上周,科銀資本公衆號發布的《澳大利亞證券型通證發行(STO)指南》一文在STO相關社群內廣泛傳播,澳大利亞是否可以進行合規STO募資?應該如何操作?澳大利亞當地有什麽特殊要求?這些問題都亟需解答。 Leeks大學第四期便邀請到了澳大利亞澳大利亞 Hatchstone Legal首席律師Louisa Wen女士來爲我們分享:澳大利亞STO實操指南。
Louisa Wen澳大利亞 Hatchstone Legal首席律師澳新銀行金融業務法律顧問超過9年的法律和商業經驗,曾就職爲Allens Linklaters律師事務所的公司和商業律師,擅長金融服務法、電子支付代碼、國家信用法、隱私法和公司法等。
Laura Geng科銀資本人力資源總監、客戶經理
PART 1 主題訪談
What is the difference between a security token and theutility token and a currency in Australia?
Louisa Wen:
Currency isgenerally used for the payment for goods and services and it’s not necessarilyassociated with only being able to be used on a particular platform. A utility token isgenerally a token which is used to access a company’s platform for a specificpurpose (e.g. a data platform or any other platform that you might have outthere which is specific to that utility token). A security token is generally an interest in a company,likes shares in a company, or an interest in a managed investment scheme, buttokenized and on the blockchain.
Laura Geng:
What is the difference between a security token offeringsthat is a share and a managed investment scheme?
Louisa Wen:
A security token that is a digitised share is basicallyshares issued by a company and represented on blockchain. A managed investmentscheme is almost anything else that is a kind of like an investment wherepeople pool their money that isnot a share in a body under Australian law.
It is generally a fund where investors’ money is pooled andthat money is invested or used in some way to provide a return to investors.Investors would hold digitised units or interests in the managed investmentscheme. Many previous ICOshave fallen within the definition of a managed investment scheme underAustralian law.
Laura Geng:
To do a security token offer, will you need an AustralianFinancial Services Licence?
Louisa Wen:
If the security you are offering is interests or units in amanaged investment scheme, then you as the issuer would have to hold an Australian FinancialServices licence which authorises you to be able to actually operatethat scheme.
You would need to register the scheme with ASIC, yourcompany would need tolodge a constitution and compliance plan that complies with variousrequirements in the Corporations Act in order to offer interests in thatmanaged investment scheme.
You would also need to prepare the “product disclosure statement” whichis similar to the concept for prospectus but it’s quite specific for financialproducts that are not shares in a body as set out under the Corporations Act.
The other thing tobear in mind is that anyone who markets that managed investment scheme alsoneeds to have an Australian Financial Services licence which authorises it tomarket managed investment schemes.
On the other hand, if you issue token shares from a company,you would not need a licence. However, anyone who markets and promotes theshares would need a licence that allows them to do that.
Laura Geng:
Where can security tokens be traded?
Louisa Wen:
Currently, in Australia, whether the security token is aninterest in a managed investment scheme or a share token, your token cannot belisted on an ordinary crypto exchange, it needs to be on a licensed Market Operator exchangesimilar to that of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) or if themarket operator wanted to be the counterparty to the trades, ie. that buys andsells, they could operateunder an Australian Financial Services licence that authorises them tomake-a-market in those securities or managed investment schemes. This isbecause the token is a “financial product”.
Laura Geng:
目前在澳大利亞,無論證券型代幣是管理投資計劃的權益還是股票代幣,都不能在普通的加密貨幣交易所上市,而是需要在與澳大利亞證券交易所( ASX)類似的被許可的市場運營商交易所上市。
If there’s a security token exchange in Malta, Singaporeor elsewhere, can investors from elsewhere participate?
Louisa Wen:
If a security token is listed on a Malta or Singaporeexchange or elsewhere, the general answer is yes, subject to the laws of thatparticular jurisdiction not having any restrictions on people coming into thatspace. Malta is trying to be the hub for the rest of the world to invest insecurity tokens that are offered through Malta, so it may not have such restrictions.
Laura Geng:
In Australia, do you have to do AML and KYC for securitytoken offerings?
Louisa Wen:
If you are issuing shares in a company, then no, you do notactually need to do KYC on your shareholders under Australian law but you doneed to identify who your investors are because you need to keep a register ofinvestors so you need their name and address, but it’s not the full AML/CTF,KYC process.
If you are issuing interests in a managed investment scheme,you will be issuing it under an Australian Financial Services licence and so you will need to do KYC on allof your investors.
Laura Geng:
如果您所在公司發行了股票,那麽您並不需要根據澳大利亞法律對您的股東進行KYC,但您需要確定您的投資者是誰,因爲您需要保留投資者登記冊,因此您需要他們的名字和地址,但它不是一個完整的AML /CTF(反洗錢/反恐)、KYC過程。
When can you issue security tokens without disclosuredocuments?
Louisa Wen:
Basically, if you limit your offer to sophisticated and wholesale investors,you can make the offer without a disclosure document. Also, you can makepersonal offers to peoplewho are retail investors and can receive up to 20 of the retail investors inany twelve month period, provided you don’t raise more than two million dollarsfrom them.
There’s a similar exception with managed investment schemesbut you would still need an Australian Financial Services licence even thoughyou don’t need to register the MIS.
Laura Geng:
Are there any restrictions on what types of assets can betokenised?
Louisa Wen:
You can tokenise and fractionalise ownership to anythingthat a company can hold. There’s no reason why that company can’t just tokenisethe shares in that company.Anycompany that is operating now, can in the future tokenise their shares and havethem on the blockchain.
Laura Geng:
What has driven the recent increased interest in securitytoken offerings?
Louisa Wen:
ICOs have probably gained a pretty bad reputation frompeople who have done the wrong thing. As there is more compliance to a securitytoken offering (for example, the standard of disclosure is usually higher thanwhat we have seen in some whitepapers),we think it may bring more legitimacy to blockchainprojects. Hence there’s more interest.
Laura Geng:
How can Hatchstone Legal assist us with preparingsecurity token offerings and setting up a security token exchange?
Hatchstone Legal如何協助客戶准備STO以及開設證券型代幣交易所?
Louisa Wen:
We can assist you in deciding the structure best suited toyour needs and the offerings. We can assist with implementing that structure aswell as contributing to any prospectus or product disclosure statementrequired.
Laura Geng:
Hatchstone Legal可以幫助客戶確定並實施最適合客戶需求的STO結構。同時可以爲客戶准備證券型代幣發行所需的招股說明書以及産品披露聲明。
PART 2 社群問答
我們共收集了2位社群成員的6個提問,Louisa Wen都一一作了解答,篇幅所限我們選擇2個補充問答放在這裏,並感謝@KevinNie的參與。
Does STO in Australia refer to Equity Finance,or Equity Income Right Financing in Australia?
Louisa Wen:
You could do either – youcould incorporate a holding Australian company and issue tokenised shares oryour Australian company could enter into a contractual relationship with theunderlying business and use a structure similar to a VIE (Variable InterestEntity) structure.
Although most investors may be more comfortable withinvesting in a company with a direct share holding rather than a company thathas a contractual relationship with the underlying business.
Laura Geng:
Louisa Wen:
In Australia, we don’t have specific and defined classes ofshares like in China. (Wedon’t have A Share, B Share, H Share…)
An Australian company generally issue ordinary shares, butbeyond this, it can issue preference shares and further classes of shares suchas class A, class B, or class C shares…
Then, it is up to the company to give the rights attached to each class.For example the tokenised shares could be recorded as class A shares issued bythe company. The company could state in its constitution that class A shares donot have voting rights but can have rights to participate in dividends.
Laura Geng:
在澳大利亞,我們沒有像中國那樣,有針對股權/股權收益率的特定分類的股票。(沒有A B H股的說法)
PART 3 總結