鐵路兒童客票 train tickets for children
Children between 6 and 14 years old who purchase tickets in a real-name-based ticket system are eligible for discount tickets, and those above 14 years old are required to pay full price.
Children who purchase tickets without ID information are eligible for discount tickets when they are taller than 1.2 meters but shorter than 1.5 meters. Children taller than 1.5 meters must pay full price.
長期以來,我國鐵路兒童票劃分一直是按身高標准(railway system only offers children discounted tickets in accordance with their height)。不過,隨著經濟社會的發展,單純以身高作爲兒童優惠票的標准難以切實保障兒童旅客享受出行優惠。
從國際上看,大多數國家是根據年齡而不是身高作爲兒童優惠政策的標准(offer preferential policies to children based on their age rather than their height)。例如,在俄羅斯和新加坡,7歲以下的兒童可以免費乘坐城市公共交通(urban public transportation)。在日本,6歲以下的兒童可以免費乘坐鐵路交通;6-12歲兒童享受半價優惠;12歲以上的旅客必須支付全價(pay full price)。
第四屆中國國際進口博覽會 the fourth China International Import Expo
The total exhibition area of this year’s CIIE will be further expanded to 366,000 square meters. Over 80 percent of Fortune Global 500 and industrial leaders who participated in the fair last year will return for the fourth CIIE.本屆進博會總展覽面積進一步擴容,達到36.6萬平方米。世界500強和行業龍頭企業參展回頭率超過80%。
從采購商方面看(from the purchasing side),目前,各地采購商報名積極踴躍,共有39個交易團、599個分團到會開展專業采購(39 trading groups and 599 subgroups have been drawn to the event for professional procurement)。報名采購商購買力強,年進口額1億美元以上的超過1200家(more than 1,200 buyers with an annual import value of over $100 million have been attracted to this year’s CIIE)。
本屆進博會共有58個國家和3個國際組織參加國家展(a total of 58 countries and three international organizations will take part in the country exhibition),來自127個國家和地區的近3000家參展商亮相企業展(nearly 3,000 companies from 127 countries and regions have confirmed to join the event),國別、企業數均超上屆。同時,有15個國家首次在國家展亮相,其中5個國家是首次參與進博會(make their debut at the CIIE)。參展國遍布五大洲,涵蓋發達國家、發展中國家和最不發達國家,“一帶一路”沿線國家參與踴躍。
數據顯示,全球三大拍賣行、三大時尚高端消費品集團、四大糧商、十大汽車集團、十大工業電氣企業、十大醫療器械企業、十大化妝品企業等悉數參展,將有大量新品首發(debut large numbers of products)。展台特裝比例連續三屆提升,達到96%。
在商務部研究院國際市場研究所副所長白明看來,伴隨中國對外開放力度不斷加大,進博會作爲中國對外開放的一個重要窗口,溢出效應不斷增強,成爲世界各國搭乘中國發展“快車”的橋頭堡(as China continues to open up to the outside world, the CIIE, seeing an increasing outflow effect, has become the bridge for countries that want to take the “fast train” of China’s development)。各國期望通過進博會抓住中國提供的市場機遇、投資機遇、增長機遇,共享開放紅利。
業內人士表示,從前三屆進博會達成意向成交金額看,預計今年進博會成交額將再創新高(is projected to see a higher volume of transactions this year)。
國家最高科學技術獎 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award
Two scientists, aircraft designer Gu Songfen and nuclear expert Wang Dazhong, won China’s top science award for their outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation.飛機設計大師顧誦芬和核能科學家王大中因在科技創新中的突出貢獻榮獲國家最高科學技術獎。
【2020年度國家最高科學技術獎獲得者 顧誦芬】
顧誦芬,男,1930年2月出生,江蘇蘇州人,1951年畢業于上海交通大學航空工程系。現任中國航空工業集團有限公司科技委高級顧問、中國航空研究院名譽院長。1991年當選中國科學院學部委員(院士),1994年當選中國工程院院士。他是中國航空界唯一的兩院院士(the only academician of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering in the national aviation industry)。
顧誦芬是我國著名飛機設計大師(a renowned aircraft designer)、飛機空氣動力設計奠基人。他主持了殲教1、初教6、殲8、殲8Ⅱ飛機氣動布局設計(he was in charge of the aerodynamic design of the Shenyang JJ-1, the Nanchang CJ-6, and the Shenyang J-8 and J-8-II),奠定了我國亞音速飛機和超音速飛機氣動力設計的基石(lay the cornerstone for subsonic and supersonic aircraft design in the country),推動了我國氣動力研究、設計基礎手段建設發展。
【2020年度國家最高科學技術獎獲得者 王大中】
王大中,男,1935年2月出生,河北昌黎人。1958年畢業于清華大學工程物理系。曾任清華大學核能技術研究所所長、清華大學校長(he has served as the director and chief engineer of Tsinghua University’s Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, as well as the president of the university)。1993年當選中國科學院院士(an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences)。
王大中是國際著名的核能科學家、教育家(an internationally renowned nuclear energy scientist and educator)。他在先進核能技術研發領域幾十年耕耘(he has worked in nuclear energy technology for decades),主持研究、設計、建造、運行成功世界上第一座5MW殼式一體化低溫核供熱堆(5MW Low Temperature Nuclear Heating Reactor);主持研發建成了世界第一座具有固有安全特征的10MW模塊式球床高溫氣冷實驗堆(10MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor),並積極推動以上兩種先進反應堆技術的應用。王大中帶領研究團隊走出了我國以固有安全爲主要特征的先進核能技術的成功之路。
長三角地區 the Yangtze River Delta region
China’s Yangtze River Delta region has generally become a strong and active growth engine to the country’s economic development, as the region’s GDP contribution continued to rally, according to the country’s top economic planner.
叢亮介紹說,長三角地區創新策源能力建設不斷加強,地區生産總值占全國比重從2018年的24.1%提高到今年前三季度的24.5%(the region’s share of overall national GDP had increased from 24.1 percent in 2018 to 24.5 percent during the first three quarters of this year);高水平建設長三角生態綠色一體化發展示範區(demonstration zone of green and integrated ecological development of the Yangtze River Delta),已推出兩批八大類73項一體化制度創新(institutional breakthroughs);推進生態優勢轉變爲經濟社會發展優勢成效顯著,數字經濟新優勢(new strengths for the digital economy)正在爲加快動力轉換提供重要牽引。
叢亮表示,長三角一體化發展戰略實施三年來已取得重大成果(the region has reaped major benefits from its integrated development during the past three years),一體化發展的新局面正在形成(the integrated development of the region is taking shape)。今年6月份,《長三角一體化發展規劃“十四五”實施方案》(the plan for the region’s integration during the 14th Five-Year Plan period)印發實施。下一步將加大落實力度,腳踏實地把長三角一體化發展的既定目標任務變成實實在在的成果。
中國女航天員首次出艙 the first extravehicular activities (EVAs) in Chinese space history involving a female taikonaut
The event was the third extravehicular mission conducted during the construction of the country’s space station and the first by the Shenzhou XIII crew. It also marks the first extravehicular activities (EVAs) in Chinese space history involving a female taikonaut.
北京時間11月7日晚18時51分,航天員翟志剛成功開啓天和核心艙節點艙出艙艙門(open the hatch of Tianhe’s node cabin),截至20時28分,翟志剛和航天員王亞平身著我國新一代“飛天”艙外航天服(don China-developed new-generation Feitian spacesuits),先後從天和核心艙節點艙成功出艙(be out of China’s space station core module Tianhe to start EVAs),中國首位出艙航天員翟志剛時隔13年後再次進行出艙活動(this is the second time Zhai has performed EVAs, having completed China’s first spacewalk 13 years ago);王亞平成爲中國首位進行出艙活動的女航天員,邁出了中國女性艙外太空行走第一步(Wang’s EVAs make her the country’s first female astronaut to leave footprints in outer space)。北京時間11月8日1時16分,經過約6.5小時的出艙活動(after 6.5 hours of extravehicular activities),神舟十三號航天員乘組密切協同,圓滿完成出艙活動全部既定任務,航天員翟志剛、王亞平安全返回天和核心艙(return to the core module),出艙活動取得圓滿成功。
航天員出艙活動期間,天地間大力協同、艙內外密切配合,先後完成了機械臂懸挂裝置與轉接件安裝(mount new components on the station’s robotic arm)、艙外典型動作測試等任務,全過程順利圓滿,進一步檢驗了我國新一代艙外航天服的功能性能(further test the functions of the China-developed new-generation extravehicular spacesuits),檢驗了航天員與機械臂協同工作的能力(the coordination between the taikonauts and the mechanical arm)及出艙活動相關支持設備的可靠性與安全性(the reliability and safety of supporting equipment related to the EVAs)。
神舟十三號載人飛船于10月16日成功發射,順利將翟志剛、王亞平、葉光富3名航天員送入太空。神舟十三號乘組將在軌駐留6個月,預計要進行2-3次的出艙行走任務。神舟十三號載人飛行任務是空間站關鍵技術驗證階段第六次飛行任務,也是該階段最後一次飛行任務(Shenzhou XIII will be the last mission in the technological verification phase of the Tiangong space station program)。
碳減排支持工具 carbon-reduction supporting tool
The People’s Bank of China will provide low-cost loans for financial institutions through the carbon-reduction supporting tool, and will guide those institutions, on the premise of independent decision-making and risk-taking, to provide loans to firms in key carbon-reduction fields. The loan interest rates provided by the financial institutions should be basically in line with the benchmark lending rates, or the loan prime rates.
中國人民銀行有關負責人介紹,創設推出碳減排支持工具這一結構性貨幣政策工具,以穩步有序、精准直達方式,支持清潔能源、節能環保、碳減排技術等重點領域的發展(the creation and launch of such a structural monetary policy tool will support the development of key fields, such as clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, in a steady, orderly, targeted and direct manner),並撬動更多社會資金促進碳減排。
據介紹,碳減排支持工具發放對象暫定爲全國性金融機構,人民銀行通過“先貸後借”的直達機制(adopt “the system for direct funds”),對金融機構向碳減排重點領域內相關企業發放的符合條件的碳減排貸款,按貸款本金的60%提供資金支持,利率爲1.75%(provide 60 percent of the loan principal made by financial institutions for carbon-emission cuts, with a one-year lending rate of 1.75 percent)。
人民銀行有關負責人表示,爲保障碳減排支持工具的精准性和直達性,人民銀行要求金融機構公開披露發放碳減排貸款的情況以及貸款帶動的碳減排數量等信息(the central bank also requires those financial institutions to publicly disclose information on the carbon-reduction loans and the emission cuts financed by such loans),並由第三方專業機構對這些信息進行核實驗證(third-party professional institutions will verify such information),接受社會公衆監督。
人民銀行表示,碳減排支持工具的推出將發揮政策示範效應,引導金融機構和企業更充分地認識綠色轉型的重要意義,鼓勵社會資金更多投向綠色低碳領域(more social funds could also be mobilized to promote carbon-emission cuts),向企業和公衆倡導綠色生産生活方式、循環經濟等理念,助力實現碳達峰、碳中和目標。
地下水管理 groundwater management
The new regulation, which will take effect on Dec 1, has set out specific rules for groundwater in the areas of survey and planning, conservation and protection, over-exploitation treatment, pollution control, and supervision and management.
根據《條例》,縣級以上人民政府應當組織水行政、自然資源、生態環境等主管部門開展地下水狀況調查評價工作(conduct survey and evaluations on groundwater conditions),根據地下水狀況調查評價成果,統籌考慮經濟社會發展需要、地下水資源狀況、汙染防治等因素,編制本級地下水保護利用和汙染防治等規劃(make underground protection and pollution control arrangements)。
實行地下水取水總量控制和水位控制制度(the total amount of groundwater extracted as well as groundwater levels will be placed under control)。明確用水過程的節約用水要求,強化用經濟手段調控地下水節約和保護,明確地下水水資源稅費的征收原則。除特殊情形外,禁止開采難以更新的地下水(except under special circumstances, groundwater that is not replenished easily should not be exploited)。
規範地下水禁止開采區、限制開采區的劃定(the designation of areas where the exploitation of groundwater is prohibited or restricted should be standardized)。除特殊情形外,在禁止開采區內禁止取用地下水,在限制開采區內禁止新增取用地下水並逐步削減地下水取水量。要求各省、自治區、直轄市編制本行政區域地下水超采綜合治理方案(make plans for local groundwater over-exploitation treatment),明確治理目標、治理措施、保障措施等內容。
建立地下水汙染防治重點區劃定制度。強化對汙染地下水行爲的管控(strengthen the control of activities polluting groundwater),禁止以逃避監管的方式排放水汙染物,禁止利用無防滲漏措施的溝渠、坑塘等輸送或者貯存含有毒汙染物的廢水等行爲。細化防止生産建設活動汙染地下水的制度。細化防止土壤汙染導致地下水汙染的制度(refine the rules that prevent groundwater pollution caused by soil pollution, production and construction activities)。
技工院校畢業生 graduates from technical schools
In the 2021-2025 period, China plans to keep the number of students at technical schools above 3.6 million and the employment rate for graduates above 97 percent, said the plan. By 2025, China expects to have provided over 20 million vocational training sessions to enterprise employees and key employment groups, as well as training more than 2 million highly-skilled personnel.
《規劃》明確,“十四五”期間,我國將持續提升技工院校畢業生待遇,推動落實畢業生享受就業創業、參軍入伍等相關政策(works will be done to allow technical school graduates to enjoy relevant policies on employment, entrepreneurship and army recruitment),中級工班、高級工班、預備技師(技師)班畢業生分別按照中專、大專、本科學曆落實職稱評審(the granting of professional titles)、事業單位公開招聘(employment in public institutions)等有關政策。
規劃還提出,全面加強學生權益保障(ensure benefits for students in technical schools)。調整改版技工院校畢業證書,爲畢業生各項政策待遇落實提供支持。完善學生實習管理制度(improve internship arrangements),積極探索實習生參加工傷保險辦法(provide work-related injury insurance for interns),加快發展學生實習實訓責任保險和人身意外傷害保險。
技工院校是培養生産和服務一線技術工人的專門學校(technical schools are schools specializing in training frontline workers in the production and service sectors)。人社部數據顯示,截至2020年末,全國共有技工院校2423所,在校生395萬人(as of the end of 2020, China had 2,423 technical schools, with 3.95 million students enrolled),2020年全年面向社會開展各類職業技能培訓超過400萬人次。
“零碳”供暖 carbon-free heating
The urban area of Haiyang, Shandong province, has started using heat generated by a nuclear power plant this winter, making it the first Chinese city to have carbon-free heating.
國家電投(State Power Investment Corp)11月9日宣布,2021年—2022年供暖季(heating season)即將到來之際,其“暖核一號”——國家能源核能供熱商用示範工程二期450萬平方米項目在山東海陽提前6天投運(the commercial nuclear heating project was put into operation six days ahead of schedule),供暖面積覆蓋海陽全城區,惠及20萬居民。此舉使海陽成爲全國首個“零碳”供暖城市;同時,海陽居民住宅取暖費每建築平方米較往年下調一元錢(residential heating fee is lowered by one yuan per square meter)。
國家電投表示,“暖核一號”項目投運後,海陽核電1號機組(Unit 1 of the Haiyang Nuclear Plant)成爲世界最大熱電聯産機組(the world’s largest cogeneration unit),替代了當地12台燃煤鍋爐(replace 12 coal-fired boilers),每個供暖季預計節約原煤10萬噸,減排二氧化碳18萬噸(cut carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 metric tons)、煙塵691噸、氮氧化物1123噸、二氧化硫1188噸,相當于種植闊葉林1000公頃,同時減少向環境排放熱量130萬吉焦,有效改善區域供暖季大氣環境和海洋生態環境。
核能供熱的主要原理是,從核電機組二回路抽取蒸汽作爲熱源(此熱源沒有放射性)(extract nonradioactive steam from the reactors at the nuclear power plant),通過換熱站(heat exchange stations)進行多級換熱,最後經市政供熱管網(municipal pipes),將熱量傳遞至最終用戶的城市集中供暖(central heating)方式。熱電聯産機組(cogeneration unit)是指同時生産電、熱能的工藝過程。發電廠既生産電能,又利用汽輪發電機作過功的蒸汽對用戶供熱,較分別生産電、熱能方式更節能。
數據分類分級保護制度 a category- and class-based data protection system
According to the regulations, the country shall establish a category- and class-based data protection system. The data will be classified as common, important, and core on account of its importance to national security, public interests, as well as the legitimate rights and interests of relevant individuals or organizations, said the draft regulations. Different protection measures based on the classifications will be imposed.
《意見稿》要求,數據處理者應當建立數據安全應急處置機制(data processing entities should set up emergency response mechanisms),發生數據安全事件(data security incidents)時及時啓動應急響應機制,采取措施防止危害擴大,消除安全隱患。
《意見稿》對個人信息保護(personal information protection)進行了具體規範,數據處理者利用生物特征進行個人身份認證的,應當對必要性、安全性進行風險評估,不得將人臉(face)、步態、指紋(fingerprint)、虹膜(iris)、聲紋等生物特征作爲唯一的個人身份認證方式(exclusive method for personal identification),以強制個人同意收集其個人生物特征信息(coercive collection of personal biometric information)。
數據處理者不得因個人拒絕提供服務必需的個人信息以外的信息,拒絕提供服務或者幹擾個人正常使用服務(data processing entities shall not refuse to provide services or hinder normal services to users on the ground of being rejected when collecting personal information that is unnecessary for related services)。
學科類校外培訓 curriculum-based academic training
The Ministry of Education has asked local education authorities to differentiate academic tutoring companies from non-academic ones to prevent institutions from conducting curriculum-based training under the guise of non-academic tutoring.
《指南》明確了義務教育階段校外培訓項目分類鑒別依據,即要從培訓目的、培訓內容、培訓方式、評價方式等維度(based on the purpose, content, procedure and evaluation method of the tutoring),對培訓項目進行綜合考量。
《指南》指出,如符合以下特征,即判定爲學科類培訓(be classified as academic ones)。
一是培訓目的以學科知識與技能培訓爲導向,主要爲提升學科學習成績服務(aim to improve students’ academic knowledge and grades)。二是培訓內容主要涉及道德與法治、語文、曆史、地理、數學、外語(英語、日語、俄語)、物理、化學、生物等學科學習(academic subjects)內容。三是培訓方式重在進行學科知識講解(curriculum-based knowledge teaching)、聽說讀寫算等學科能力訓練,以預習、授課和鞏固練習等爲主要過程,以教師(包括虛擬者、人工智能等)講授示範、互動等爲主要形式。四是結果評價側重甄別與選拔,以學生學習成績、考試結果等作爲主要評價依據(evaluate students based on their exam results)。
各地要組建專家組(organize expert teams)或委托專業機構,對無法直接判斷的培訓項目進行綜合研判,得出鑒別意見。鑒別專家組應包括相關學科、課程、教學等方面專家,且相關人員及其直系親屬未在培訓機構中任職或兼職、屬于非利益相關方(not involved in the tutoring companies)。鑒別工作不得受外界幹擾,不得徇私舞弊,確保結論的真實、客觀、公正。
培訓機構要進行自我研判、自評自查(conduct self-examination and evaluation),規範開展培訓活動,不得出現名不符實的情況,不得隱形變異違規開展學科類培訓活動。
北京冬奧會運動員菜單 menu for athelets at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
Organizers of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games have released a menu of 678 dishes that will be served during the Games to athletes from diverse cultural backgrounds. The menu, approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), was designed to meet the different dietary needs of athletes, while also taking religious diversity into consideration, said the organizers.
在餐飲服務上,北京、延慶、張家口三個冬奧村(Olympic Village)的服務標准、時間和內容統一。設置12種餐台,每天約200道菜供各國運動員食用(around 200 dishes will be available for athletes each day),以每8天爲一個周期進行輪換。每餐都有一系列素食和清真菜式,並提供猶太潔食服務(vegetarian, halal and kosher meals will be available),滿足不同口味、不同宗教的特定飲食需求,讓運動員充分感受中國的熱情好客(Chinese hospitality)。
冬奧會賽時恰逢中國傳統春節(the 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with China’s Spring Festival),菜單將圍繞“中國年味”(elements of the Chinese Lunar New Year),與國際上的節日相結合,增添特色飲食餐品供應,充分展示國家化餐飲服務特色。中國特色菜品(famous local dishes)包括西湖牛肉羹、木須肉、醬爆雞丁等,結合中國東西南北美食(cuisines from all over China)主題,展示中國飲食文化的豐富性與多樣性,有川菜、粵菜、魯菜、湘菜等,讓世界各地運動員充分感受、體驗中國美食文化魅力(enable global athletes to fully experience Chinese cuisine)。
冬奧會(冬殘奧會)賽時期間,奧運村部餐飲處(the catering service)嚴格遵守疫情防控要求。在運動員餐廳出入口(the entrance and exit of the restaurant)、取餐流線(the food distribution area)等關鍵點位,設置防疫用品台,擺放口罩、手套、酒精棉片(alcohol cotton pads)和免洗手消毒劑(hand-washing disinfectants)等消毒用品。進門後,設有智能保溫取餐櫃,實現人員分流就餐;設有智能引導機器人(guiding robots),提供咨詢、引導服務。餐廳使用可降解環保餐具(biodegradable tableware),充分體現綠色辦奧(hold a green Olympic Games)的理念。冬殘奧會期間在運動員餐廳增設更多的無障礙餐飲服務(barrier-free access),增設可移動座位、設計盲文菜單(braille menus)、對菜簽采取大字號進行標識。
媒體簽證 visas for journalists
China places great importance on the issue of media and has been doing its utmost to provide assistance, convenience and service to foreign journalists, including American journalists, in their reporting that is conducted in accordance with laws and regulations. In the meantime, we are unequivocally opposed to discriminatory practice on the US side against Chinese media in the US.
經過多輪磋商,近日,雙方本著相互尊重、對等互惠的原則達成三項共識:After multiple rounds of consultations, China and the United States have recently reached three consensuses on their visa policies for journalists based on the principles of mutual respect, reciprocity and mutual benefit.
一是雙方相互保障在對方國家工作的現任常駐記者在嚴格遵守防疫政策和領事規定前提下可正常進出對方國家。The two sides agreed to ensure that journalists from either country currently based in the other country can enter and leave that country normally on the premise of strictly observing laws and consular regulations.
二是雙方同意爲對方國家記者頒發一年多次入境簽證。美方承諾將立即啓動國內程序解決中國記者簽證停留期問題,中方則承諾在美方政策措施到位後,給予駐華美媒記者同等待遇。The two sides also agreed to issue one-year multiple entry visas to journalists from the other country, and the US side pledged to immediately initiate domestic procedures to address the “duration of status” issues for Chinese journalists. The Chinese side promised to give equal treatment to American journalists in China after the US policies enter into force.
三是雙方將依法依規爲符合申請要求的新任常駐記者對等審批簽證。Both parties will approve visas on an equal footing for new journalists who meet application requirements in accordance with laws and regulations.
趙立堅說,這一成果來之不易,符合雙方媒體利益,值得珍惜(this achievement was hard-won, meets the interests of both sides, and is worth cherishing)。希望美方信守承諾(honor its words),盡快將有關措施政策落實到位(implement the relevant policies as soon as possible),同中方共同努力,爲兩國媒體在對方國家工作生活持續創造有利條件(work with China to continue creating favorable working and living conditions for the media of both countries)。
黨的二十大代表選舉 election of the delegates for the 20th National Congress of the CPC
黨的十九屆六中全會決定,黨的二十大于2022年下半年在北京召開。The Communist Party of China (CPC) will convene its 20th National Congress in Beijing in the second half of 2022, the 19th CPC Central Committee decided at its sixth plenary session earlier this month.
黨的二十大,是我們黨進入全面建設社會主義現代化國家、向第二個百年奮鬥目標進軍新征程的重要時刻召開的一次十分重要的代表大會,是黨和國家政治生活中的一件大事。The congress comes at an important time when the CPC has embarked on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects and to realize the Second Centenary Goal. It will be a highly important meeting and an event of great political significance for both the Party and the country.
認真做好二十大代表選舉工作,是開好大會的重要基礎。The election of the delegates will lay an important foundation for the success of this congress.
黨中央確定,二十大代表名額共2300名,由全國38個選舉單位選舉産生(according to the CPC leadership, a total of 2,300 delegates will be elected by 38 electoral units across the country)。做好二十大代表選舉工作,要堅持以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想爲指導,堅持以黨章爲根本遵循,堅持黨的性質宗旨,堅持和加強黨的全面領導,充分發揚黨內民主(intra-Party democracy),嚴格資格條件,嚴密産生程序,嚴肅選舉紀律,確保選出的二十大代表素質優良、結構合理、分布廣泛、黨員擁護(ensure that high-caliber delegates are elected, their composition is well structured, and the delegates come from a broad spectrum with the support of other Party members)。
黨中央提出,二十大代表應是共産黨員中的優秀分子(excellent Party members)。要嚴把人選政治關,堅持把政治標准放在首位(political standards must be prioritized when selecting candidates),突出考察人選的理想信念、政治品格和道德修養(the candidates’ commitment to ideals and convictions should be considered first, as well as their political character and moral traits),著重了解人選政治判斷力、政治領悟力、政治執行力,增強“四個意識”、堅定“四個自信”、做到“兩個維護”等方面的表現情況,對政治上不合格的一票否決。
要進一步優化代表結構(improve the composition of delegates),既要有各級黨員領導幹部(Party officials at each level),又要有生産和工作第一線的黨員(those from the front line of production and work),保證生産和工作第一線代表比例,注重推薦工人、農民和專業技術人員黨員中的先進模範人物(exemplary workers, farmers and professionals)作爲代表人選;女黨員和少數民族黨員代表(female delegates and those from ethnic minority groups)應占一定比例。要有經濟、科技、國防、政法、教育、宣傳、文化、衛生、體育和社會管理等各方面的代表。
黨中央要求,二十大代表的選舉産生,采取自下而上、上下結合、反複醞釀、逐級遴選的辦法進行。要深入開展宣傳教育,廣泛發動基層黨組織和黨員積極參與代表人選的推薦提名(grassroots Party members and organizations should be extensively mobilized to take part in the nomination of candidates),根據多數黨組織和黨員的意見,逐級遴選擇優。
二十大代表選舉工作從現在開始,到明年6月底前結束。The election will run from now on until the end of June 2022, according to the statement.
代辦級 the chargé d’affaires level
11月18日,立陶宛不顧中方嚴正抗議和反複交涉,允許台灣當局設立“駐立陶宛台灣代表處”。此舉公然在國際上制造“一中一台”,背棄立方在兩國建交公報中所作政治承諾,損害中國主權和領土完整,粗暴幹涉中國內政。中方對此表示強烈不滿和嚴正抗議,決定將中立兩國外交關系降爲代辦級。On November 18, Lithuania, in disregard of China’s strong protest and repeated representations, allowed the Taiwan authorities to set up a “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania”. This act openly creates the false impression of “one China, one Taiwan” in the world, renounces the political commitment made by Lithuania in the communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs. The Chinese side expresses its strong indignation and protest against this move, and decides to downgrade its diplomatic relations with Lithuania to the chargé d’affaires level.
據外交部網站“禮賓知識”介紹,外交代表機關(body of diplomatic representatives)是一國派駐另一國的官方代表機構。在達成建交協議後,建交雙方在對方首都各自設立與外交代表等級相應的外交代表機關。外交代表機關通常分爲三級:以大使(ambassador)爲館長的稱大使館(embassy)(以高級專員爲館長的稱高級專員公署);以公使爲館長的稱公使館(legation);以代辦爲館長的稱代辦處(chargé d’affaire)。
There is only one China in the world and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. The one-China principle is an overwhelming consensus of the international community, a widely recognized norm governing international relations, and the political foundation for China and Lithuania to develop bilateral ties. The Chinese government has, out of goodwill to preserve China-Lithuania ties, repeatedly warned Lithuania against acting in bad faith. Regrettably, Lithuania has chosen to ignore China’s solemn position and to disregard the broader interests of bilateral ties and the basic norms governing international relations. It has allowed the establishment in Lithuania of the “Representative Office” bearing the name of Taiwan, thus creating an egregious precedent in the world. Given the fact that the political foundation for an ambassadorial-level diplomatic relationship has been damaged by Lithuania, the Chinese government, out of the need to safeguard national sovereignty and basic norms governing international relations, has no choice but to downgrade its diplomatic relations with Lithuania to the chargé d’affaires level. The Lithuanian government must bear all the ensuing consequences. We urge the Lithuanian side to immediately put right its mistake and not to underestimate the Chinese people’s strong resolve, will and capability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
We also have this stern warning for the Taiwan authorities: Taiwan is never a country. No matter how “Taiwan independence” forces try to misrepresent facts and confound black and white, the historical fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China cannot be changed. Attempts to seek foreign support for political manipulation will prove a dead end.
中美混雙 Chinese and US mixed double
Chinese and US players will team up in the mixed doubles competition at the 2021 Houston World Table Tennis Championships, said the International Table Tennis Federation.Chinese player Lin Gaoyuan will partner with US player Lily Zhang, and US player Kanak Jha will partner with Chinese player Wang Manyu.國際乒聯宣布,中美選手將跨國配對出戰2021年休斯敦世乒賽混雙比賽。中國選手林高遠將搭檔美國選手張安,美國選手卡納克將搭檔中國選手王曼昱。
I’m really happy to be partnering with Lily Zhang for the Mixed Doubles event. She’s the top table tennis player in the US, our goal is to come out on top for this event. The biggest advantage about pairing with her is that she speaks Mandarin. I hope we can get into the groove soon, develop good chemistry and work hard towards a great performance. And I hope fans from both China and the US will cheer on the China-US Mixed Doubles pairs.很高興能夠與張安配對參加世乒賽的混雙比賽,張安是美國隊一號, 我們的目標是爭第一。我們配合最大的優勢是她也會說中文,希望我們能夠迅速進入狀態,配合默契,通過努力取得好的成績。希望兩支球隊的球迷都能爲我們這兩對混雙組合加油。
It’s going to be amazing; it is so cool to be able to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Ping-Pong Diplomacy here in the US where the World championships will be held for the first time. I think it will be a historical moment, and I am really glad that our two countries are able to work together through sport. I am very excited to play with Lin Gaoyuan, it’s so cool to pair with a Chinese national team player. They’re the best in the world, so I will do my best and hopefully we can work well together and get a good result.世乒賽首次在美國舉行,同時慶祝“乒乓外交”50周年,真是太棒了!我認爲這將是一個曆史性的時刻,我很高興我們兩國能夠通過體育進行良好的合作。能和林高遠一起打球我很興奮,和中國國家隊球員搭檔真是太棒了。他們是世界上最棒的,所以我會盡我所能,希望我們能很好地合作並取得好成績。
Once again, we are all witnessing the unique power of sport and how table tennis can create dialogues and foster mutual understanding. This will inspire us to deliver an extraordinary and historical Championships and to encourage the dreams, hopes and aspirations of not only the entire table tennis community but also the next generation worldwide.我們要在休斯敦再次見證體育獨特的力量,以及乒乓球在創建對話、促進相互理解方面發揮的作用。這將激勵我們展示一場精彩又深具曆史意義的世乒賽,激發整個乒乓球界乃至下一代追求夢想、希望和抱負。
A few days ago, when the Chinese team arrived in Houston, I was deeply moved by the efforts ITTF, USA Table Tennis and Houston Sports Authority put into organizing a sports event during a pandemic. We have been thinking about how we can build on the China-US friendship kickstarted by our predecessors 50 years ago, and further enhance this relationship through sports events, sports activities and community events. On this basis, the CTTA alongside USA Table Tennis proposed to ITTF to have Chinese and American players paired up for Mixed Doubles – so that these athletes, who are friends with each other, can work together in the competition; so that fans from both countries can cheer them on, opening a new chapter of Ping-Pong Diplomacy in this new era.幾天之前,當中國隊到達休斯敦,看到疫情期間國際乒聯、美國乒協、休斯敦體育局在組織賽事方面的努力,備受感動。我們一直在思考,“乒乓外交”50年後的今天,我們如何在前輩夯實的中美友誼的基礎上,再深一步地通過體育賽事、體育活動、民間活動來增進兩國的友誼。基于此,中國乒協聯合美國乒協向國際乒聯提出混雙中美跨國配對的建議,讓這幾位原本就是朋友的運動員並肩上場,兩個國家的球迷們共同爲他們歡呼和呐喊,奏響新時期“乒乓外交”新篇章。
“乒乓外交”(Ping-Pong Diplomacy)始于1971年在日本名古屋舉行的第31屆世界乒乓球錦標賽(World Table Tennis Championships)期間美國選手科恩誤上了中國隊的大巴車,該事件促成了中華人民共和國與美國兩國乒乓球隊互訪的一系列事件(the series of history-making reciprocal visits by the US and Chinese national table tennis teams),從此結束了中美兩國20多年來人員交往隔絕的局面。中美兩國乒乓球隊的友好往來,不僅推動了中美兩國關系正常化(normalizing the countries’ strained relations)的進程,也加速了新中國走向世界的步伐。
China’s Ma Long and Germany’s Timo Boll played doubles together at the Qoros 2015 World Table Tennis Championships held in Suzhou, China.中國選手馬龍搭檔德國選手波爾參加蘇州世乒賽的男子雙打比賽。
Xu Xin paired with Yang Hae-un of South Korea to win the World Championships mixed doubles title in 2015.許昕和韓國選手梁夏銀搭檔,拿到了2015年蘇州世乒賽的混雙冠軍。
航天功勳獎章 Space Service Medal
The Communist Party of China Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission issued a joint statement saying that the top authorities had conferred a First-class Space Service Medal on Nie Haisheng, a Second-class Space Service Medal on Liu Boming and a Third-class Space Service Medal on Tang Hongbo. Tang was also named a “Heroic Astronaut”, an honorary title Nie and Liu have already received.中共中央、國務院、中央軍委決定,給聶海勝同志頒發“一級航天功勳獎章”,給劉伯明同志頒發“二級航天功勳獎章”,授予湯洪波同志“英雄航天員”榮譽稱號並頒發“三級航天功勳獎章”。聶海勝和劉伯明此前已獲得“英雄航天員”榮譽稱號。
陸軍、空軍(Army and Air Force):
上將(General), 中將(Lieutenant General), 少將(Major General), 大校(Senior Colonel), 上校(Colonel),中校(Lieutenant Colonel), 少校(Major), 上尉(Captain), 中尉(Lieutenant), 少尉(Second Lieutenant)
上將(Admiral), 中將(Vice-Admiral), 少將(Rear Admiral), 大校(Senior Captain), 上校(Captain), 中校(Commander), 少校(Lieutenant Commander), 上尉(Lieutenant), 中尉(Lieutenant Junior Grade), 少尉(Ensign)
2021年6月17日,我國航天員聶海勝、劉伯明、湯洪波駕乘神舟十二號載人飛船成功進入太空,順利完成與天和核心艙自主快速交會對接(fast autonomous rendezvous and docking with the Tianhe core module),並開展了一系列創新性、突破性科學試驗和空間應用任務,在軌駐留3個月,于9月17日順利返回。
The crew made two spacewalks, using a large robotic arm and other equipment to install and adjust devices outside the space station Tiangong.
The astronauts are outstanding representatives of Chinese science and technology professionals, space industry workers and PLA service members, who used their wisdom and devotion to make Shenzhou XII a complete success.神舟十二號載人飛行任務圓滿成功,凝聚著廣大科技工作者、航天員、幹部職工、解放軍指戰員的智慧和心血。三位航天員是其中的傑出代表。
母乳餵養 breastfeeding
China will promote breastfeeding over the next five years by improving hospitals’ consultancy services, public support facilities and protecting women’s working rights during lactation.未來五年,我國將通過強化醫院咨詢服務、公共設施建設以及保護哺乳期女職工權益等措施促進母乳餵養。
近幾年,不少地方政府陸續出台了有關女職工“五期”勞動保護的政策法規,“五期”指的是女職工的經期(menstrual period)、孕期(pregnancy)、産期(obstetrical period)、哺乳期(lactation)和更年期(menopause)。
Companies and administrative units will be required to ensure their female workers have access to maternity leave, and make reasonable schedules for mothers who are breastfeeding.用人單位要確保女職工享受産假,合理安排哺乳期女職工的哺乳時間。
母親在生産後按規定享受的一段假期是maternity/maternal leave(産假),如果是“帶薪産假”則爲paid maternity leave。Maternity和maternal這兩個詞都與mother這個詞相關,而拉丁語中的“媽媽”一詞爲mater,正是maternity和maternal的詞根。我們都知道英語中表達親戚關系的詞都是uncle、aunt這樣,而不是像中文那樣“叔叔”、“舅舅”、“姑姑”、“阿姨”分得很清楚,如果在表達的時候想要區分,可以在前面加上maternal或者paternal,比如:my maternal aunt就是“我姨”,而my paternal aunt則是“我姑”。
Mothers should have one hour for breastfeeding during work hours, which will be equivalent to an hour of work. Also, reducing salary or benefits, or laying off female workers due to breastfeeding is not allowed.
Buildings that are over 10,000 square meters and frequented by children, traffic hubs, attractions and shopping malls with more than 10,000 daily visitors should be equipped with individual rooms for mothers.
Supervision of baby products and medical units will also be enhanced. For example, any advertisement for baby dairy products, drinks or food claiming that it can replace breast milk is prohibited.
自動駕駛出行服務商業化試點 test run of robotaxi paid service
Tech giant Baidu Inc and self-driving startup Pony.ai are the first pair of enterprises granted permission to offer paid services and provide up to 100 self-driving vehicles for commercial pilot services within an area of 60 square kilometers in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.科技巨頭百度和自動駕駛初創企業小馬智行成爲首批獲許開展商業化試點服務的企業,現階段將在北京經開區60平方公裏範圍,投入不超過100輛自動駕駛車輛開展商業化試點服務。
“自動駕駛車輛”(autonomous/self-driving/driverless vehicle),又稱無人駕駛汽車或電腦駕駛汽車,是通過電腦系統操控實現無人駕駛的智能汽車。自動駕駛汽車依靠人工智能(artificial intelligence)、視覺計算(visual computing)、雷達(radar)、監控裝置(monitoring devices)和全球定位系統(GPS)協同合作,讓電腦可以在沒有任何人類主動的操作下,自動安全地操作機動車輛。提供出行服務的自動駕駛車輛則可以簡稱爲robotaxi。
Autonomous driving service providers can adopt market-based pricing mechanisms and charge for their services after clarifying fee policies and payment methods to passengers.
據央視新聞報道,當前試點服務的上下車環節需由乘客走到固定上下車站點(pick-up and drop-off points),而非自己隨意設置。試點服務的整體定價,參考了專車和網約車的定價機制(pricing is similar to the level of premium ride-hailing services),並且初期優惠力度會非常大。
截至目前,北京自動駕駛累計安全測試裏程接近300萬公裏。商業化試點(pilot run)是自動駕駛應用場景落地(commercial deployment of autonomous driving service)的最終環節,進而形成産業閉環。
Potential service providers should fully comply with and implement laws and regulations concerning autonomous driving and step up efforts to ensure security of personal information and online data.申請主體全面遵守和落實國家相關法律法規,加強對個人信息和網絡數據安全保護;
Service providers should set up a fully functional internet security system, carrying out effective management of internet service platforms and dealing with security incidents.
全球咨詢機構IHS Markit發布的一份報告指出:
The market size of China’s self-driving taxi services is expected to surpass 1.3 trillion yuan by 2030, accounting for 60 percent of the country’s ride-hailing market by then.到2030年,中國自動駕駛出行服務的市場規模將達到1.3萬億元,占全國出行市場的60%。
下一步,北京市高級別自動駕駛示範區(Beijing High-level Automated Driving Demonstration Area)將適時逐步擴大商業化試點路段或區域範圍(expand areas covered by robotaxi service),支持企業從無人化道路測試逐步過渡到無人商業化試點,持續爲公衆帶來自動駕駛出行服務體驗升級。
年度彈幕 trending bullet comment of the year
“彈幕”是近幾年興起的一種新的評論形式,指視頻播放時觀衆的實時評論像子彈一樣在屏幕上穿梭(real-time comments from viewers fly across the screen like bullets while a video is playing),這樣的“彈幕評論”在英語中一般用bullet comments表示,如果視頻播放時彈幕評論很多,占據了整個屏幕,就形成了bullet screen(彈幕)。
The trending bullet comment of the year “Po Fang Le”, or “this broke down my defenses” in literal translation, is a phrase used in games when a player’s defense is torn down by special moves.
moved to tears by a movie line被影視動畫中某句台詞戳中淚點,
left emotionally vulnerable watching a food video when one is hungry
inspired by athelets competing at the Olympics
bidding farewell to the generation of people who used to be part of one’s youth memory
在英語中,我們可以根據不同的語境用I was moved to tears, I’m overwhelmed,This really got me或者I’m shook來表達“破防了”。
B站2020年度彈幕是“爺青回”(My youth is making a comeback)。
B站2019年度彈幕是“AWSL”(“啊,我死了”的首字母縮寫,I’m dying)。
年度詞彙 word of the year
“NFT”當選《柯林斯詞典》2021年度詞彙。NFT是non-fungible token的縮寫,中文翻譯爲“非同質化代幣”,是記錄數字資産所有權的唯一數字標識符。柯林斯表示,NFT在2021年的使用率增長了110000%。
NFT is an abbreviation for non-fungible token, which according to the dictionary is “a unique digital certificate, registered in a blockchain, that is used to record ownership of an asset such as an artwork or a collectible.”NFT是non-fungible token的縮寫,據《柯林斯詞典》解釋,這個詞指的是“在區塊鏈中注冊的唯一數字證書,用于記錄藝術品或收藏品等資産的所有權。”
The word was inspired by Nasa’s mission to Mars, as data showed that users across the globe searched for the word online more than 243,000 times throughout the year.
The dictionary found there was a surge in searches for the meaning of “perseverance” between 18 and 24 February, after Nasa’s Perseverance Rover landed on Mars.
“Perseverance” is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as a “continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time”.
Words related to vaccines have spiked in frequency in 2021 due to Covid, with double-vaxxed, unvaxxed and anti-vaxxer all seeing a surge in use.由于新冠肺炎疫情,2021年與疫苗相關的詞彙更加頻繁出現,“接種過兩劑疫苗的”、“未接種疫苗的”和“反對疫苗人士”這些詞彙的使用頻率驟增。
OED senior editor Fiona McPherson says vax was an obvious choice as it has made “the most striking impact”.