30th August Friday Night Hike: HarbourFront Loop
For walking enthusiasts and nature lovers!Come join us to take an evening brisk walk for the Sunset Hiking Southern Ridges!
Event Planner: Singapore Hiking
Leader of the Group:Mr.WanLi
Protector of the team in the back: JennyFang
Set out time: 7:30pm Sharp on 30th August. No waiting for late comers!
Starting Point: Harbourfront MRT Station(NE1/CC29), Exit C
結束地點:港灣地鐵站 (NE1/CC29)
Ending Point: Harbourfront MRT Station(NE1/CC29)
路線從港灣地鐵站出發,徒經吉寶灣(Keppel Bay),拉柏多自然保護公園,亞曆山大拱橋(Alexandra Arch ),空中叢林小徑(Forest Walk ),亨德森波浪橋(Henderson Waves ),登上遠眺海港的花柏山頂(Mount Faber),最後下山沿著小徑回到港灣地鐵站結束。
Hike Route:
Starting from the Harbourfront MRT Station, we will pass through Keppel Bay, then to Labrador Nature Conservation Park, Alexandra Arch, Forest Walk, Henderson Waves. After that we will climb to the top of Mount Faber to enjoy the scenic of harbor, then finally walk back to the Habourfront MRT station.
距離:10公裏 Distance: 10km
徒步時間: 2.5 個小時 Walking Time: 2.5 hours
難度:中等 Difficulty Level: Moderate
適合人群: 12-60歲 Suitable for aged from 12 to 60
徒經吉寶灣,欣賞停靠在高尚豪華住宅區域的遊艇風景線; 拉柏多公園,有著自然美景和海岸徑。讓我們徒步在環繞保護區的小徑,飽覽絢麗的自然景觀,盡情地體驗獨特的拉柏多自然保護區,繼續踏上文藝清新的亞曆山大拱橋,穿梭樹梢的空中叢林小徑,叢林小徑是一段全程800m的人造高空走廊,走廊下方是直落布蘭雅大片的熱帶雨林,漫步其中仿佛置身天然氧吧,有時甚至還能看到一些候鳥、飛禽在叢林中玩耍。徒步在驚豔無比的亨德森波浪橋,登上遠眺海港的花柏山,山高105米,山上有通往聖淘沙的纜車起點站,在山頂觀景台地上的箭頭指示,按不同方位鳥瞰新加坡港口,聖淘沙島和南部其他島嶼及市區內林立的建築群夜景。山底下,萬家燈火,五光十色; 近處是海港的夜景,碼頭內一排排燈光,相交晖映,晶瑩奪目。遠處組屋的燈光,大放光芒。在瞭望台樓下的16副壁畫可以讓大家了解新加坡的曆史和發展概況。
Leader’s Address:
We will walk around Keppel Bay where you can enjoy the yacht scenery docked on the waters of the luxurious residential area. Labrador Park has its natural beauty and coastal trails. Let’s walk around the trails, appreciate the magnificent natural scenery, and the beautiful and unique scenery of Labrador Nature Reserve. Then, we will go to the artistic Alexander Arch Bridge andcross the tree-topped forest walk, the forest walk is an artificialhigh-altitude corridor of 800 meters and under it is a large portion oftropical Teloh Blangah rain forest, which seems to be a natural Oxygen bar.Occasionally, you could also see migratory birds flying in the jungle. Walkingon the amazing Henderson Wave Bridge, climbing the Mount Faber, enjoy the beautifulscenery of Mount Faber, standing at 105 meters high, there is a cable carconnected to Sentosa on the hill. According to directory arrows on the hilltopviewing platform, you can enjoy a bird’s eye view of Singapore port, SentosaIsland, other southern islands and urban areas at night. At the foot of thehill, there are thousands of lights in all kinds of colors. Nearby is the nightview of the harbor. There will be rows of sparkly lights on the dock, which intertwines with each other and glow brilliantly in unison with the light ofthe distant group house. Under the observation deck, you can read sixteen murals that give you an overview of Singapore’s history and development.
Join us to experience and feel the beauty of history, modernity and nature of Singapore! I wish you all a fulfilling and joyful evening of recreation and entertainment!
1. 自備所需的飲用水,幹糧,雨具,照明及防蚊噴霧劑等。
2. 行進途中請注意安全,緊跟隊伍不要擅自離隊;請聽從領隊和護尾的指揮,以免發生意外;隊友之間請團結友愛,互相照應。
3. 已有夜徒燈的朋友請務必攜帶.
4. 到達徒步現場必須主動找領隊簽到,否則領隊沒有點到名,將視爲缺席此次活動。
5. 替別人或給多人報名者,也需要按照報名表格要求寫清楚所有參加者的信息,以方便後台統計。
Gentle reminders:
1.Bring along drinking water, snacks, an umbrella or a raincoat, and mosquito repellent if necessary.
2.If you have the night walking light issued by Singapore Hiking, bring that along too, for an evening hike.
3. Upon arrival, report to the leader / his assistant to mark attendance.
4. During the hike, listen to the leader’s instructions, stay safe, walk with the team, and keep a lookout for each other.
5. When signing up for a hike, please fill in all the basic info required in the registration form. This is to allow the admin to compile data in the future.
6. Participants who have filled in all the basic info required when signing up for a hike will be insured for accident during the hike. The insurance coverage is purchased by a partner organisation. You can join the hike with peace of mind! Once again, please fill in all the info required. Thank you.
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掃描下面的二維碼,添加好友,備注“徒步” Scan QR code below, add friend, send greeting “Hiking”
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