“他以自己特有的高貴、創新、嚴謹、敏感的方式演奏,聆聽他的演奏使人充實、難以忘懷。”——音樂評論家Ora Binur《以色列MAARIV日報》
2010年畢業于德國漢諾威音樂學院,師從于阿裏瓦迪與馬蒂雷卡利奧教授。以該校曆史上唯一滿分的佳績畢業,獲博士學位。曾在包括德國慕尼黑 ARD 國際音樂比賽、美國範·克萊本國際鋼琴比賽、德國波恩貝多芬國際鋼琴比賽等衆多鋼琴大賽中獲獎。
王笑寒曾與很多交響樂團同台演出協奏曲,如德國巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團、以色列愛樂樂團等。他還是一位出色的室內樂音樂家,曾與大提琴大師米沙·麥斯基、耶路撒冷四重奏、塔卡什四重奏等同台。作爲獨奏家,他曾登台巴伐利亞愛樂廣播大廳、俄羅斯柴科夫斯基音樂廳、以色列曼恩音樂廳等,演出數百場,足迹遍布德國、法國、英國、荷蘭、波蘭、俄羅斯、美國、加拿大、以色列、日本及韓國等國家。還曾在多個音樂節舉辦獨奏音樂會,如美國Ravinia 音樂節、德國貝多芬音樂節、以色列魯賓斯坦音樂節。並應邀參加在日本東京舉辦“二十世紀百位偉大的鋼琴家”系列音樂會,在韓國首爾舉行的中韓建交22周年音樂會。
王笑寒同時是難得的鋼琴、作曲、指揮“三棲”藝術家。在鋼琴家生涯之外,他不僅涉獵指揮(曾指揮以色列交響樂團等多家樂團),並在作曲領域成績斐然。他的作品《遺失的日記》榮獲 2007 年中國鋼琴作品作曲大賽銀獎;《村趣》獲2008 年中國小提琴作品作曲大賽銅獎。《畫意》被 2007 年德國波恩貝多芬國際鋼琴比賽選爲規定曲目;《村趣》由著名小提琴家甯峰演奏並錄制 CD。
王笑寒錄制了多張 CD,與 Helmut Müller-Brühl 指揮的科隆室內樂團演奏貝多芬《第二鋼琴協奏曲》的現場錄音由 Naxos唱片公司出版發行。2015年的專輯,巴赫《哥德堡變奏曲》的現場演出,由奧地利Bravo Artists唱片公司出版發行。他曾榮登法國《肖邦》雜志封面人物。
“He really serves the score with his ownnoble, creative, and sensitive approach. Listening to him is an enriching andunforgettable experience.”——Ora Binur,Musicologist and Music Critic of the Israeli Daily Newspaper MAARIV
“A performance of passion and grace, aplayback of Chopin himself”
——comment byIsrael Today used for Wang and his Piano Concerto No. 2 with the IsraeliPhilharmonic Orchestra.
WangXiaohan is a leading Chinese pianist. He has delivered performances with majororchestras such as the German Bavarian Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra and theIsraeli Philharmonic Orchestra, etc. He also excels in chamber music, who usedto appear on stage together with cellist Mischa Maisky, Jerusalem Quartet andTakács Quartet.
As asoloist, Wang has staged hundreds of concerts at many well-known internationalmusic halls, such as the German Bavarian Broadcasting Symphony Hall, RussianTchaikovsky Concert Hall and Israeli Tel Aviv Mann Auditorium, givingperformances in Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the USA,Canada, Israel, Japan and ROK. He was also invited to perform at severalinternational music festivals such as the Ravinia Festival in the USA, theBeethoven Festival in Germany, the Arthur Rubinstein Festival in Israel, the Hundred Pianists in the 20th Century concertseries in Tokyo, Japan and the Concert for the 22nd Anniversary ofSino-ROK Diplomatic relation in Seoul, ROK.
Wang is aversatile artist, being eminent as a pianist, composer and conductor. Besideshis career as a pianist, he also harvested remarkable achievements inconducting (he has conducted several renowned symphonies such as the IsraelSymphony Orchestra) and composing. In 2007, his work A Lost Diary was awarded the 2nd prize at the ChinesePiano Composition Competition. In 2008, Wang’s violin composition Scene of the Chinese Village was awardedthe 3rd prize at the Chinese Violin Composition Competition, whichwas then performed and recorded by the well-known Chinese violinist Ning Feng.His piano composition The Inspiration ofPainting was elected as the compulsory piece for the 2007 BeethovenInternational Piano Competition in Bonn.
In pianoeducation, Wang is dedicated to cultivating brilliant young pianists. As a pianoprofessor at Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, he was frequently invitedto lecture at prominent music institutions at home and abroad, such as theJuilliard School (USA), the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston (USA),the Hannover Hochschule für Musik und Theater (Germany) and the HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem (Israel). He was invited to Europe and the USA asinstructor for master classes and judge of music competitions. His studentsalso reaped multiple awards in domestic and international competitions.
Wangbegan his musical education at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music MiddleSchool, where he studied with professors Jin Aiping, Li Qifang and ZhouGuangren. He continued his piano studies at the Hannover Hochschule für Musikund Theater with Prof. Arie Vardi and Prof. Matti Raekallio. In 2010, hereceived his PhD degree with a perfect academic performance, the first in theuniversity’s history. He has won prizes in several prestigious pianocompetitions in Europe and the USA, including the ARD International MusicCompetition in Munich, Germany, the Eleventh Van Cliburn International PianoCompetition in Fort Worth, USA and the Beethoven International PianoCompetition in Bonn, Germany. In 2012, he returned to his alma mater as a pianoprofessor. At present, he is the Artistic Director of the Arthur RubinsteinInternational Youth Piano Competition and Singapore International PianoCompetition.
Wang’smusic has been recorded into several CDs. His performance with the Köln ChamberOrchestra on Beethoven’s 2ndPiano Concerto, which was conducted by Helmut Müller-Brühl, was recordedand published by Naxos. Wang’s latest 2015 album, his on-stage performance ofBach’s Goldberg Variations, waspublished by the Austrian Recording Company BravoArtists. He was taken as the cover star of the French journal Chopin.