因 爲 專 注
所 以 專 業
留 學 彙
郝同學: 北京中學11年級
☀ 數學建模競賽中華賽區特等入圍獎,國際賽區特等入圍獎
☀ 北京市高中物理力學競賽決賽二等獎(前2.5%)
☀ 北京市數理化學科能力展示活動高一組數學二等獎,物理三等獎
☀ 在中科院老師的指導下,作爲組長領導的四人研究小組對漳衛新河德州河段水質進行測,撰寫了《基于無人機高光譜數據的水質監測研究》。
☀ 自學多變量微積分、向量場微積分,閱讀了《時間簡史》、《量子力學史話》等書籍,將自己對于宇宙的起源及黑洞的了解寫到自行創建的公衆號裏,獲得了一百多位讀者的回應。
☀ 三次參加數學建模活動並取得優異成績。在活動中負責建模及論文書寫,寫作能力和溝通能力得到了很大的提升。
郝同學: 北京中學11年級
郝同學: 北京中學11年級
Personal reflections in the camp
It is hard to list all the benefits I obtained in the camp, so now I will talk about two things that are most unforgettable.
The first is exploring the Maxwell equation. After I asked professor questions about Maxwell equation, I stayed up to 2am to derive the four equations. Because it is really exhausting, it is the most unforgettable. Albeit exhausting, I got the feeling of achievement after getting the four equations and surprisingly learnt that we can derive light speed and many other useful formula.
At that moment, I realize the beauty of physics formula-a kind of unity and simplicity. Although the formulas are simple, they can account for so many phenomena in our daily life and unite many physics laws, just like the god’s poem.
The second thing is attending lecture of nanotechnology from professor Sow and lecture of molecular motor from professor Wang.
These lectures broadens my horizon and reminds me of so many applications of science. I learnt that our future doctors may be in our body and we may make windows that can wash themselves. Suddenly, I realized that science can really make people’s life more convenient and colorful. This also expanded my imagination and persuaded me of the power of science.
Thanks for the Physics camp, I learnt a lot of physics knowledge and discover the magic and beauty of physics.
10 days before, I brought questions to the physics camp (the connection between mathematics and physics in Maxwell’s equation;
now, after these questions are solved, I bring new questions to leave the summer camp (these questions are all asked during the 10 days study about advanced physics).
My process of exploration will never stop. I will continue to study in order to answer those questions and meet my curiosity.
For me, physics is like a drug. Once I got started and raised question by myself, nothing can prevent me from digging further.
NUS Physics Challenge Camp is actually the trigger to get the whole process started. With new knowledge about science and new questions asked in some unknown field in the Physics Camp, I believe that nothing can stop my journey of exploration.
For example, I have already asked the professor who teaches string theory the mathematics required to understand string theory, and he also recommended me a book to study by email. With this kind of guidance, I have clear direction of exploration.
留學彙 Utry Uwin最好的學術平台