SSTC 學院創立于 1978 年,是一所優質的私立教育機構。新加坡教育部私立教育理事會 (CPE) 所授予爲期4年的教育信托認證,足以證明我們學院實實在在的履行了對提供素質教育和在卓越學術成績上的追求的承諾。 SSTC 學院的城市校區坐落在烏節 / 槟城路,環境優雅,交通便利,位于市中心,臨近新加坡很多著名的購物中心和旅遊景點。城市校區位于多美歌地鐵站旁的 PARKMALL,這樣的地理位置非常便于住宿在新加坡各地區的學生前往學院上課。 這兩個現代化的校區共有21間教室,教室寬敞明亮,配有空調、多媒體教學設及其他設施如,圖書館、實驗室、電腦室、禮堂和學生休息室,爲學生建立了一個非常有利于學生學習的環境。
全職和兼職教師都擁有專業的資格與豐富的教學經驗,教師們時刻都准備好傳授他們的見解和知識。學術和考試委員會負責確保 SSTC 學術活動的質量和水准達標。 SSTC 學院提供的課程有預備課程和英語課程,除此以外也爲學生提供多種專業,如商科、旅遊及酒店管理等。國際性的合作有與英國大學和美國大學的合作,提供幾項學士學科升學途徑的高等教育課程。
SSTC 最主要的目標是專注于學生,致力爲他們提供能幫助他們實現自己目標和職業理想的素質教育。學生更能在此經曆與體驗來自亞太地區和遙遠的北方國家,如蒙古和俄羅斯,組成的國際化群體所帶來的文化環境。
SSTC學院全力以赴,勢要成爲一所提供素質教育而被國際公認爲專業領軍學院。我們期待 SSTC 學院成爲學生在業界首選的學院。 學院的知名度說明了學院院內所頒發的文憑與證書,不僅要被新加坡本地公司或大學所承認,更要被各個區域市場所認可。
這些年來,我們的使命始終如一,就是專注于學生及其志向與抱負。SSTC 希望爲學生提供高素質教育使他們能夠實現自己的目標和職業理想。無論學生的志向是什麽,SSTC 渴望能夠在其追夢的過程中扮演一個引領其步入成功道路的重要角色!
使命決定我們行動爲何,而信念則界定了我們如何行動。SSTC 認爲,達成最重目標和其過程與方法是一樣的重要,因此學院堅持學生必須要以正確的方式,正確的心態去實現它。SSTC 所提倡的 S.P.I.R.I.T ,列出了學院寶貴的價值觀,希望將此價值觀傳授給在本院學習的每一位學生,真心爲學生提供全面性的教育,充分發展學生的才智、個人潛能及個人修養,培養出一位具備個人操守、專業精神、道德和社會意識的人才。
目標 全力以赴勢必要成爲一所提供素質教育並受國際公認的專業領軍學院。 使命 我們的使命就是你的目標 — 給你力量帶你走向成功之道! 信念
Sinncerity — 真誠待人
Professionalism — 專業進取
Integrity — 誠實正值
Respect — 尊重他人
Innovativeness — 創新突破
Trustworthiness — 值得信賴
服務保證 我們保證所有的教職員都擁有相符合的資格。 我們保證所有的職員都具備個人操守和專業精神。 我們通過意見反饋,進行自我檢討與提升,保證無時無刻都給予學生們高質量的課程。 師資隊伍
SSTC 學院在挑選和招聘教職人員方面是非常嚴格的。所有的老師除了必須擁有相關學科的教學資格以外,還必須擁有比所教之課程更爲高級的教學水准。此外,身爲學院的教師都必須具有2年以上的教學經驗,而學院的教師大部分的教學經驗更是超過了10年之久。
對于英語教師而言,除了基本的學位要求外他們還必須具有一份專業教學文憑,同時具備標准的英文發音。 爲了保證教學內容與時並進,學院的教師都定期參加培訓以掌握最新的教學技巧。
學術委員會 學術委員會負責監管 SSTC 學院在學術事務的政策和程序上的審與發展符合要求,並不僅限于學術質量保證問題。 委員會還促進學院對該政策和程序的實行與服從。 委員會在審查確定導師擁有基本的資格要求、經驗和CPE所規定的條件以後,才會允許該導師在 SSTC 學院所提供的任何課程或科目開始授課。 學術委員會成員
Dr. Roger Low Kit Fai (主席)
Doctor of Business Administration
Mr. Daniel Teo Tong How
Bachelor of Architect
Mr. Emil Halim Dereinda
Master of Technology Management
Mr. Kevin Phun Kia Jong
Bachelor of Arts (Upper 2nd Class Honours)
Ms. Angeline Chang
Dr Lim Cheng Hwa (主席)
Ph.D (Marketing)
Dr Roger Low Kit Fai
Doctor of Business Administration
Mr. Emil Halim Dereinda
Master of Technology Management
Mr. Kevin Phun Kia Jong
Bachelor of Arts (Upper 2nd Class Honours)
(最近更新:2017年7 月8 日)
爲迎合與滿足各學生的需求,SSTC 學院提供了多種學術專業課程!
新加坡-劍橋高級教育證書 “A” 水准考試預備課程
新加坡-劍橋普通教育證書 “O” 水准考試預備課程
SEAB ‘A’ 水准考試補習課程
第三級 BTEC 商務大專文憑 商務管理理學士(榮譽)學位[專升本課程] 工商管理學士學位 [網絡教學:專升本課程]
第五級 BTEC 商務高級大專文憑
第三級 CTH 酒店與旅遊業大專文憑 (QCF)
第四級 CTH 旅遊管理大專文憑 (QCF)
第四級 CTH 酒店管理大專文憑 (QCF)
第五級 BTEC 酒店管理高級大專文憑
第五級 CTH 旅遊管理大專文憑 (QCF)
第五級 CTH 酒店管理大專文憑 (QCF)
第六級 CTH 酒店與旅遊管理大專文憑 (QCF) 培生
第五級 BTEC 旅行和旅遊業管理大專文憑 (QCF)
行政秘書 (LCCI) 英國倫敦工商會專業文憑預備課程
商務管理 (LCCI) 英國倫敦工商會專業文憑預備課程
私人秘書 (LCCI) 英國倫敦工商會專業文憑預備課程
Gems 假日營
GEMS 假日營 – 英語與數學課程 (假期遊學課程)
辦學至今已有 37 年的曆史,多年的辦學曆程中 SSTC 一直以教育爲本,爲學生提供高質量教育。SSTC 堅持優質教育並取得了卓越成績,同時在政府機構裏有著良好的聲譽。SSTC 與時並進隨著本地與國際教育界的發展趨勢而變化與調整,開設相應的課程以適合現實社會。
學習體驗 SSTC 專注于提供質量教育,同時具備完善的學生管理系統。學院以小班制與完美的師生比例爲學生提供一個豐富且個性化的學習與輔導環境,使教育真正以人爲本,易教易學。所有院內在職的教師無論全職或兼職都符合並達到學院高標准要求,且都具備豐富的教學經驗。SSTC 將根據學生的水平能力精心設計每一節課的課堂活動。學術與考試委員會時時確保 SSTC 保持高質量的教學。 靈活的開課時間 提供多個開課時間以讓國際學生有更多的多入學機會。高級教育課程爲配合學生的需求,更提供了全日制和業余制。SSTC 爲學生設計了幾項榮譽學士學位的升學途徑。 教育信托認證資格 (EDUTRUST) 四年期認證 EduTrust 教育信托認證是一個自願性的的質量保證計劃,由私立教育理事會 (CPE) 所頒發,旨在表彰那些整體教育服務的提供始終都能夠保持高水准質量的私立教育機構,讓較好的私立教育機構能夠更加凸顯自己與一般的私立教育機構區分開來。取得4 年期EduTrust教育信托認證,足以說明 SSTC 滿足並兼備優秀的條件,超出強制性注冊架構 (ERF) 所設定的基本標准達到更高的質量標准。SSTC 秉持 CPE 的宗旨堅持嚴格的監管標准和質量保證,以便達到保障學生福利和利益的目的。 學生服務 SSTC 學院擁有家庭文化,不管是學生或職員,我們都是一個大家庭。 學生在 SSTC學習過程中將得到學生服務團隊的專業指導,得以在全面的教育方式下提升學生個人全方位的發展。 執行總裁寄語
In 1978, SSTC Institute was known as the Systematic Secretarial Training Centre. It was then a sought after secretarial training school with many graduates moving up to become executive directors and entrepreneurs.
We remain the leading secretarial school offering the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Secretarial Qualifications till today. SSTC was the first in Singapore to introduce the LCCI Private and Executive Secretary’s Diplomas. In fact, we are still the only school in Singapore to offer the Executive Secretary’s Diploma Qualification awarded by Pearson LCCI.
In the 80’s and 90’s, SSTC introduced the English Language and Preparatory Courses to cater to the foreign students from Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and even Russia. Subsequently, we received students from Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam. Of late, we also students from Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.
Guided by our vision to be recognised for providing quality education and directed by our mission to empower our students to succeed, we have proudly established partnerships with reputable universities and international educational organisations, such as Pearson Education International, the University of Illinois Springfield (USA), Texas A&M University (USA), and the University of Salford Manchester (UK). These partnerships have realised our aspirations to offer internationally recognised Diplomas, Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes.
Indeed, it has been a very long but meaningful journey for me in the private education industry having the priviledge of working with Singapore Quality Class (SQC), Spring and now The Council for Private Education (CPE). We have always strived for excellence in our delivery of Quality Education and our commitment to the SPIRIT (Sincerity, Professionalism, Integrity, Respect, Innovativeness, and Trustworthiness) of SSTC Institute.
You as a valued partner and friend are a part of our continuing success. So please join me, as we reach new heights and achieve greater milestones, with a refreshed brand name that represents a bigger and better us!
I wholeheartedly thank you for being with me, with us all these years and I look forward to your continued support to SSTC Institute – The Social Sciences, Technology and Commerce Institute!
Warm regards,
Rose Yeo CEO
SSTC Institute
Since its inception in 1978, SSTC has always endeavoured to deliver the best that we can offer
To be sincere in what we do and to ensure that professionalism is upheld with integrity and respect for one another are core values reflected in our staff. These values create a sense of trustworthiness between the school and its students, as well as parents, who have entrusted SSTC with providing the best education for their children. Innovativeness is also a value we practice to ensure we continuously look for better ways to improve on our delivery and services to our students
2014 was an important year for SSTC in our ongoing journey towards excellence. Students aiming to pursue a UK degree are now able to complete their entire degree pathway at SSTC as we now offer a focused degree pathway for students who have completed 10 years of education. The pathway for these students begins with the Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma followed by the Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diplomas and eventually onto the top-up degree programme from the University of Salford, Manchester, UK. At each step of the pathway, students will obtain internationally recognised qualifications from Pearson before they eventually enter the university top-up degree programme.
The Advanced Diploma in Commerce and Liberal Arts (ADCLA) is the first of its kind offered by a Private Education Institution in Singapore. This course is based on the syllabus developed by the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS), USA, and will directly allow students to articulate into the bachelor’s degree programme at UIS. Being part of the world-renowned University of Illinois system, UIS has a lot to offer to students pursuing an American degree.
2018will be another exciting year as we continue to strengthen the various Preparatory Programmes that we have been offering for more than a decade and expand into other fields of study. SSTC has recently been appointed as a CILEx (Chartered Institute of Legal Executives) Centre as well as a Cambridge English Language Assessment Centre. These appointments will drive SSTC to expand into the area of Legal Studies and enhance its already well-known English Language programme. This year, we will also be looking forward to the launch of new programmes in the areas of Law/Legal Studies, Performing Arts, and Sport Management
At SSTC, our culture represents that of a large extended family. We would like to welcome you to the SSTC family and we are confident that we can work together to achieve your academic goals.
Warm regards,
Emil Dereinda Principal
SSTC Institute