97年過去,廈門大學在校生已達40000余人,發展成爲一所學科門類齊全、師資力量雄厚、居國內一流、在國際上有廣泛影響的綜合性大學。經過國家“211工程”和“985工程”長期重點建設,廈門大學已全面進入國際公認的四大全球大學排行榜,其中位居2017年US News全球344位、大陸高校第12名。7個一級學科進入全國第四輪學科評估前10%,15個一級學科進入10%-20%。12個學科進入ESI前1%。自然指數位居全球前100名、大陸高校第9名。當前,學校列入國家“雙一流”建設A類高校,開啓了建設世界一流大學的新征程。
4月25日全天 報到;
4月26日上午 開幕式;
4月26日下午 分論壇學術報告;
4月27日全天 分論壇學術報告、座談交流。
聯系郵箱:[email protected]
Xiamen University Youth Scholar Forum 2018
On April 6th, 1921, Xiamen University, the first university founded by overseas Chinese in modern Chinese education history, was established. At the time, the school buildings had not yet been built, so the opening ceremony was held in Jimei School Village. Although the first class of students amounted to just about one hundred, Xiamen University, founded by the well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader Tan Kah Kee, upheld the idea that “the quality of teachers is a top priority” and the philosophy of “treating teachers with sincerity, and rewarding their work with generous salary”. It also engaged renowned professors and scholars courteously. As a result, many prominent talents and famous scholars were gathered in XMU at that time.
97 years have witnessed the developments of Xiamen University. Now it has more than 40,000 students on campus and has become a first-class university national wide and an influential compre- hensive university worldwide with a wide range of disciplines and a strong faculty. Benefiting from the long-term key constructions under the national “211 Project” and “985 Project”, Xiamen University has now a full access into the four major global universities rankings that have gained international recognitions. According to the 2017 U.S. News ranking, it ranked the 344th in the world and the 12th among universities in mainland China. In the fourth round of China Discipline Ranking, 7 first-level disciplines of Xiamen University lists among top 10% and 15 first-level disciplines lists among top 10%-20%. In addition, it has 12 disciplines that have entered the top 1% of ESI. In terms of nature index, it ranks among the top 100 in the world and the 9th among universities in mainland China. At present, the university is selected as a Class A university of China’s “Double First-class” scheme, which sets out a new journey of building itself into a world-class university.
Embracing the vast ocean, Xiamen has hosted visitors from around the world. In the April of 2018, the most beautiful days in the year, Xiamen University, in a more open-minded attitude, sincerely invites distinctive young scholars at home and abroad to exchange ideas in Xiamen, a sea garden city with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.
1. Schedule
The forum will be held in Xiamen on April 25th-27th, 2018 and there will be one main forum and several sub-disciplinary forums.
April 25th: registration.
April 26th: opening ceremony on the morning;
sub-forums on the afternoon.
April 27th: sub-forums and symposia.
2. Application Requirements
The applicants shall meet one of the following conditions:
1) Talents who have earned a PhD degree, cut a striking figure in a given field and stood out from peers with outstanding creativity and development potential. Applicants in the field of natural science and engineering technology should be under 40 years old while applicants in the field of humanities and social sciences should be under 45 years old.
2) Talents who have been included in the “Thousand Talents Plan (Young Professionals)”, young top-notch talents of “National High-level Talents Special Support Plan”, winners of the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation set by NSFC and the Young Scholar Program of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program”.
3. Application Procedure
1) Please register and fill in relevant information on the online registration system before March 1st, 2018. The application website ishttp://xiamenuniversity.mikecrm.com/oFcBwr7
2) The university will check the qualifications of applicants and send out invitation letters to qualified applicants by March 20th, 2018.
4. Funding Support
The university will arrange accommodation for applicants and provide subsidy for their traveling expenses. The maximum subsidy is 10,000 RMB per person for applicants outside China and 5,000 RMB per person for applicants from China.
5. Contact Information
The Talent Service Office of the Human Resources Office of Xiamen University
Contacts: Mr. Jingfeng Chen or Mr. Yipeng Lan
Tel: +86-592-2185685, +86-592-2182259
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://rsc.xmu.edu.cn/
Wechat Official Account: xmu-hr