我家5歲的狗去洗牙,結果被拔了15顆牙,拔完才通知我們,拔牙之前並沒有跟我們商量。(注:下圖血腥,請愛狗人士冷靜)就是這家寵物醫院,這個獸醫,我要讓所有養狗的人以後都要注意了,拔一顆牙收費是$25到$90他們就是這樣賺黑心錢!他們的理由和說法是松動的牙齒,都是爲狗狗好,這樣的解釋我們真的不能接受!網友給我們提供了家裏愛犬拔牙前後的對比照,拔牙前,兩個下牙清晰可見。看完醫生,牙消失了!在前面用紗布包裹的帶血狗狗牙齒照片中,我們也能看到其中有兩個大大的下牙。網友對于狗狗被拔多顆牙齒很詫異,也認爲醫院的收費標准不明確。從這張收費單來看狗狗共拔15顆,按照每顆均價來算的話$35.31。而醫院的收費從$25-$90,並沒有明確每顆牙齒的單價。從收據可以看出,網友這次給狗狗看病的花費相當高。新加坡眼在收到網友消息後,對該寵物醫院進行詢問。寵物醫院表示,他們非常看重寵物的健康,也一直致力于保護動物,沒有故意傷害的意圖。這位網友的愛犬的確在他們那裏被拔了牙,但在這之前,其實狗狗也在另一家診所拔過牙,而且有一些牙齒在沒有幹預的情況下脫落。這說明該犬的牙齒健康狀況在很小的時候開始,就不容樂觀了。同時院方還強調,有些牙齒可能表面上看起來很正常,但其實已經出現問題。在拔牙時,已經跟狗主人溝通過,他們沒有異議才進行了牙齒治療。而具體需要拔多少顆牙齒,是只有在全身麻醉後對狗狗進行檢查時才能確定。對于拔牙過程和拔牙尺度,院方在狗狗出院時和之後通過電話都與狗主人做了溝通。此事件最大的矛盾點,就是網友認爲寵物醫院的做法沒有得到他的允許,而寵物醫院則認爲已經溝通過了。對此,院方建議狗主人找第三方獸醫服務部門進行獨立審查。以下是寵物醫院聲明原文:Dear Editor of Singapore Eye:Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give our statement for this case.As pet guardians and vets, we must first trust that we all have our animals’ well-being at heart. As vets, our constant endeavour is to ensure the welfare of animals committed to our care. The goal of our treatment for every patient is to relieve pain and maintain good health.Prior to this dog’s dental appointment with us, we were informed that he already had several tooth extractions done at another clinic and since that dental, more teeth had dropped out without intervention, which indicates that his dental health was poor since a young age.Dental diseases can cause pain and other secondary health issues in your dog. Even though the surface of the teeth may look well, the roots of the teeth can be decayed and the teeth may be loose, which warrants extractions.The procedures and criteria for extraction (e.g. rotten roots and teeth, loose teeth and/or exposed roots) were explained in detail to the owners at the pre-dental consult and it was emphasised to the owners that the number of teeth that are required to be extracted would only be known when the dog is examined under general anaesthesia. There was no objection from the owners and we proceeded with the dental. The procedures and criteria for extraction were again explained over the phone after the procedure and at the time of discharge.
All procedures are done for our pets’ welfare at heart. In this case, this dog should not continue to live with loose and decaying teeth.
We once again emphasise that the goal of our care and treatment for every patient is to relieve pain and maintain good health. We advise all pet owners to maintain good dental home care for their dogs to prevent dental diseases.We have already replied the owners on social media. Instead of sharing one-sided accounts on social media, we have advised them to seek an independent review the services.