不過,當國家公園局派人到名勝世界視察後,發現這裏的海豚並沒什麽異樣。新加坡眼咨詢了名勝世界,他們給出以下答複: We are uncertain of the source of the video but we can share some natural behaviourial traits of dolphins. Dolphins have a natural curiosity about people and their surroundings. They are also very social and enjoy playing with other dolphins. At Dolphin Island, we allow our dolphins to swim on their own or in groups at different timings where they can explore and interact with one another in our large interconnecting lagoons which can be differently reconfigured to encourage play and socialisation. As part of their natural behaviour, they communicate with each other through echolocation, making high-pitched clicking sounds and other playful actions such as nudging objects using their rostrums to attract attention. Dolphin Island is accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), and we are committed to providing the highest level of husbandry and veterinary care for our marine mammals.我們不確定視頻來源,但是可以跟大家分享一些海豚天然的行爲特征。海豚對人和周圍的環境天生充滿好奇。它們也很喜歡社交和與其他海豚一起玩。在海豚島,我們會讓海豚在不同的時間獨自或成群遊泳,以便它們探索相互連接的大型瀉湖。而瀉湖也能進行調整,鼓勵它們嬉戲和社交。作爲天然行爲的一部分,它們也會通過回音、發出高頻的聲音,或是利用它們的喙輕敲物體來溝通或吸引注意。海豚島景點獲得動物園與水族館協會以及世界動物園和水族館聯合會的認證,我們一直以來都致力于爲園區內的海洋哺乳動物提供“最高水平的畜牧和獸醫護理”。 看到這幅場景,許多網友感到十分心碎,大家紛紛呼籲人們不要爲了娛樂傷害無辜的生命。“它已經慢慢地發瘋了。我在海洋世界看過類似情況。一只北極熊不停地左右搖頭。我問北極熊的馴養員,她說這完全正常,但我知道它已經發瘋了。海洋世界和其他類似的景點需要徹底被廢除。”