形成本感染群,一共5人。鄰國疫情:印尼破10萬例7月27日,印尼新增1525例(累計100303例);當天通報57起新增死亡病例(累計4838例)。印尼已連續34日新增確診千例以上。菲律賓新增1657例(累計82040例);當天通報13起新增死亡病例(累計1945例)。馬來西亞新增7例(累計8904例);當日無新增死亡病例(累計124例)。泰國新增4例(累計3295例),皆爲輸入病例,源自美國和台灣地區;當日無新增死亡病例(累計58例)。泰國已連續63日無社區新增病例。