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根據新加坡聯合早報、The FINANCIAL等新聞媒體報道:亞太地區制造業者正加快數碼化進程,而且它的數碼化進程比美洲、歐洲、中東和非洲(EMEA)的同行來得更快。
該調查共訪問全球制造業公司約1155名執行人員,了解它們對第四次工業革命(Industry 4.0)時代的看法,從中制定了數碼成熟度指標(digital maturity index),反映制造業者的數碼化進展階段。
While Industry 4.0 is transforming manufacturing rapidly, only a small group of companies are in a position to gain real competitive advantages from this operations revolution. In PwC’s Strategy& Global Digital Operations Study 2018 only 10% of global manufacturing companies are dubbed as Digital Champions. These companies view digitization in ways that are far-reaching and aggressively innovative, well beyond mere automation and networking.
In the report, 19% of the manufacturers from Asia have achieved the Digital Champion status, compared to 11% in the Americas and 5% of companies in EMEA. It seems like the region’s young and tech-savvy corporate managers who are embracing digital technologies, as well as soaring compensation and production costs, have pushed manufacturing companies in Asia Pacific to digitize their key operations processes at a much faster rate than elsewhere in the world.
根據調查,有19%亞太制造業者已達到“數碼領先者”(Digital Champions)的地位,實施、試用或准備采納物聯網(IoT)和先進機器人等嶄新科技。這比率高于來自美洲(11%),以及歐洲、中東和非洲(5%)的制造業者。
普華永道新加坡亞太科技咨詢主管羅格朗(Pierre Legrand)說:“亞太地區公司側重創意設計和增強智能分析,將使到它們的成本相對較低,可擺脫傳統限制,推動新業務模式,進而超越全球其他同行。”