此處魚尾獅雕像高 8.6 米,重 70 噸,口中源源不絕地噴出水柱。與全球其他重要地標相似,魚尾獅雕像已成了到訪新加坡必看的景點。魚尾獅雕像由新加坡雕塑家林浪新 (Lim Nang Seng) 精雕細琢而成;1972 年 9 月 15 日,時任總理李光耀 (Lee Kuan Yew) 在新加坡河口爲雕像揭幕,歡迎來到新加坡的所有遊客。濱海橋 (Esplanade Bridge) 在1997年建成後,人們再也無法從海濱清楚看到魚尾獅雕像全貌。2002 年,魚尾獅雕像被遷往距原址 120 米遠的地方,即如今的魚尾獅公園,位于浮爾頓酒店 (Fullerton Hotel) 正前方,面向濱海灣 (Marina Bay)。
如果沒有至少來過一次魚尾獅公園,那麽你恐怕是來了假的新加坡。在這裏,全坡最有名的魚尾獅雕像就坐落在新加坡河岸,迎接著來自世界各地遊客的賞玩與合照。不來這裏“玩壞”一次魚尾獅,你的新加坡之行可不能算是圓滿。畢竟,除了魚尾獅公園,這附近還有非常多步行可達的著名風景哦:搭乘地鐵到政府大廈(City Hall)站,10分鍾左右的步行距離裏,你會經過美麗的新加坡國家美術館(National Gallery),造型奇特、人稱“大榴蓮”的濱海藝術中心(Esplanade)和兩座美麗的跨河大橋哦。
這條路線無論是清早路過、還是夜間觀賞,都是極好滴!而站在魚尾獅公園,除了親密接觸一大一小兩座魚尾獅雕像,你還可以遠眺濱海灣金沙(Marina Bay Sands)附近美景。有精力的你,還可以從這裏搭乘複古式駁船、暢遊新加坡河,欣賞沿途美景呢。一條路線,多點收獲,當真是不虛此行。
It’s the one standing at Merlion Park, with torrents of sea water gushing out of its mouth at all hours of the day. We’re calling it Original Merlion because, as you’ve probably guessed, it was the first Merlion statue to be created. Designed and built between 1971 and 1972, Original Merlion stands at a stately 8.6m tall.
It was originally situated at the mouth of the Singapore River, but the completion of Esplanade Bridge in 1997 prompted a relocation. (The new bridge obscured views of the Merlion from the Marina Bay waterfront.) There is a second, smaller Merlion statue at Merlion Park. Located just minutes away from its larger cousin, this one (affectionately nicknamed ‘Merlion Cub’) stands at a petite 2m tall. Her (yes, all Merlions are female) design incorporates inlays of Chinese pottery plates and bowls.
魚尾獅雕像面向東方,大家普遍認爲這個方向可以帶來繁榮。即使在 2002 年遷至現在的魚尾獅公園,魚尾獅依然面向代表吉祥如意的東方。
Looming over suntanned frolickers with all 37m of its majestic height, the Sentosa Merlion is the only one that you can actually climb into. Two vantage points are offered – a peek out of its gaping maw, or a panoramic view from atop its head. There’s even a cafe where you can pick up a bite or two. But this Merlion is not just meant to amuse holidaymakers. In fact, it serves a rather important purpose – safeguarding the prosperity of Singapore. No seriously.
In fact, the four canines in the Merlion’s mouth represent our four major races; the idea is to safeguard prosperity for all Singaporeans. To help it fulfil its sacred duties, the scales on the body of the Sentosa Merlion are shaped to resemble a stylised version of the bagua, a symbol central to Taoist beliefs. And, for extra power we guess, the entire status stands on a bagua platform.
在徒步等戶外運動已然成爲一種時尚的現在,花柏山,作爲南部山脊的一部分,是錯過一定會後悔的一個天然城市氧吧。在這裏,人和自然巧妙地融爲一體。從地鐵港灣(Harbour Front)站出發,走過瑪朗小徑(MarangTrail),從亨德森波浪橋(HendersonWaves)橫跨小山之巅,在花柏山(Mount Farbor),你除了與美麗的動植物不期而遇、在山頂酒吧觀賞城市與港灣的夜景,還可以遇見我們的第四座魚尾獅雕像。和花柏山一樣,這座魚尾獅雕像也十分精致可人。不同于聖淘沙魚尾獅塔的莊嚴、與魚尾獅公園的遼闊,在這裏,你可以看到更加親切的小魚尾獅哦。
The fourth Merlion in Singapore is located on Mount Faber, at Faber Point. If you’re looking on Google Earth, she’s the small, white bump at the edge of the circular area. This 3m-tall Merlion stands as a sentinel of the serene Mount Faber national park. Owned by NParks, Mount Faber Merlion was installed in 1998, following redevelopment work in the area.
據說,吃貨們提到宏茂橋(Ang Mo Kio),是會情不自禁地就流下口水的。這完全可以理解,畢竟,在這裏,你可以光顧到連燕姿和小S都不肯錯過的龍海鮮螃蟹王、已經營業30余年的松園餅屋、可以縱情欣賞碧山宏茂橋公園綠意的Cornerstone餐廳、以及附近不勝枚舉的熟食中心裏的美味。種類繁多,豐儉由人,來這裏之前,千萬記得清空你的胃。然而,在品味美食之余,在這裏,也隱藏著一對“石獅子”一般的魚尾獅雕像。
搭乘地鐵到宏茂橋(Ang Mo Kio)站,步行約20分鍾,在碧山宏茂橋公園門口的馬路對面,一對魚尾獅雕像就“隱藏”在路邊。公園漫步、品嘗美食之余,記得來這裏一次性“收集”兩座魚尾獅哦!
Singaporean’s love for Merlions is so great that residents of Ang Mo Kio took it upon themselves to build a pair for their neighbourhood, way back in 1998. There’s some controversy surrounding the origins of the twosome, which today stands at the carpark entrance of Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, Blks 216 to 220.
Singapore Tourism Board, which is the custodian of the right to use and reproduce the Merlion’s likeness, was said to have disavowed the twins in the beginning. Apparently, this is because the Ang Mo Kio Merlions were built without first securing the proper permissions. But we’re happy to report that the authorities have since reversed their position. Today, both statues are acknowledged as official Merlions.
The last Merlion on the list is located at Tourism Court. But no, she’s not the one located at the lobby of the Singapore Tourism Board. (所以如果算上旅遊局大廳裏的魚尾獅,新加坡就不止有7只了嘛,大廳內的見下圖)Instead, she is standing outside, surrounded by greenery near the taxi drop-off point. Built in 1995, the 3m tall Tourism Court Merlion was said to have been manufactured in the Philippines. It also looks much slimmer than her sisters on the list. Frankly, we find this one a bit odd looking.