2021 Top Enterprise IT Trends-2
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Remote Data Center Management Tools are No Longer Optional
新冠大流行使得數據中心中的先進工具成爲首選。由Maria Korolov向Data Center Knowledge提供。
The pandemic has made implementation of advanced tooling in data centers a priority. By Maria Korolov for Data Center Knowledge
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, remote data center management tools were optional, and many data center managers held off on the more powerful options due to cybersecurity concerns. Today, however, with work-from-home employees and quarantine-related data center access restrictions, these tools are a necessity.
The pandemic has put a crimp in enterprise budgets, however, so companies are increasingly looking to colocation and cloud for their increased data center needs. For colocation providers, remote management tools have become a key platform differentiator.
Responding to an IDC survey (results published in August) 78 percent of companies said that the pandemic has impacted their data center resources in the form of supply chain constraints, limited physical access, and higher demand from business applications and work-from-home users.
And 72 percent of companies say they plan to increase their use of colocation providers – up from 52 percent the previous year. In addition, 46 percent said they will invest in remote monitoring and control technology for their data centers.
“但是經濟的不確定性實在太大了”,IDC分析師Jennifer Cooke說,“盡管遠程管理工具確實有意義,我也不認爲每個人都急于購買和安裝。”
“But there’s absolutely a lot of uncertainty about the economy,” said IDC analyst Jennifer Cooke. “I don’t see everyone rushing out to buy and install this, even though it makes complete sense.”
Instead, she said, many organizations are looking to get remote management as a service, instead of making an upfront capital expense – or just shifting the workloads to cloud and colocation providers.
Cooke告訴Data Center Knowledge,提供遠程管理工具,例如數據中心基礎設施管理DICM的供應商,越來越注重將他們的工具轉化爲服務以及增加更多的高級功能和系統集成。
Vendors providing remote management tools, such as data center infrastructure management (DCIM) providers, are increasingly looking at providing their tools as a service and adding more advanced features and integrations, Cooke told Data Center Knowledge.
For example, in October, data center infrastructure equipment and software vendor Vertiv announced a partnership with Honeywell to provide integration of its DCIM software with building management systems.
The move to more remote management is not a temporary reaction to the pandemic, Cooke said.
“COVID-19 put a foot on the gas pedal for shifts we were already seeing,” she said. “Those trends started with digital transformation and we’ve accelerated that trend.”
據Shen Milsom & Wilke首席數據中心設計師Robert McFarlane介紹,除了維谛技術,其他的提供各種功能應用的頂級DCIM供應商包括施耐德電氣,Sunbird軟件,Nlyte軟件,FNT軟件以及Cormant。McFarlane同時也在Marist學院的研究所,爲數據中心專業人員講授數據中心設施的課程。
In addition to Vertiv, other leading DCIM vendors offering a wide range of capabilities include Schneider Electric, Sunbird Software, NlyteSoftware, FNT Software, and Cormant, according to Robert McFarlane, principal data center designer at Shen Milsom & Wilke. McFarlane also teaches a course in data center facilities at Marist College’s Institute for Data Center Professionals.
The first remote management tool that data center managers found they urgently needed was asset tracking, he told DCK.
“People were installing new servers rapid-fire, with as few people in the data center as possible, and people who were trying to manage them didn’t know how many there were, or where they were, or anything else,” he said. “They were installing them whenever there was space to put them – but that doesn’t mean that there was sufficient power or cooling available.”
A DCIM system can do more than just track where the servers are located, he said. They can analyze the environment and indicate where equipment should be installed. “Instead of putting it in the first open rack space, they can put it somewhere where it can actually work.”
The AI Future
The most cutting-edge DCIM solutions can go even further, using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify equipment that is about to fail or that needs patching or upgrading, said McFarlane.
幾年前,這種類型的宣傳都是市場營銷,但是現在,主要的DCIM供應商已經開始讓他們的AI技術集成更有意義,他說,“AI技術已經成熟了嗎? 我不這麽認爲,但它必定會成熟的。
A couple of years ago, these kinds of claims were all marketing, but today, major DCIM vendors are starting to make their AI integrations more meaningful, he said. “Is it mature yet? I wouldn’t say it is. But it is certainly going to get there.”
One of the DCIM vendors investing in AI is Schneider Electric.
“那是我們的方向,也是行業的需求所在。” 施耐德電氣戰略發展總監Russell Senesac說。“我們也看到了一大批供應商正在往AI的方向發展”
“That’s where we’re going and that’s what the industry is asking for,” said Russell Senesac, the company’s strategy development director. “We’re seeing a lot of vendors going that direction.”
But he admits that there’s still a long way to go.
For example, it would be nice to know when the batteries inside an uninterruptible power supply were about to fail, he told DCK.
Schneider offers this feature, but not across its entire product portfolio, he said. Plus, many customers will be continuing to use older units for a long time.
“If you buy our latest unit, with our latest software, you get this,” he said. “But how many people have units that are 10 or 15 years old? If I’m an actual business owner, then unless my building is going to catch fire, I’m not going to be able to retrofit my entire system to be able to do that stuff.”
Less Resistance to Adoption
The biggest change that Senesac has seen in customer attitudes since the pandemic began is less resistance to using automated tools.
For example, the first step to fixing many problems, such as hung network switches, is to turn them off and turn them back on again.
“You used to have someone running around the data center unplugging things,” he said.
Automating this process used to be taboo, he said. “People said, ‘If we had that capability, it’s only a matter of time before someone hacks it.’”
The pandemic broke down those barriers, he said.
“For applications around remote access that enable them to have more control, they would have said no in the past, and they say yes now,” he said. That doesn’t mean cybersecurity has been forgotten, though, he added – customers still want to see that proper protections are in place.
Remote Management Leaders
Raymond James的股票研究總經理Frank Louthan在6月份的一份研究簡報中稱,遠程訪問,特別是數據中心門戶網站,已突然成爲數據中心供應商的業務驅動力。
Remote access, specifically, data center portals, have suddenly become a business driver for data center providers, according to a June research brief by Frank Louthan, managing director for equity research at Raymond James.
他在一份比較QTS Realty Trust、Equinix和Digital Realty的報告中寫道,直到2020年3月才出現這種情況。“像他們一直以來那樣,客戶更喜歡長途跋涉到現場。”
That wasn’t the case until March of this year, he wrote in a report comparing QTS Realty Trust, Equinix, and Digital Realty. “Customers preferred to make the trek to the facility – just like they always had.”
After the pandemic hit, he wrote, usage of all remote access platforms skyrocketed, he wrote.
All three companies offer the ability to track and report common data. QTS stood out, however, with better ease of use, features, functionality, and support for mobile platforms.
上個月,Frost & Sullivan爲QTS遠程管理平台頒發了2020年全球遠見創新獎。
Last month, Frost & Sullivan gave QTS its 2020 Global Visionary Innovation Award for its remote management platform.
根據QTS第二季度財報,超過17000個用戶在使用QTS的名爲Service Delivery Platform的遠程管理工具,這比上季度增長了20%。並且使用的時間也比疫情前提高了一倍。
According to its second quarter earnings report, more than 17,000 users are now taking advantage of QTS’s remote management tools, called the Service Delivery Platform, up 20 percent from the previous quarter. And the amount of time users spend on the platform has doubled from pre-pandemic levels.
QTS産品首席技術官Brent Bensten說,即使數據中心訪問限制放寬以後,實地訪問QTS設施的客戶人數依然很少。
Even after restrictions on visiting data centers were relaxed, the number of customers physically visiting QTS facilities remains low, said Brent Bensten, CTO of products at QTS Realty Trust.
“We have new protocols in place so that people can come in and out if they need to,” he told DCK.
Instead, not only are existing customers sticking with the remote access platform, but new customers are buying services without physical visits, just virtual tours. “And the less people on our sites, the less risk to people from the virus,” he said.
QTS’s biggest revenue growth was in the bandwidth upgrade feature, where usage was up 85 percent compared to the previous year, followed by cross-connects, which were up 30 percent.
“人們正在增加容量,” Bensten說。不僅僅是居家辦公用戶的容量,還包括他們的雲服務提供商的連接容量。“這是我們看到的最顯而易見的事情。”
“People are adding capacity,” said Bensten. Not just capacity to handle users working from home, but also for connections to their cloud service providers, he said. “That’s the biggest thing we saw.”
The next biggest usage growth was for automation to handle power levels and to shift workloads to balance out the infrastructure.
QTS started building its platform four years ago, he said, and the timing was perfect. “We’re blessed, for sure,” he said. “At the time, we thought, are we crazy? But now, seeing data center companies much larger than us trying to do what we’re doing is a validation of our strategy.”
Much of the basic technology is available commercially, he said.
“We’ve taken off-the-shelf best-of-breed tools and layered on top of it to make them smarter,” he said. He declined to name specific vendor names for security reasons.
The challenge, he said, is to tie everything together. What’s missing in the market today is the orchestration piece that ties it all together into an operational system, he said. For colocation providers and enterprise data center managers looking to build their own remote management platforms, that’s something they might have to build themselves.
Some Data Centers Have a Way to Go
451 Research和施耐德在最近的一項調查顯示,全球只有一半的數據中心服務提供商在使用DCIM技術。
Only half of data center service providers around the globe are using DCIM technology, according to a recent survey by 451 Research and Schneider.
Some 42 percent use commercial DCIM tools while 31 percent use home-grown code, and most have a combination. Adoption rates were highest among the largest service providers.
The pandemic has been a catalyst for underlying trends that were already in motion, said report author Daniel Bizo, senior research analyst for data center services and infrastructure at 451 Research, now part of S&P Global Market Intelligence.
“What the pandemic did was to drive customer demand for data center services and remote management even higher,” he told DCK.
除了“smart hands”服務之外,數據中心客戶現在更多地依賴遠程監控和容量規劃工具來獲得更好的遠景預期。他說,這有助于企業客戶轉向更多的在線服務,並使他們更能抵禦宕機事故。
In addition to “smart hands” services, data center customers are now relying more heavily on remote monitoring and capacity planning tools to get better visibility, he said. That helps enterprise customers shift towards more online services, he said, and makes them more resilient against failures.
“The cost of downtime or underperformance – lost productivity or revenue – just went up,” he said.
A similar survey by the Uptime Institute confirms the trend – 90 percent of data centers say they will increase the use of remote monitoring and management systems, and 73 percent expect greater use of automation.
數據中心供應商Cyxtera在新冠大流行之前就開始實施遠程數據中心管理系統,該公司數據中心産品副總裁Mitch Fonseca說,當COVID-19封鎖開始在全球範圍內執行時,這一手段起到了很大的作用。
Data center provider Cyxtera began implementing its remote data center management systems prior to the pandemic, and that head start made a big difference when the COVID-19 lockdowns started going into effect around the globe, said Mitch Fonseca, the company’s VP of data center products.
“We have deployed more than 100,000 sensors to monitor temperature, humidity, and power across our global data center platform,” he told DCK. “Cyxtera is currently generating over 10 million data points per day.”
Data centers that are late to the game, however, may face some challenges as they build out their platforms.
“Organizations are now increasing investment in remote monitoring tools,” said Daniel Newton, CEO at CDS, which provides technology services to data centers. “There is a positive ROI on monitoring and remote management investment. However, deployment and proper integration takes time and the people with the right skills.”
Most organizations lack people with the right skills to deploy, maintain, and improve a remote monitoring and management platform, he said.
領先的DCIM供應商Sunbird的總裁Herman Chan說,遠程管理工具的實現當然還有與新冠疫情相關的預算限制有關。
And, of course, there are the budget constraints associated with the pandemic, said Herman Chan, president at Sunbird, a leading DCIM vendor.
However, even industries greatly impacted by COVID-19, such as airlines and retail, are re-allocating budgets and finding the money for strategic purchases like DCIM.
“Many organizations have actually accelerated their digitization projects and, with everyone working from home, the need for remote data center management tools for real-time visualization of the status and capacity of all assets becomes critical,” he told DCK.
What’s Driving Hyperscalers and Data Center Providers into Secondary Markets?
Scott Fulton III對Data Center Knowledge說,世界各地最新的大型項目所在的地區在市場規模排行榜上通常排名較低。原因可能不像最初出現的那樣明顯。
The latest big projects around the world are in territories that have typically ranked lower on the market size charts. The reasons why may not be as obvious as they first appear.By Scott Fulton, III for Data Center Knowledge
It would appear, at least on the surface, to be a genuine trend: Following up on the surge in investments in data center construction in smaller and emerging markets by hyperscale cloud platforms, wholesale data center builders and colocation providers are expanding into those same locales. They’re still major population centers, and at least from the perspective of a travel agent, big cities. Now, as demand for data center services continues to increase during this seemingly never-ending pandemic, these locales are joining a broadening IT infrastructure and services industry, expanding markets throughout the world.
The reality is more nuanced, according to interviews with experts in the field, and a better description of the trend sounds more like this: Cities outside the traditional list of top data center markets are successfully incenting hyperscalers to build in their locales. In their favor, they’re leveraging the fact that vital resources in those top markets – especially in Europe, and particularly Amsterdam – have become scarce or even unavailable.
“FLAP-D市場(法蘭克福、倫敦、阿姆斯特丹、巴黎和都柏林)利益競爭目前在地域限制上。” 房地産咨詢集團Cushman&Wakefield在8月份發布的歐洲二級市場報告中稱:“阿姆斯特丹已經宣布暫時暫停新建築的開發,整個地區的土地和電力仍然緊缺。”
“Interest in the FLAP-D markets [Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, Paris, and Dublin] now competes with physical limitations,” according to real estate advisory group Cushman & Wakefield’s August report on European secondary markets. “Amsterdam has announced a temporary development moratorium on new builds, and land and power remain scarce across the slate.”
The Inside Deals for the Outskirts
早在六月份的時候,Facebook就宣布在芝加哥郊外的伊利諾斯州Dekalb啓動了一個經典的H形超規模設施項目。由于超大國模數據中心是一種便于複制的建築模式,兩個月後,Facebook公布了在田納西州Nashville郊外另一個幾乎相同的項目。因而,正如北美數據中心管理負責人Jim Kerrigan對Data Center Knowledge所說,Gallatin經濟發展署提出並通過了一項法案,特地爲了吸引一個像Facebook那樣著名的數據中心建設者,而不是一個分租提供商,也不是一個托管服務商。
Back in June, Facebook announced its launch of a classic, H-shaped hyperscale facility project in Dekalb, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. And because hyperscale is a building pattern, two months later, Facebook announced another nearly identical project just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. There, as North American Data Centers managing principal Jim Kerrigan told Data Center Knowledge, the Gallatin Economic Development Agency had proposed legislation, which passed, specifically to attract a data center builder of Facebook’s stature – not a multi-tenant provider, not a colo.
10月初,微軟宣布在愛荷華州的West Des Moines建造兩座數據中心。正如該鎮經濟發展主管在當地一份商業報紙上所說,這些項目將爲該鎮提供所需的資本流入,從而使已經推遲很久的,可以使整個地區受益的基礎設施項目加速起來.
In early October, Microsoft announced the construction of two facilities in West Des Moines, Iowa. As the town’s economic development director told a local business paper, those projects will give the town the influx of capital it needs to accelerate long-postponed physical infrastructure projects benefiting the entire region.
“我不明白爲什麽微軟會在愛荷華州的Des Moines投資。”克裏根說:“我可以想象,那裏有相對便宜的土地,如果不是免費的話,那也是廉價的電力。”
“I don’t understand why Microsoft dominates Des Moines, Iowa,” Kerrigan remarked. “I can imagine that there’s relatively inexpensive land, if not free, [and] inexpensive power.”
Kerrigan認爲,像Dekalb和West Des Moine這樣的地方目前可能無法滿足的一個需求是低延遲。在更大的市場上使用的光纖連接和帶寬可能不會出現在這裏。他告訴DCK,這是一個信號,微軟不打算將愛荷華州的數據中心用于Xbox或實時應用程序,因爲在這些應用程序中,低響應時間和准確性是關鍵因素。
One possible demand that places like Dekalb and West Des Moines may not be able to fulfill for now, Kerrigan believes, is for low latency. The fiber connectivity and bandwidths available in larger markets may not show up here. That’s a signal, he told DCK, that Microsoft isn’t planning to utilize its Iowa sites for Xbox or real-time applications where low response times and high determination are critical factors.
另一方面,如果提前告知West Des Moines,因爲Microsoft或Azure業務部門對這些設施服務的特定需求,市政當局可能會達成了一項協議,具體而准確地解決這些問題。這是關鍵:巨頭們事先了解他們的使用需求,並且可以在他們的出價和與城市官員的交流中進行溝通。
On the other hand, if West Des Moines was informed ahead of time about the requirements of the specific Microsoft or Azure business unit that would consume these facilities’ services, the municipality may have put together a deal to address them specifically and precisely. And that’s the key here: Hyperscalers understand the profiles of their use cases beforehand and can communicate them in their bids and interactions with city officials.
設施服務決定了大型運行商的數據中心建立在哪裏,規模多大。Kerrigan說,類似EdgeConneX等建設者推動了微軟2016年與Dekalb的交易,使得Outlook和Office 365的連接更接近用戶。碰巧的是,這些邊緣位置有些是大型地鐵區域,有些甚至是預先存在的超大型數據中心。在促進Comcast在全國範圍內需要低延遲設施來處理有線電視客戶的DVR應用程序後,EdgeConneX開始嶄露頭角。
It’s applications that decide where, and how big, a major operator’s data centers are built. Builders such as EdgeConneX – which facilitated Microsoft’s 2016 deal with Dekalb – brought connectivity specifically for Outlook and Office 365 closer to their users, said Kerrigan. It just so happens that some of these edge locations are large metro areas, and some are even pre-existing hyperscale facilities. EdgeConneX came to prominence after facilitating Comcast’s nationwide need for low-latency facilities to handle cable TV customers’ DVR applications.
然而,雲運營商交易和服務器托管交易的區別並不像人們想的那麽大。2019年4月,聯邦快遞在基礎設施上與Switch Data Centers簽訂了長期協議。這導致快遞巨頭成爲Switch 公司531兆瓦拉斯維加斯超級數據中心園區的主要租戶。但它也使聯邦快遞能夠獲得更小的邊緣設備,用于對延遲敏感的業務。Kerrigan指出,這次Switch取代了一家大型雲運營商,也是因爲交易讓城市和政府發揮了巨大的能量。
Yet there’s less to differentiate a cloud operator deal from a colo deal than one might think. In April 2019, FedEx entered into a long-term agreement with Switch Data Centers for infrastructure. That led to the delivery giant becoming a principal tenant at Switch’s 531-MW Las Vegas SuperNAP campus. But it also enabled FedEx to attain smaller, edge facilities for latency-sensitive operations. This, noted Kerrigan, was because of the deal-making power of cities and municipalities – this time, with Switch in place of one of the big cloud operators.
“The whole reason edge started taking off seven years ago,” he told DCK, “was that it made less sense for everything to be in one location… You’re saying, now the hyperscale guys are going to regional, huge data centers in tertiary areas? No, I don’t think that’s a new trend. Facebook’s been doing this for years.”
高緯環球(Cushman & Wakefield)全球數據中心服務執行董事Dave Fanning解釋道,向新興市場擴張是每家數據中心供應商的計劃之一。Dave Fanning是Europe report以及高緯環球2020年1月全球數據中心市場比較報告的合著者。但每個人的計劃都被主要城市基礎設施的匮乏所打斷,尤其是歐洲四大市場:法蘭克福、倫敦、阿姆斯特丹和巴黎。
Expansion into emerging markets was part of every data center provider’s plan, explained Dave Fanning, Cushman & Wakefield’s executive managing director for global occupier services, and co-author of the Europe report plus the firm’s January 2020 Global Data Center Market Comparison. But everyone’s plan was interrupted by the scarcity of physical infrastructure in major cities, particularly Europe’s big four markets: Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, and Paris.
Dave Fanning說:“這迫使他們加速向二級市場擴張,以彌補一級市場上的延誤、暫停和可用土地與基礎設施的匮乏。我們正預見到,這種情況在亞太地區也開始發生變化。
“It’s forced them to accelerate expansion into secondary markets,” said Fanning, “to compensate for the delays, moratoriums, and lack of available land and infrastructure in the primary markets. We’re seeing that start to evolve in APAC [Asia/Pacific] as well.”
Last year, Amsterdam – the host of nearly one-third of Europe’s facilities – had to call a halt to new projects for lack of available infrastructure support. There’s not only a lack of power, but a lack of space. But Fanning is also seeing the earlier stages of this phenomenon popping up in Singapore and Hong Kong. “Primary markets, primarily internationally, are struggling to keep pace with demand,” he told DCK.
Modern cloud infrastructure, explained Fanning, includes the notion of edge nodes – subordinate, usually remote, facilities that are interconnected with at least three of the cloud provider’s major hyperscale locations. These nodes may include local availability zones. A growing number of enterprises are hosting their applications in these locations. But even then, they require IT assets and infrastructure that’s outside the cloud but still fully orchestrated and monitored. Some of these are the edge nodes.
“We’ve seen a lot of these data center operators,” said Fanning, “pivot towards the enterprise clients for what we would call ‘build-to-suit’ data center applications.” These requirements are custom-made for hybridization, where utilized capacity is split between on-premises and on-cloud.
Wholesale providers certainly compete with one another for capacity in emerging global markets, Cushman & Wakefield’s executive director told DCK, but the specifications they’re building to are often provided by their most important clients: the hyperscalers themselves. And the hyperscalers are consumed with satisfying enterprise clients’ need for edge nodes, either closer to their own customers, or to where their applications’ data originates.
“If cloud providers are not able to self-perform their own development in the timeframe required, they may lean on data center operators,” Fanning said, “who can provide availability on the site faster than they can do it themselves. You’ll see a lot of companies that go out there and almost exclusively chase the hyperscalers for these wholesale developments.”
So wholesalers and colos are indeed following hyperscalers – just not the usual way.
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