國民服役賦予了服役者對于新加坡的認同感和責任感,這是新加坡兵役制度的政治和社會意義。軍人的服役期分爲兩種:1年10個月、2年。在新加坡的服役人員,在服役期間,每星期是可以回家的!享受正常的公共假期待遇!如果在作戰單位,一般是星期五傍晚或晚上回家,星期天夜裏得回營報到。但是,特殊情況比如部隊的訓練安排到了周六周日,部隊就會安排補休。 (圖源:wordpress/edmwimg)
一個由退伍軍人運營的臉書頁面“ The Reservist”很快對這名母親進行了回複。他表示,孩子是在服兵役,不是在參加教育部的露營活動。
Just clarifying a point:
The issue here is NOT parents picking up their NSF boys. After all, you got car you are perfectly entitled to go fetch your loved one etc. NO issue there at all. Even in places like US it is very common for families to go wait and pick up their loved ones coming back from deployment etc.
What the REAL issue here is thst this complaint is really bo liao at best. This is the military, and unless it’s ops, cannot always expect clockwork timing. Especially when it is a joyous event like milestone parade when he is probably celebrating, saying goodbye, etc with his friends and commanders. Or even enjoying some food and drink.
Yes it is sian to wait for 1.5hours (although you won’t complain if it’s hai di lao). But this is the military leh. The SAF is not some CCA UNIFORM group where you are obliged to cater to the preferences of parents every time. Yes it is important to engage parents, but first and foremost this is a military. Don’t need to sound as though the SAF is really f up and that they owe you for your time waiting.
Whilst I recognise this page aims to promote support for National Service, let’s not be too quick to judge this parent.
I personally feel his/her complaint is reasonable. Whilst I may not have been present or know the details behind the event, I think it’s fair to be annoyed when they have to wait till so late to receive their sons.
National Service isn’t just about the soldiers, the commanders, and anyone who wears green during those two years. If we want parents to be supportive, then we need to consider the repercussions of planning an event that potentially drags on till such a late time.
I’m certain we’ve all had unpleasant experiences of being held back for silly reasons before being allowed to book out. Imagine if there were elderly grandparents waiting to see their grandchildren to have a meal with them.
That being said, I’ve also had soldiers who had NO one to receive them. Soldiers who lived across the island from where their camps were situated, and had to journey home with all their gear by themselves. Instead of a pleasant conclusion to their final day in service, such an experience just reminds them once again why National Service is deemed inefficient and a “waste of time”.
Support for National Service stems from generation to generation. So please. Let’s receive this sort of feedback with open minds. We can do better. We SHOULD do better.