海外網3月15日電近日,美國總統特朗普提出的「教師持槍」一事在全美引發爭議。就在此時,當地時間周二(13日),加利福尼亞州蒙特雷縣海濱高中(Seaside High School)一名教師在課堂上槍枝走火,導致一名男學生受傷。儘管該學生沒有生命危險,但此事使教師持槍爭議進一步發酵。
據《華盛頓郵報》報道,根據學校聲明,槍枝走火時指向天花板,隨後有碎片從天花板落下。蒙特雷縣海濱(Seaside)地區警長普里金(Abdul Pridgen)表示,一名男性學生被「頭頂落下的碎片狀物體擊中脖子」。警長稱,擊中學生的不是子彈;但學生父親岡薩雷斯(Fermin Gonzales)稱,根據他的理解,是子彈碎片從天花板反彈回來扎進了男孩的脖子。
學生母親克里斯托·岡薩雷斯(Crystal Gonzales)對美聯社表示,事件發生於早上10點半左右,槍枝走火後,雖然她的兒子受傷了,但學校繼續上課。直到幾個小時後,她的兒子去了一名親戚家給她打電話,她才得知這件事。她說,「我很失望,沒有人叫護士或護理人員過來為學生做檢查,他們就坐在那裡,直到鈴聲響起。」
據報道,警方已確認涉事教師為丹尼斯·亞歷山大(Dennis Alexander),他是一名數學老師,併兼上司法課。此外,他是沙城一名預備警官,還是海濱市議員。目前,他沒有對事件做出回復。但有報道稱,他已為該事件道歉。
沙城警長費蘭特(Brian Ferrante)表示,亞歷山大最後一次進行持槍安全訓練是在不到一年之前。費蘭特說,「我關心的是,他為什麼要在教室里展示一支上膛的槍。我們正在對此進行調查。」
編譯/海外網 姜舒譯
Gun-trained teacher accidentally discharges firearm in Calif. classroom, injuring student
By Fred Barbash March 14 at 7:08 PM
A teacher who is also a reserve police officer trained in firearm use 『accidentally』 discharged a gun Tuesday at Seaside High School in Monterey County, Calif., during a class devoted to public safety, school officials said in a statement. A male student was reported to have sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
The weapon, which was not described, was pointed at the ceiling, according to a statement from the school, and debris fell from the ceiling.
Seaside Police Chief Abdul Pridgen told the Monterey County Weekly that a male student was 「struck in the neck by 『debris or fragmentation』 from something overhead.」 Pridgen said whatever hit the student was not a bullet.
However, the student’s father, Fermin Gonzales, told KSBW 8 that it was his understanding that fragments from the bullet ricocheted off the ceiling and lodged in the boy’s neck. The father said the teacher told the class before pointing the gun at the ceiling that he was doing so to make sure his gun wasn』t loaded, something that can be determined visually.
「It’s the craziest thing,」 Gonzales told the station. 「It could have been very bad.」
Gonzales said he learned about the incident when his 17-year-old son came home with blood on his shirt and bullet fragments in his neck.
The boy’s mother, Crystal Gonzales, told the Associated Press Wednesday that the incident took place about 10:30 in the morning and that the class continued after the gun discharge, even though her son was injured. She said she did not hear about it until her son called her hours later and went to a relative’s home.
「I』m still really upset no one called a nurse or a paramedic to come check on the students,」 she told the AP. 「They just sat there until the bell rang.」
「He’s shaken up, but he’s going to be okay. I』m just pretty upset that no one told us anything and we had to call the police ourselves to report it,」 the father told the TV station.
The teen was treated at a hospital where the boy’s parents took him.
A spokeswoman at the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District told The Washington Post Wednesday that they would not comment further until an investigation was completed.
Dennis Alexander speaks at a Seaside, Calif., city council meeting on Feb. 15. (Seaside City Council)
The teacher was identified by police as Dennis Alexander, who teaches math as well as a course in the administration of justice. Alexander is a reserve police officer for Sand City and a Seaside city councilman. He did not respond to emails from The Washington Post seeking comment. He has reportedly apologized for the incident.
The Monterey County Weekly, quoting Sand City Police Chief Brian Ferrante, reported that Alexander had his last gun safety training less than a year ago. 「I have concerns about why he was displaying a loaded firearm in a classroom,」 Ferrante told KSBW. 「We will be looking into that.」
Exactly why the teacher was displaying the weapon at all was not entirely clear. Police said he was 「providing instruction related to public safety.」
The father told KSBW that the teacher was preparing to use the gun to show how to disarm someone.
Daniel 「PK」 Diffenbaugh, superintendent of the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, told the Weekly on Tuesday that the incident occurred during the administration of justice class, a career track course offered by the school. 「Clearly, we will revisit this incident to ensure that something like this would never happen again.」
Diffenbaugh noted that state law and school policy forbids carrying firearms on campus without authorization. Alexander, he said, was not authorized.
「I think a lot of questions are on parents』 minds are, why a teacher would be pointing a loaded firearm at the ceiling in front of students,」 Diffenbaugh told KSBW. 「Clearly, in this incident, protocols were not followed.」
The teacher has been placed on administrative leave while an investigation takes place, according to the school. The Sand City Police Department also placed Alexander on administrative leave.
The incident comes amid a national debate on how to protect students from mass shootings like the one that took the lives of 17 people in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14. Among the proposals advanced is training and arming teachers, an approach favored by President Trump, among others, but opposed by a majority of the teachers in the National Education Association, including many who said in an NEA survey that it would make them feel less safe.