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據目前調查來看,他是39歲的新加坡人沙丹(Megat Shahdan bin Abdul Samad)。
“He subsequently made his way to Syria to join ISIS’ ranks. He is believed to still be with ISIS in Syria,” the ministry added.
The video was released by Al Hayat Media Centre, the media wing of terror group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and shared by sympathisers of the group from South-east Asia. It shows a fighter dressed in desert fatigues and identified as “Abu Uqayl from Singapore”.
In the 3min 30second-long video, seen by The Straits Times, a group of three fighters, including Abu Uqayl, are loading artillery rounds onto a truck in what is believed to be ISIS-held territory in the Middle East.
The video was first flagged by social media sites SMRT Feedback and observer+.
It is believed to be part of a series of videos titled Inside the Caliphate. Earlier videos have sought to appeal to Muslims in South-east Asia to migrate to Marawi in the southern Philippines to fight for ISIS.
Speaking to the camera in English with a South-east Asian accent, Abu Uqayl praised fighters in “East Asia” – which includes South-east Asia – and called on them to “sacrifice all that is precious”.
He then urged extremists elsewhere to join the East Asian fighters, or to travel to the Middle East to fight with ISIS fighters there.
He also addressed Britain’s Prince Harry, who visited Singapore in June this year to promote social causes.(他還向今年6月來新加坡的哈利王子喊話)
“To Harry, you come to Singapore and tell such stories to gain sympathy for the London terror attacks?(Harry,你來新加坡,講這樣的故事,是想要博取對倫敦恐怖襲擊的同情?)
“Why don’t you come here and fight us if you are man enough? So we can send you and your Apaches to hell fire.”(如果你夠男人的話,爲什麽不來和我們打一架呢?”這樣的話我們可以送你和你的阿帕奇直升機直赴地獄)
In the video, Abu Uqayl is seen firing off a round on a truck-mounted artillery gun, with the caption reading “power is shooting”.(在視頻中,我們可以看到Abu Uqayl架著軍用卡車裝備的火炮掃射一圈,一副耀武揚威的樣子,“開炮就是力量”)
Home Affairs and Law Minister K. Shanmugam said in a Facebook post on Sunday that the Internal Security Department (ISD) had been aware of Megat Shahdan’s activities, and had talked about him to community leaders.
The Ministry also urged anyone who is in contact with him or knows of anyone in touch with him to report it to the authorities.
“The Government takes a very serious view of anyone who supports, promotes, undertakes or make preparations to undertake armed violence, regardless of how they rationalise such violence, or where the violence takes place,” it added.
Mr Shanmugam added that so far, ISD has moved early to deal with those who showed signs of radicalisation in Singapore.
“Over time, we must assume more of this will happen. We have to think of ways of dealing with radicalisation of Singaporeans, that could take place outside Singapore, particularly in countries where the possibilities of radicalisation are higher,” he added.It is estimated that over 1,000 South-east Asians have travelled to the Middle East to fight for ISIS. Among them are at least two other groups of Singaporeans.
One, Haja Fakkurudeen Usman Ali and a manager in a Singapore supermarket, was 37 when he took his wife and three young children in early 2014 to Syria, where they are still thought to be.
The other, a Singaporean woman living in Malaysia who has not been named, was 47 when she went to Syria that same year with her 37-year-old Malaysian husband, and her son and daughter from a previous marriage.
ISIS had set up a South-east Asian unit, Katibah Nusantara, which groups fighters from the region and produces propaganda videos mainly in Malay and Bahasa Indonesia. But it has also been active in producing videos in English.
例如6月份的時候,新加坡內安部拘捕了一名22歲的新加坡籍女子Syaikhah Izzah Zahrah Al Ansari (伊莎)。
這個月初,也有2名受ISIS伊斯蘭恐怖組織洗腦的新加坡人被捕了。內政部當時發文告指出,其中一名叫伊姆蘭·卡欣(34歲,Imran Kassim),約三年前就出現思想激進化的傾向,曾至少兩次企圖到敘利亞參加伊斯蘭國組織(ISIS)的武裝鬥爭。
另一是女子莎基拉·貝甘姆(23歲,Shakirah Begam binte Abdul Wahab),是從2013年開始通過社交媒體認識伊國組織的海外恐怖分子。調查顯示,莎基拉只是享受這些外國戰士給予她的注視,而沒深受伊國組織極端思想的影響。她在去年初停止聯系恐怖分子,但還是繼續關注他們的動態。
根據內政部文告,在內安法下被扣留的是穆罕默德·拉齊夫(Mohammad Razif bin Yahya,27歲)及阿米爾丁·薩維爾(Amiruddin bin Sawir,53歲)。
至于受限制令約束的2名男子,是穆罕默德·毛希丁(Mohamed Mohideen bin Mohamed Jais,25歲)及王源東一(23歲)。