新加坡外籍勞工中心與海事工程雇員工會的工作人員于2021 年 10 月 15 日(上周五)訪問了西雅惹蘭都康宿舍。這次訪問的主要目的是爲了解決客工們于10月13日所提出的問題,並觀察客工的身心健康狀態是否良好。盡管前兩天有大量的客工被轉移至別的宿舍,而剩下的客工也有些還未下班,訪問組仍與近200位客工進行了交流。
我們將繼續與 SMEEU、雇主、宿舍管理方及客工們合作,在未來幾天內繼續解決西雅惹蘭都康宿舍的問題。我們也將繼續觀察其他客工的情況,及時發現新的問題。另外,我們也會與人力部和任何利益相關者合作,提供及時並迅速的援助。在這方面,我們敦促所有有任何顧慮,或問題,或需要任何形式幫助的客工們不要猶豫,隨時通過我們的 24 小時幫助熱線 6536 2692 與我們聯系。
A team comprising staff from the MWC andthe Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union (SMEEU) was givenapproval by the authorities to conduct an engagement visit to Westlite JalanTukang Dormitory last Friday 15 Oct 2021. The visit was conducted for the teamto confirm that issues raised by residents on 13 Oct were being addressed, aswell as to check on the their physical and emotional state, and wherenecessary, to assist them to resolve any other lingering or new employment orwell-being related issues that they may have. Despite the fact that a largenumber of residents had been moved from the dormitory during the previous 2days, and many of the remaining residents had not returned from work at thetime of the visit, the team were still able to engage with nearly 200 migrantworkers (MWs) during the visit.
Delays in Transfers of Covid Cases
From our conversations with the MWs wespoke to, we were able to learn that most of their concerns regarding newlyimplemented Safe Management Measures (SMM) and Covid-19 testing and isolationprotocols had been resolved within a day after their plight was covered onlocal media (Oct 14). Up till the day before, we learnt there was some disorderover the rollout of new testing and isolation protocols, and together withlogistics and resource challenges faced with the transfer process to carefacilities, as well as an unexpected spike in infections among residents, therewere delays in moving Covid positive cases to off-site care and recoveryfacilities. The MWs confirmed that the authorities were promptly resolve thesituation by working with the dormitory operator and employers to rectify thedelays and bring order and stability back to the dormitory. They also told usthat since the improvements were made, the transfer process for Covid positivecases had become more timely, and they hoped that the smoother process wouldcontinue.
In our conversations with the workers, wealso detected that some amongst them did not understand the reasons andstrategy behind the new SMM, testing and isolation protocols, which might havecontributed to the confusion and disorder prior to 13 Oct. We have fed thisback to MOM and are working urgently with them to strengthen the communicationsand engagement, push out newly developed educational materials, in video andprint, and translated to the native languages, through our MWC AmbassadorNetwork (made up of senior MWs within the same workplaces and living places)and social media channels. Through the Ambassadors and our variouscommunication channels with MWs, including our 24-hour Helpline, we will alsobe monitoring the situation on the implementation of the new protocols and willsurface any other irregularities or delays immediately for MOM’s attention.111
Quantity, Preference, and Timeliness ofCatered Meals
From our engagement with the MWs during ourvisit, we were unable to meet anyone who claimed that the food was spoilt orcontained insects as circulated online. Nevertheless, we understand that theauthorities are still in the process of investigating into the matter. Whatmany of the MWs we spoke to did reflect to us, was that there were sometimesissues with the timeliness and quantity of the meals provided to them prior to13 Oct, and new controls put in by the authorities and employers ensured thatthese issues were rectified since then.11
In particular, we also heard from the MWswe spoke to that more could be done to suit the food catered to the tastes anddietary preferences of the workers, especially those from PRC China. As MWsfrom China have a wide range of dietary preferences based on where they arefrom, it can sometimes take time to reach the optimal catering arrangements forthem, and while we explained this to the workers, we told them categorically,that it is an endeavour that the employer must do right. We repeated to theChinese MWs that their employer had committed to put more attention andresources into working out the most optimal dietary preference solutions assoon as possible and reassured them that we too would continue to monitor theprogress of this aspect.11
Our conversations also raised an importantrelated aspect to food provision to the Chinese MWs. We were told that up untilthe week before 13 Oct, they had been able make online purchases of morefamiliar Chinese sundries, groceries and rations unobtainable from thedormitory’s on-site minimart, which would be delivered to them in thedormitory. As a result, many of them were able to self-help to supplement theircatered food with more familiar dietary options. The MWs explained that thesedeliveries to the dormitory were stopped a week earlier, ceasing this self-helpoption, and accentuating the less than optimal catering situation. As a meansto providing these MWs with quick and easy relief, we reflected to theemployers and dormitory management to restart the deliveries into thedormitory, and we understand that the dormitory residents appreciate the returnof this additional service111
Additional Concerns Raised
Our engagement also raised certain concernssome MWs had regarding the workplace environment. We recorded these concernsand together with SMEEU, fed them back to the employers so that steps may betaken to create a safer and more conducive work environment for allworkers. We understand that theemployers are implementing some measures in response to our feedback. As withthe other feedback we have given to the various stakeholders, we will alsocontinue to monitor these new measures, as well as the sentiment and conditionof the MWs in response.
Donations from Well-Wishers
MWC would like to thank all welfare andcorporate organisations that have stepped forward to donate sundries andprovisions to the MWs at Jalan Tukang Dormitory through our coordination, aswell as members of the public for their care and concern for this group of MWs.Having visited the dormitory to observe the mood and situation amongst theresidents, as well as engage with them directly, we can update that thesituation has been stabilised, with the key concerns of the workers having alsobeen addressed or in the process of being rectified. Well-wishers who wishstill to contribute towards the supporting needy or distressed migrant workersin general, are invited to continue doing so via the following link onGiving.sg – https://www.giving.sg/mwaf.11
While our entire community continues tocope with the fluid situation in response to the pandemic in our daily routinesand at work, the MWC wishes to reiterate that the care, well-being and dignitywe afford to all MWs should not be allowed to be comprised. We would like toremind all stakeholders that they should give their utmost attention to lookingafter the needs of all MWs, especially since they play a critical role inhelping our community and economy through this challenging period. We willcontinue to work with SMEEU, employers, the dormitory operator and the MWs tocontinue to resolve any lingering issues at Jalan Tukang Dormitory in thecoming days. We will also continue our sensing and monitoring effort on theground for emerging issues amongst other MW communities, and work with MOM andstakeholders to provide prompt and responsive assistance. In this regard, weurge all MWs who have any concerns or issues, or who require any kind ofassistance, to not hesitate, and reach out to us via our 24-hour helpline at6536 2692.1
Yeo Guat Kwang
Migrant Workers’ Centre