MOD has completed a 183sqm ‘ultra-performance’ retail store, named “Durasport” in Jewel Changi Airport. Featuring an immersive, futuristic and R&D lab environment for sports enthusiasts to try out the sportswear and equipment before buying them, the products were co-curated by MOD, and include the world’s lightest racing bicycle, heat-moldable customized cycling shoes, wet suits which minimize stretch resistance, adjustable alpine ski boots suitable for scaling uphill slopes as well as downhill skiing and a power breather for swimmers which enhances lap times.
In a mature market like Singapore where online shopping is prevalent and there is no shortage of established multi-label sports stores; we had to ask ourselves this question when approached by our client to create DURASPORT, a sports retail brand and its flagship store.
Foundationally, we began by honing the positioning of the brand through an extensive analysis of the sporting goods market as well as our client’s existing brand and product inventory. From the information gained, we narrowed down and eventually identified a market segment that at present remains relatively untapped: the ‘ultra-performance’ athlete & sporting enthusiast. Once these critical positioning and brand decisions were made, they became the project’s “North Star”, referred to and applied downstream to the choice of brands and products to carry, user experience journey, spatial planning, 3D form exploration, material and lighting selection, display system design, brand name, logo and collaterals, and overarching visual identity.
Key to the in-store experience is a 3-stage retail strategy to ‘excite, immerse and (subsequently) convince’ the customer.To draw foot traffic for any new-to-market brand, the storefront design has to excite. Conceived to be more than a typical retail frontage with large display windows, Durasport’s facade is instead designed to appear as if in dynamic motion, conveying a sense of active, ultra-high performance sporting activities.Tectonically, high-grade stainless steel is used in a disciplined and cohesive manner as the primary spatial material: an intentional reference to the typical laboratory R&D (research & development) environment in which the store’s innovative and high performance products would have been developed.
商品是由MOD和客戶一起挑選的,包括世界上第一輛石墨烯的自行車(即一種比碳輕,強度是鐵200倍的材料,英國Dassi制造),高溫塑形的定制自行車鞋(DL KILLER, Italy),減少阻力的潛水服(Zone3, UK),可調高度的滑雪鞋可以靈活適應艱苦的上坡和陡峭的下坡滑行(DYNAFIT, Italy),可以提高速度的浮潛呼吸裝置(Ameo, Germany)。接下來,爲了使顧客沉浸在産品的體驗中,引導顧客參與到相關的親身體驗中來。高度的私人定制和細節展示單元介紹了所選産品的獨特性,並且通過“剖析”這些産品,對它們進行測試,或是提供産品構造的X射線視圖,使顧客對産品進行全面的了解。
Products were co-curated by MOD and the client, and include the world’s first graphene bicycle (i.e. a form of carbon that’s lighter than paper but 200 times stronger than steel, by Dassi, UK), heat-mouldable customized cycling shoes (DL KILLER, Italy), wet suits which minimize stretch resistance (Zone3, UK), adjustable alpine ski boots that provide flexibility for scaling uphill slopes and rigidity for downhill skiing (DYNAFIT, Italy) and a power breather for swimmers (Ameo, Germany) which enhances lap times.
Building on this, distinctively designed hands-on experiential zones for cyclists, skiers, climbers and triathletes, allow customers to sample and test the sportswear or equipment. Aided by machines that simulate the activity they were designed for, this provides them with a visceral experience to cap off their knowledge of the product and to convince them of how it would help them up their game.
Rounding off Durasport’s holistic brand experience, MOD has also conceived the brand name, and designed the logo and collaterals such as the carrier bags, name cards, letterheads, envelopes, and internal signage to reflect the brand’s essential qualities: dynamism, innovation and ultra-high sporting performance.
∇ 平面圖 plan
∇ 功能分區圖 function organization