21 March, Thursday Night Hike:Kallang River
For walking enthusiasts and nature lovers! Come join us to take an evening brisk walk around Kallang River!
Event Planner: Singapore Hiking
Leader of the Group: Mr. Zai Shui Yi Fang
護尾:江鳥 姜榮芳
Protector of the team in the back: Ms. Jiang Niao & Jiang Rongfang
Set out time: 7:30pm Sharp on 21 March. No waiting for latecomers!
出發地點:加冷地鐵站(EW10)B 出口
Starting Point: Kallang MRT Station (EW10), at Exit B
Ending Point: Kallang MRT Station (EW10)
Hike Route:
Heading out from Lavender MRT station, walk along Kallang River to Singapore stadium,to Marina Barrage, to Helix Bridge, pass Singapore Flyer, walk back to Kallang MRT Station.
距離:12公裏 Distance: 12 km
徒步時間:2.4小時 Walking Time: 2.4 hours
難度:中等 Difficulty Level: Moderate
適合人群:10-60歲 Suitable for people aged 10 to 60
Leader’s address:
Enjoy the waterscape and the slaving lights along Kallang River, It is a romantic riverside path thriving with blooming flowers, curvaceous coconut trees,dazzling Ferris wheel and majestic spaceflight big ship! Take your cell phone, bring your boyfriend (Girlfriend) and go on a romantic hike with team leader. Do you want to watch the flowers? Enjoy a view of the ocean-going ships and watch the beautiful lights? Listen to the crickets and the sounds of the frogsin the nightlife! Come join us! Let’s spend a fun and energetics night together!
1. 自備所需的飲用水,幹糧,雨具,照明及防蚊噴霧劑等。
2. 行進途中請注意安全,緊跟隊伍不要擅自離隊;請聽從領隊和護尾的指揮,以免發生意外;隊友之間請團結友愛,互相照應。
3. 徒步自願,風險自擔。徒步過程中出現任何意外,請聯系您的個人保險公司,徒步群將不承擔任何責任。
4. 到達徒步現場必須主動找領隊簽到,否則領隊沒有點到名,將視爲缺席此次活動。 5. 替別人或給多人報名者,需要寫清楚所有參加者的微信名字,以方便後台統計。
Gentle Reminders:
1. Prepare water, unperishable food, an umbrellaand mosquito repellent.
2. Please pay attention to safety on the way, keepin step with the team and follow the commands given by the leader. In order toavoid accidents, we encourage teamwork and watch over each other.
3. This activity is completely voluntary, you are to join at your own risk. Singapore Hiking Group will not take anyresponsibility for any accidents that occurred in the course of the activity.
4. You are required to report to leader when you arrive,Otherwise it will be treated as absent if the leader doesn’t count your name.
5. The Wechat names of all participants should be clearly written,this is for the convenience of the administrator to compile the data.
How to join Singapore Hiking WeChat Group:
入群條件: 每季度最少參加徒步活動一次
Participation condition: Take hike at leastonce every quarter
To join: Join any of our hike events, and ask team leader or team protector invite you into the Singapore Hiking Wechat Group on site;
如何報名參加/取消參加本次活動:(How to Confirm/Cancel join this event)
1st Step: (Only for first time user), Scan the QR code below to follow Singapore Hiking WeChat platform and back to this “event information”
2nd Step: Click on the light blue “Write Comments”below here, Write “Attend” or “Cancel” and Submit.