most entrepreneurs have learned that it's almost always quicker and easier to get cash fromsomeone you know, rather than angel investors or professional venture capitalists. in fact,most investors "require" that you already have some investment from friends and family beforethey will even step up to the plate.
you see, investors invest in people, before they invest in ideas or products. since they don'tknow you (yet), their first integrity check on you as a person is whether your friends andfamily believe in you strongly enough to give you seed money for your new idea. if they won'tdo it, they why would i as stranger invest in you?
friends and family will likely not expect the same level of sophistication on the business modeland financials as a professional investor, but they do expect to see certain things. here is asummary of some key items to think about as an entrepreneur before approaching friends,family, or even fools:
1. don't be afraid to ask, carefully. if you set around quietly waiting for someone you know tooffer you money to fund a startup, you will probably have a long wait. on the other hand, if youopen every conversation with "i need money," you won't have any friends or any money.practice your "elevator pitch," and end it by asking for the order.
1. 不要怕開口,言辭需謹慎。如果一位創業者安安穩穩地等待某位熟人爲他提供初創企業的啓動資金,他或許得熬上相當長一段時間。另一方面,假如創業者逢人就說:“我需要錢,”他恐怕連一個朋友都交不上,更別說籌措到資金了。創業者需要好好練習一下“電梯間演講”,把要錢的話放到最後來說。
2. be upbeat and respectful. nothing kills everyone's optimism and desire to help quicker thana negative or arrogant attitude. if they are going to put cash into your company, chances arethat they will expect to spend a fair amount of time together, either helping you or certainlydiscussing progress. nobody likes a downer.
3. be passionate about the idea. friends and family will quickly detect your level of sincerityand thought behind the idea. you need to convince them that you have been working on thisvision for a long time, and have done the "due diligence" on all the potential knockoffs.daydreams and "the idea of the moment" won't get much respect.
4. demonstrate progress and your own "skin in the game." saying that you need money tostart is not nearly as convincing as saying that you have built a prototype on your own dime,but need more to roll it out. we all know people who can talk a good game, but never getaround to building anything.
5. ask for the minimum rather than the maximum. we would all love to have a million dollars offunding to "do it right" and build the company of our dreams. but your chances are minimal offinding someone who will give you that much to start. set some milestones for three or fourmonths out, and show what you can do, then ask for more.
6. communicate the risks, and write down the agreement. be honest with naive familymembers and friends about the inherent risks of a startup — at least 70% fail in the first fiveyears. don't take money from family or friends who can't afford to lose it. think hard about theconsequences of a possible startup failure and the loss of their funding.
6. 告知風險,立字爲據。一定要向天真的親朋好友們坦率的說明創業的固有風險——至少有70%的初創企業可能會在開張前5年倒閉!不要從無力承受損失的家人或朋友那裏拿錢。務必要仔細想想創業一旦失敗,資金投入損失殆盡的後果。
7. show some incremental value along the way. look for ways to get some traction with aminimal product, while you are still developing the main event. in high technology, this is called"release early and iterate," which allows you to make corrections as you go, as well as adjustfor the market changes. it also shows progress to early backers.
7.一步一步地顯示遞增的價值。創業者依然在開發核心産品的時候,需要設法用外圍産品獲得市場的某種認同。在高科技領域,這叫做“盡早推出,查漏補缺(release early and iterate)”,這種方式可以讓創業者一邊開發産品,一邊根據市場變化對其進行修正,這樣做還可以讓早期的支持者看到企業的進步。
8. network to build investor relationships before you ask for money. having a real project,rather than just an idea, is a strong positive when networking for angels or vcs. now you reallyhave something to discuss, and real credibility as an entrepreneur. build the friendship first,ask for advice on a real project, then maybe money later.
overall, don't think of friends and family funding only as a last resort. there are massiveadvantages, like sharing profits with friends and family, as well as the strategic credibility thancan be gained from funding from someone you know, rather than from a professionalinvestor.
i hope all of these points seem like common sense to you, and you wouldn't think of handling itany other way. yet, i'm continually amazed at how often i am approached as a professionalinvestor by strangers asking for a million dollars to fund an idea, without hitting even one ofthe above points.
we can all recount horror stories of families and friendships torn apart by lost onsomeone else's speculative dream. in these cases both the entrepreneur and the fundingpartner are the fools. don't be one.
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