(2018年4月18日)【文/觀察者網 徐乾昂】近年來,印度官員沉迷於所謂「古印度科學論」。宣稱對飛機、整形手術、外有引力等發明發現擁有「版權」還不夠,近日又有印度官員介紹了令人哭笑不得的歷史,印度5000年前就有「網絡」。
據印度時報消息,當地時間17日晚間,印度特里普拉邦首席部長德普(Biplab Deb)在當地發表一場面向民眾的講話,主題為「印度科技」。
3月9日,德普(右)宣誓就職特里普拉邦首席部長 莫迪(左)助陣 圖自印度斯坦時報
印度有關俱盧之戰的繪畫作品 圖自印度快報
這也不是印度官員第一次「挑戰歷史」了。《華盛頓郵報》稱這一些荒謬的源頭,是莫迪曾向印度的科學家們提出的一個倡議。在2015年1月舉行的印度科學大會(Indian Science Congress)上,莫迪在開幕式上的演講中,鼓勵印度人「去給科學揭秘」。
莫迪在印度科學大會上發言 圖自印度斯坦時報
到了2018年1月,拉賈斯坦邦教育部長德夫納尼(Vasudev Devnani)將牛頓趕到一邊,號稱在一本古籍中找到了證據,說印度數學家、天文學家婆羅摩笈多二世首先發現了外有引力,比牛頓早1000多年。
三個星期後(1月21日),印度人力資源部國務部長辛格(Satyapal Singh)在一場活動中公開質疑達爾文的生物進化論,稱其「在科學上是錯誤的」。他當時說道,「自從人在地球上被看到的那天起他就一直是人。我們讀過的書或是長輩給我們講的故事中,都沒有提到有誰看到過猿變成人。」
印度人力資源部國務部長辛格(Satyapal Singh) 圖自印度斯坦時報
Internet existed in the days of Mahabharata: Tripura CM Biplab Deb
Eureka! India invented internet lakhs of years ago says Tripura CM
(April 18, 2018 12:30)Speaking to ANI, the Tripura chief minister said that only the narrow-minded people will find it hard to believe the facts stated by him. “It is virtually impossible to conceive of devices like “Divya drishti”, Pushpaka Ratha’, etc without some kind of prototype and study thereon”, tweeted Roy today.
Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb has stunned everyone with his statement that that Internet and satellitecommunication existed in the days of Mahabharata. He said the character Sanjaya must have used both technologies to give a detailed account of the battle to King Dhritarashtra from miles away. “There was technology available at that time. the Internet was there, satellite communication was there”, the 47-year-old Chief Minister repeated confidentally.
Tripura CM said, ‘The Europeans and the Americans may claim that it is theirs, but it is actually our technology’. The richest culture belongs to our nation and I feel proud of it. He further stated that internet existed even during the times of Mahabharata
. “See Microsoft, it may be a United States company but most of its engineers are all from our country”, he added.
Deb also viewed that since the era of the Mahabharata, India was top in technology but somehow in the middle, it got lost.
He took oath as the Chief Minister recently.
Indians weren’t convinced, taking to social media to mock the lawmaker, prompting “Tripura CM Biplap Deb” to trend on Twitter.
In early 2018, Union minister Satyapal Singh said that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution “is scientifically wrong” and suggested changes in school curriculum over the matter, reported the Hindu at the time.
Just a few days after BJP leader Satyapal Singh questioned Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution of humans and termed it “scientifically wrong”, another BJP leader has come out with yet another freakish remark.